Тема благотворительности является очень актуальной в наш век. Тысячи людей в мире не имеют своей работы, своего дома, своей семьи. они нуждаются в нашей помощи, в нашей поддержке. Ученица 10 класса Асанова Дарига попыталась исследовать состояние благотворительности в мире, в Казахстане, в своем селе и в родной школе. Она изучила много литературы, просмотрела видеофильмы, чтобы найти ответ на вопрос:Почему люди совершают благие дела, почему люди нуждаются в благотворительности. Основная идея работы - определить пути благотворительности, пробудить сознание людей.
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1. Annotation 2
2. Мнение руководителя 3
3. Introduction. 4
4.Chapter I. Why do people do the charity? 5
5.Chapter II. The Charity 7
6. Chapter III. The Charity in Kazakhstan 9
7. Chapter IV. Reference 11
8. Chapter V. The Charity in our school 12
9. Chapter VI. The Charity in our village 13
10. Chapter VII. Helping others 14
11. Chapter VIII. Questionnaire. 16
12. Conclusion 22
The problem of charity in our new generation is very actual. There are a lot of people who has no work, no home, no family. They need real help. This work tries to research the charity in the world, in Kazakhstan, in our village and in our school. It shares the ideas about charity with us. It was researched a lot of additional materials to find the answer to the question: Why people do the charity? Why people need the charity? The main idea of the research work is to identify the ways of charity, to awake the people.
Жаңа ғасырда қайырымдылық мәселесі өте маңызды болып табылады. Әлемде талай адамдар жұмыссыз, үйсіз, отбасысыз күн кешуде. Оларға нақты көмек керек. Бұл жүмыс әлемдегі, Қазақстандағы, ауылдағы және мектептегі қайырымдылық мәселесін зерттеген. Қайырымдылық мәселесі туралы ойларымен бөліседі. Жұмыстың негізгі идеясы қайырымдылық мәселесін шешу жолдарын табу.
Тема благотворительности является очень актуальной в наш век. Тысячи людей в мире не имеют своей работы, своего дома, своей семьи. Они нуждаются в нашей помощи. В этой работе попытались исследовать состояние благотворительности в мире, в Казахстане, в селе и в школе. Было исследовано много литературы чтобы найти ответ на вопрос: почему люди совершают благие дела? Почему люди нуждаются в благотворительности? Основная идея работы определить пути благотворительности, пробудить сознание людей.
Мнение руководителя:
Об исследовательской работе «Благотворительность»
ученицы 10б класса средней школы-гимназии №34 имени К.Абдыгулова
Асановой Дариги.
Данная работа исследует состояние благотворительности в мире, в Казахстане, в селе и в школе. Тему работы ученица выбрала сама, мотивируя тем, что эта проблема очень ее волнует. Здесь она исследовала рост благотворительности в школе, провела блиц-опрос среди своих соклассников и составила диаграмму.
Актуальность работы заключается в том что она заставляет оглянуться вокруг и помогает растопить зачерствелые сердца людей, будет хорошим пособием для изучающих английский язык и для учителей английского языка.
How support people, who need your help, how help them make it through life, how can we care about our friends and people us don’t know? All these questions are researched in this work. This work is about charity. The main idea of the identify the ways of charity.
Aims of the research :
To explore the act o giving money, goods or time to the unfortunate.
To research why we do the charity.
To demonstrate a variety of them
To help other students to find the ways of charity
To research the charity in the world and in our country.
The object of the research is the charity as an act of helping.
The results of the research can be used by English-learners and the teachers of English.
Chapter I. Why do people do the charity?
What is the charity? Why do people help each other? Why are people so different? Someone can kill a man, and another one can save and protect. I often think about this but can`t find the answer. Today, I will talk about the charity.
Many people think that nothing depends of each person. Experts assert that mostly facilities for help people sacrifice with small sufficiency .
While our hearts will not grow cold, while we can sympathize and experience, then we are able to help. We are able to give life and hope to other people. Helping other, giving something, a human feels human. When you are giving your hand to another for help- it is the charity.
Together we really can very great deal. It’s very important not to forget about it.
As said Confucius: “ That who gives - fills a heart”
Why do you need charities?
Think about all the terrible rain you've seen in your life. Imagine if you were outside with no jacket or blanket and clothes that are ragged and torn ? Where would you go? What would you eat? How would you stay warm? These are normal problems for some people overseas, and even here! Some people put up with these things all the time, as if they're a part of everyday life. to us, these things sound like a nightmare. It's not as if these people choose to be born with no home. It's not as if they want to be poor. That's just how life is for them: hard and sad. So we support them, help them make it through life, give them money and a home. We care about our friends, so why not people who we don't know and need more help?
Why do we need them so much?
