Проект влючает в себя материал о правонарушениях в Москве на дорогах, основные правила дорожного движения. сравнительную характеристику наказаний за правонарушения на дорогах в России и Великобритании.
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Тема проектной работы
«Преступление и наказание» на дорогах России
Автор: Ткачук Владимир 9-3
Воробьев Вячеслав 9-3
Руководитель: Косачева Ирина Николаевна
Сроки выполнения проекта с 05.10.13 по 26.01.14
Project Work
Students: Tkachuk Vladimir
Vorobyev Slava
Supervisor: Kosacheva Irina Nikolaevna
The title of my project is “Crime and punishment” on Russian roads. I think the theme of the project is very urgent nowadays. The main purpose of my project is to analyze a situation on Russian roads and try to find out the main causes of traffic collisions. I can`t stand back when I hear the mass media news about car crashes with hundreds of injured and killed people in them. I want to find a solution for myself why...Why do so many people die on Russian road?!
The main tasks of my project are:
Methods: analysis of articles in the press, research of Russian and English rules of driving and fines for driving offences, comparison of punishment in Russia and England, making diagrams
In conclusion, I’d like to say that our government has to take necessary measures to prevent dangerous driving, to ensure better organization of motor and pedestrian traffic. It is impossible to expect a major improvement without the firm provision of law and order on Russian roads. I wish Russian drivers could have more responsibility for driving and respect each other on the roads.
Traffic collision
A traffic collision, also known as a traffic accident, motor vehicle collision, motor vehicle accident, car accident, automobile accident, car crash, or car smash (Australian) occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree or utility pole. Traffic collisions may result in injury, death, vehicle damage and property damage.
A number of factors contribute to the risk of collision including; vehicle design, speed of operation, road design, road environment, driver skill and/or impairment and driver behavior. Worldwide, motor vehicle collisions lead to death and disability as well as financial costs to both society and the individuals involved.
Some people think, that the road laws are written by fools and for fools. They think, that the speed limits are only for those, who cannot drive perfectly or don’t have an expensive car, and our life is only a “Need for Speed” game. As a result, latest years there was a total disrespect of road rules in Russia, especially among the rich people and their children.
Survey of traffic accidents for resent years
The report of Russian Interior Minister: V.Kolokoltsev
The situation on Russian roads remains tense but the traffic accident rate is steadily on decline. The tense situation on Russian roads creates many threats, including the one to the national demographic potential. More than a half of traffic accidents deaths are able-bodied people. Traffic accidents have many factors. Firstly, the number of vehicles in this country has grown by almost 2.5 million. Secondly, the number of rapid cars has grown. Thirdly, the existent roads are unable to cope with the traffic intensity.
The drivers are also responsible. More than 80% of traffic accidents occur through their fault. It is impossible to expect a major improvement without the firm provision of law and order on Russian roads.
Meanwhile, the number of traffic accidents continued to decline in January-May 2011. The traffic accident mortality rate reduced by 13.1%, while the rate of injuries went down by 4.6%. The number of traffic accidents caused by drunk drivers decreased by 17%.
A drastic improvement of the road situation depends on the professionalism of traffic police officers,
the constructive and professional conduct of traffic police officers has saved thousands of lives.
The federal road safety program has saved over 10,000 lives in Russia; the federal government adopted the program in 2010 when the scale of traffic accidents turned disastrous.
The federal government had the goal of reducing the number of traffic accident deaths by 1.5 times by the year 2013. Measures were taken to prevent dangerous driving and to ensure better organization of motor and pedestrian traffic in large cities.
In addition, Russia is switching to computerized driving exams that will provide for a more objective evaluation of knowledge of prospective drivers.
The main task is to ensure safety of pedestrians and to enlarge the capacity of roads, that will require appropriate funding and city development plans.
There is a global traffic safety crisis, and 1.2 million people get killed in traffic accidents worldwide each year, experts estimate the world damage caused by traffic accidents at over $500 billion per year.
Thus, a smaller number of traffic accidents and related injuries is a primary socioeconomic task of all nations.
Russia is fully aware of the urgency of this problem and working on its solution, some 315,000 people died and over 2 million were injured in traffic accidents of the past decade.
The rapidly growing number of vehicles in Russia is an add-on factor, personal incomes are growing, and many people buy vehicles. It is not a secret that Russia has the biggest traffic mortality rate in Europe.
About 42,000 drivers have been fined with the help of information from video cameras in the Moscow region since July 1, 2012. The video monitoring system is very efficient. It helps us provide law and order on the roads.
According to statistic reports, the number of traffic accidents and violations of traffic zones has reduced a lot in areas monitored by video cameras. It has reduced in a number of regions. Drivers know about video cameras and their discipline improves.
This is the desired result. Our goal is not to punish as many drivers as possible but to prevent violations, which may have rather severe consequences. That is why, we do not conceal our video cameras but mark them with special signs. Besides, there is no direct contact between the driver and the traffic police inspector, which reduces corruption and business.
The number of traffic accidents and road casualties is on decline in Moscow region.
A total of 1,881 traffic accidents were registered in the first quarter of this year, which was 15.6% less than a year before, the traffic accidents killed 369 people (or 17% less) and injured 2,300 people (or 13% less).
Eighty-five percent of traffic accidents occurred because of violations of traffic rules by drivers, which was 13% less than in the previous year.
The number of children killed in traffic accidents reduced by 50% in the first five months of this year, while the number of injured children went down by 21%, yet the rate is still impermissibly high.