Why don`t poor people get money themselves? They can`t get their own money, because they can`t get a job having not gone to school. But then the first part, why we need them. We need them to support anyone in need, because they can`t support themselves. These innocent people and animals could die without our help! Sure, we all know that the phone calls from charities are annoying, but would you rather answer a phone call and maybe save someone`s life, or sit around ignoring the phone call and let an innocent creature die? Is that really fair?
Why are charities needed?
To help others who are in need. Also to help others who are much less fortunate than we are and need our help
You can put money in the charity pot to help them raise money for hospitals and for the people that need it. Some charities have shops, so you can go to them and buy clothes and things for a really good price. Anyone can go into a charity shop and buy, you don't only buy things, you can donate your clothes, toys, books to them.
Charities give help and support to families that have people that are ill like cancer research. They give money to hospitals so that they can give treatment to cure them to get better.
You can be a volunteer at a soup kitchen;
You can give money to a trusted organization;
You can buy a holiday gift for the less fortunate;
You can give blood to Red Cross;
You can read to the blind;
You can clean your house, then donate it;
You can donate food and clothes
Chapter II. Charity.
Charitable giving is the act of giving money, goods or time to the unfortunate, either directly or by means of a charitable trust or other worthy cause. Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as almsgiving or alms. The name stems from the most obvious expression of the virtue of charity; giving the recipients of it the means they need to survive. The impoverished, particularly those widowed or orphaned, and the ailing or injured, are generally regarded as the proper recipients of charity. These people who cannot support themselves and lack outside means of support sometimes become 'beggars', directly soliciting aid from strangers encountered in public.
Some groups regard charity as being properly directed toward other members of their particular group. Although giving to those nearly connected to oneself is sometimes called charity — as in the saying "Charity begins at home" – normally charity denotes giving to those not related, with filial piety and like terms for supporting one's family and friends. Indeed, treating those related to the giver as if they were strangers in need of charity has led to the figure of speech "as cold as charity" – providing for one's relatives as if they were strangers, without affection.[3]
Most forms of charity are concerned with providing basic necessities such as food, water, clothing, healthcare and shelter, but other actions may be performed as charity: visiting the imprisoned or the homebound, ransoming captives, educating orphans, even social movements. Donations to causes that benefit the unfortunate indirectly, such as donations to fund cancer research, are also charity.
With regards to religious aspects, the recipient of charity may offer to pray for the benefactor. In medieval Europe, it was customary to feast the poor at the funeral in return for their prayers for the deceased. Institutions may commemorate benefactors by displaying their names, up to naming buildings or even the institution itself after the benefactors. If the recipient makes material return of more than a token value, the transaction is normally not called charity.
In the past century, many charitable organizations have created a 'charitable model' in which donators give to conglomerates give to recipients. Examples of this include the Make a Wish Foundation and the World Wildlife Fund. Today some charities have modernized, and allow people to donate online, through websites such as Xperedon or Just Giving. Originally charity entailed the benefactor directly giving the goods to the receiver. This practice was continued by some individuals, for example, 'CNN Hero' Sal Dimiceli, and service organizations, such as the Jaycees. With the rise of more social peer-to-peer processes, many charities are moving away from the charitable model and starting to adopt this more direct donator to recipient approach. Examples of this include PureCharity and Kiva.
Institutions evolved to carry out the labor of assisting the poor, and these institutions, called charities, provide the bulk of charitable giving today, in terms of monetary value. These includeorphanages, food banks, religious institutes dedicated to care of the poor, hospitals, organizations that visit the homebound and imprisoned, and many others. Such institutions allow those whose time or inclination does not lend themselves to directly care for the poor to enable others to do so, both by providing money for the work and supporting them while they do the work. Institutions can also attempt to more effectively sort out the actually needy from those who fraudulently claim charity. Early Christians particularly recommended the care of the unfortunate to the charge of the local bishop.
There have been examinations of who gives more to charity. One study conducted in the United States found that as a percentage of income, charitable giving increased as income decreased. The poorest fifth of Americans, for example, gave away 4.3% of their income, while the wealthiest fifth gave away 2.1%. In absolute terms, this was an average of $453 on an average income of $10,531, compared to $3,326 on an income of $158,388
Chapter III. The charity in Kazakhstan.
In Kazakhstan, the charity has its own characteristics.
Practice shows that in our country the charity is given only to those who need help and mercy. According to representatives of the area , the higher the salary of the people is the more difficult they give to charity their money .
Thus, only 0.5 percent of the country's citizens are engaged in charity work in the classic sense . While the vast majority of the concept of mercy comes down to the old woman and the transfer of unnecessary things in children's homes . As for Non Government Organisations, they are activated at the time of the implementation of a grant. In general, the domestic "market " of charity can be estimated at 300-400 million tenge. For comparison, on charity in the United States each year is spent 2 percent of GDP.
In our country the charity as it is, but as it would not. Charity is the mass during the celebration of any religious or other holidays and is reduced to zero by the end of the solemn days. Mercy increasingly engaged in by those who need help , and fewer are those who are able to help . To date, Kazakhstan is characterized by chaotic charity , the lack of consistency, focus on people with disabilities and orphans .
And the more often you can hear the phrase : " Who gave Himself would ."
In Kazakhstan people prefer to engage money in sponsorship , receiving a benefit for himself , such as free advertising campaign.
So, first of all charity is assigned to businesses . It is called corporate social responsibility and is based on one rule: after dinner comes the reckoning . However, domestic companies engaged in charity chaotic, but if someone has something through someone very tearfully asks , as opposed to foreign companies that are present in Kazakhstan , which lay in its annual budget a certain amount for sponsorship or assistance to vulnerable populations.
- The state is trying to help develop the charity. An example of this is the concept of socially responsible business. But the biggest hurdle now for entrepreneurs - a high taxation. In this charity also taxed. If, for example , in the West, a tax break for companies engaged in charity work, ranging from 10 to 30 percent , in Kazakhstan - just two.
- International experience shows that the only effective mechanism for promoting the provision of charity - is the realization in the legislation following a simple principle : the state does not levy fees and taxes charitable donations.But not only from commercial organizations are waiting for support need . It would seem that the stars of show business and the public in general, people known public figures and politicians to improve their image could deploy active charities following the example of the West.
- The practice shows a different picture. We have a list of the 160 most famous personalities of Kazakhstan , only four out of the list for this year have paid attention to charity .The reason is in that we haven`t the lack of culture of charity itself.
But in terms of the non-governmental sector is not so smooth : most of the NGOs - is " dead souls" that appear only when there is an opportunity to win a grant , and closed when the grant expired.
Another feature of the domestic charity in that it is aimed solely at people with disabilities and orphans. It is not paid attention to the education and development of sports and culture. No one is helping veterans.
Chapter IV. Reference
* 51 percent of Kazakhs do not do charity ;
* 40 percent do charity from time to time ;
* 9 percent of Kazakhstan regularly to charity ;
* 0.5 percent of Kazakhstan engaged in actual charity - in the sense in which it is understood in the modern world ;
* Domestic "market " of charity can be estimated at 300-400 million tenge. Kazakhs donations make up only 30-45 percent of the total amount of charitable funds tenge per year. And the higher the salary the people , the more difficult they are to part with their money ;
* For comparison - in the United States are engaged in charity work for about 90 percent of Americans , the amount of donations to charity consistently exceed 2 percent of GDP.
Chapter V. The charity in our school.
Every year our pupils raised more than 30.000 tenge, gather clothes for poor pupils, plant over 30 trees, worked with other schoolchildren around the village , started a variety of different projects , such as ‘Save the nature’, help old people around the house.
From 15-th August to 14-th September in our school was “the month of Charity”. There conducted charity bazaar, where were participated pupils from 1 to 11 classes . Pupils collected in bazaar 35 310 tenge.
For the pupils from 8 class Savlaev Arman and Savlaeva Meruert ,were bought the clothes: jackets, bags, sport costume, sneakers, shoes and uniforms.
Chapter VI. The charity in our village.
This year Kazakhstan celebrated the Feast of Sacrifice - Kurban Ait on October 15. This day is announced to be a holiday in the Republic. Kurban Ait in Arabic is a feast of sacrifice. |
Kurban in Arabic means “approach”, approach to Allah through spiritual purification and commitment of good deeds. Kurban Ait lasts three days, and at this time, Muslims sacrifice one of the animals: sheep, cow, he-sheep or camel. It is believed that those who performed Kurban Shalu (sacrifice) ensured well being to the family. The most important day of Kurban Ait for Muslims is the first day. On this day Ait-namaz is prayed in mosques, it is the first day when religious people try to congratulate each other and to invite at a generously laid dastarkhan. The Muslims believe that during the days of Ait they should try to be in a good mood, to be gracious and forgiving. It is considered correct if quarrelled people can forgive each other and make peace. Visit of patients and, possibly, help the needy, orphans and widows, let them feel the holiday spirit are also in the list of good deeds, which they can make these days and get sauab for it. |
Chapter VII. Helping others.
Batyrkhan Shukenov is famous Kazakh musician. But Batyrkhan isn’t just famous for his music. He is also known for improving the lives of children. In 2009 , the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) recognized Batyrkhan’s work for children. They made him a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for Kazakhstan. Batyrkhan said:”I’m very honoured and I recognize the importance of the new responsibilities that I will have. I believe that we can change the situation of children in Kazakhstan for the better, and it is the responsibility of every citizen to take of our children”
The World’s Biggest Band “U2” have sold more than 100 million albums worldwide. Their live concerts are always a huge success. They have used their fame to campaign for international human rights and to fight AIDS in Africa.
John Gumer lives in New York. He inherited a million dollars when he was 22. John was far from happy. His college friends were looking for their first jobs, and he could retire. He didn’t believe that anyone should be rich but he suddenly had a lot of money . John decided to live a simple life. He eased his conscience by giving $100 000 of this money to a political party in South Africa.
French footballer David Ginola is one of the great stars of the English Premier League. Ginola is no ordinary footballer. He has worked as a fashion model , a television presenter and has even appeared in shampoo adverts. Ginola has been asked to help the campaign against landmines ( a kind of bomb that in buried and explodes when it is stepped on) . He will soon visit Cambodia and Angola where landmines kill or injure children every day. His main reason for joining the campaign on to help children injured by landmines.
Doctors without borders
In 1971 there was a war in a part of Nigeria called Biafra, in western Africa. People were dying, children were hungry and there was a lot of disease. There were thousands of people who needed medical help – but there were no doctors no nurses to help them. Some doctors from France went to work there as volunteers , and some of them decided to start an organisation to help disaster victims all over the world. That was when Medecins Sans Frontieres was born.
Since it started , Medecins Sans Frontieres has helped people all over the world. The disaster might be war or an earthquake or tsunami or a famine – anything that means people need medical help.
The organisation’s headquarters are in Geneva Switzerland. It is non-political – which means that no government controls it. About 90% of the money that MSF needs comes from government and business . MSF helps everyone, it doesn’t matter what their race, religion or politics are.
MSF has about 3,000 volunteer doctors in nearly 60 different countries. These volunteers do many different things : some, of course, care for people who are sick or injured, and others train local doctors and nurses in their own countries. MSF also sends engineers to poor countries to help people to do things lake making wells, so they can have clean water.
It is often dangerous work for volunteers. They are sometimes attacked , or kidnapped, or killed. For example , five MSF volunteers were killed in Afghanistan in 2004.
In 1999 Medecins Sans Frontieres won the Nobel Peace Prize. This was recognition of the work that MSF has done, and of the courage of the men and women who work for the organisation.
Music that changes lives.
Most tourists don’t go to the small neighbourhood of Candeal. But if they’re interested in music , maybe they should. Carlinhos Brown was born here in 1962. He arrived on the Brazilian pop scene in 1982 and in the 1990s he became known internationally as the leader of the music group Timbalada. The group consisted of more than 100 percussionists and singers , the majority of them young kids from Candeal. They recorded eight albums and toured various countries around the world .
In the 1980s and 1990s ,Candeal was a very poor area, and Carlinhos wanted to do something for the kids. So he opened the Pracatum Music School. On a classroom wall he painted, ‘This is the school of my dreams’ , to inspire the students.
Hudreds of young people between five and twelve have learnt to play music there. They start by playing complex samba rhythms on plastic containers and tin cans. Then they go on to their instruments. Many of the students at the school have become very successful musicians.
The school has been training young musicians from the area since 1994 – and it’s been doing it for free. ‘My musical work began here as a student with Carlinhos’, says Jair Rezende. He lost both his parents as a boy and says Carlinhos was like a second father to him. Jair is now a teacher himself and he’s been working at Pracaum Music School for many years. ‘We’ve been helping kids o stay away from drugs and violence and to get good marks at school’.
For some years now, the schools has been working together with government programmes . and now there is a big project for improving the neighbourhood of Candeal. ‘What’s the miracle of Candeal?’ Rown asks. And he answers , ‘It’s a labour of love’.
Together we really can do very great deal. It is very important not to forget about it. While our hearts will not grow cold, while we can sympathize and experience, then we are able to help. We are able to give life and hope to other people. Helping other, giving something, a human feels human. I want to say to my classmates, to my friends, to my teachers, to all people who I know and don’t know – look around! Look around and you will see someone who needs your help. Give him your help, and the world will change not only for him, for you too! There is a Russian proverb “ земля круглая” , it means that today you have given your help him, and tomorrow this help will be returned to you.
questions | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J |
№1 Yes | 14 | 10 | 5 | 15 | 4 | 16 | 17 | 20 | 2 | 20 |
№2 No | 6 | 10 | 4 | 5 | 16 | 4 | 3 | 18 | ||
№4 Don’t know | 11 |
In this diagram we see that many people in our school think positive about the charity. Only some pupils don’t know if their parents took part in the “Kurban-Bairam” . All the pupils took part in the charity bazaar in our school and think that the charity can give help and support to poor families. 18 of them took part in the “Kurban-Bairam” and 17 pupils like to do the charity.
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