We give special attention to children. 'Auto' towns are opened for minors where they can learn traffic rules. Traffic control is tight near school buildings, summer camps and recreational facilities. We are checking out the technical conditions of buses, which will take children to places of their summer rest.
Up to 400 violations are daily registered on pedestrian crossings in the Moscow region.
Drivers are responsible for 70% of such accidents, and 30% are the fault of pedestrians.
At the same time, the number of vehicles registered in the Moscow region declined by 28% in the beginning of the year. In all, we registered 93,000 vehicles, including 66,000 of the foreign make, and half of them were brand new. The share of foreign made vehicles amounted to 70% a year ago, as against 49% at present.
Meanwhile, a source at the Moscow city traffic police department told Itar-Tass that Moscow drivers had become more disciplined: there were fewer drunk drivers and speeders.
Yet drivers were responsible for 2.1 million violations and pedestrians for another 314,000 last year. More than 14,000 drunk drivers were stopped on Moscow roads, almost 6,000 less than the year ago. The stricter punishment has brought positive results.
Stricter road control near crosswalks cut the number of deaths by 30% and the number of injured pedestrians by 19% this year. In all, there were 1,167 accidents involving pedestrians in the Moscow region in January-May 2012. The accidents killed 211 people and injured 1,028.
Punishment for drivers' neglect of pedestrians has become more severe, and that helps, the 100-ruble fine for the driver's failure to let a pedestrian cross was hardly an adequate measure.
Nevertheless, traffic police inspectors fined 74,688 drivers on that charge last year, now the fine amounts to 800 - 1,000 rubles.
In 2011 Moscow traffic police registered almost 27,000 cases of speeding (4,500 less than in 2009) and nearly 101,500 cases of red light running (12,000 less). At the same time, the number of aggressive drivers taking a counter lane amounted to 22,700 in 2009 and 47,300 in 2011.
More than 1.8 million drives were fined in 2011, as against 1.4 million in 2009. The indicators for pedestrians stood 238,000 and 198,000 respectively. Judges of peace retrieved licenses of 64,200 drivers or 3,000 more than the year before.
Last year the number of traffic accidents went down by 10.9%, from almost 15,000 to 13,300. The number of deaths declined by a fourth to 865 people, while the number of injured fell by 11.2% to slightly more than 15,000.
Survey of 2013
During 11 months of 2013 in Russia there were 187,098 accidents with injured. According to the statistics the number of injured of road accidents increased by 1.2% compared with the same period of the previous year, while the number of accidents increased by 2.8%. The most common cases that provoke the accident were identified ignoring speed limit, running a red light and out into the oncoming lane. Such cases of breaking a law provoked 163,391 accident (up 4.7%), which killed 22,138 people (an increase of 3.4%), and 216,286 were injured (up 4.8%). Also the number of accidents increased due to the poor state of the roads and streets. Because of the poor quality of the roadway was 37 882 accidents, which killed 6,235 and injured 47,177 people. Most regions of the emergency by the number of such accidents were Voronezh and Samara region, and the Stavropol region. The number of accidents that occurred because of alcohol was below this level and made 11,853 traffic accidents. However, we can`t speak about low rates in this case, for the same number of these accidents increased by 3.2%. The number of victims of drunken accidents decreased by 5% to 1888, but has suffered more - injuries of varying severity were 17,241 people (an increase of 2.6%). Experts think that much of an increase in the number of accidents due to the growth of the Russian cars. However, over 70% of all accidents occur because of lack of discipline drivers.
In Moscow
According to report to law enforcement, drivers in Moscow on 8% more likely involve in road accidents. For six months, the city had recorded for 5615 accidents. Most emergency district was South-East.
In addition, in Moscow is growing the number of accidents, the police noted an increase in the number of traffic violations. Muscovites have become increasingly cross to the opposite lane and speeding. But the number of detainees to be drunk drivers decreased by 9.9%.
According to statistics from the traffic police, drivers in the capital within six months of the year 5615 were in accidents, which is 7.9% more than the same period last year. The largest growth is seen in the number of accidents in South-Eastern District of Moscow (+38%). Next on the list is Zelenograd (36.7%) and Southern (21.6%).
Rules and Regulations on Russian Roads
Look! Read! Remember!
Outside of the main cities the rural areas present their own difficulties and roads there are often poorly maintained with few road markings. Russia is to invest a lot of money into building roads and it needs it;. If you do not speak Russian then it is advisable to have a guide as the countryside can be quite dangerous. Car hire Russia can offer chauffeur driven vehicles.
Some of the more important rules which you could get caught out on: It is illegal to pick up hitchhikers, you must drive with dipped headlights during the day and it is illegal to drive a dirty car.
You also need to have the following things in the car.
• A warning triangle in case you break down
• Headlamp converters
• A first aid kit
• A fire extinguisher
Winter is the most dangerous time of year to drive in Russia for obvious reasons. You must make sure that you have winter tires fitted and snow chains to hand. These can be obtained cheaply from your car rental company. Follow the weather reports closely and try not to venture out in snowstorms.
Russia has one of the world's highest rates of alcohol related accidents and that is why there is a zero tolerance policy to drink-driving.
Right- and left-hand traffic
The terms right-hand traffic and left-hand traffic refer to regulations requiring all bidirectional traffic, unless otherwise directed, to keep either to the right or the left side of the road, respectively. This is so fundamental to traffic flow that it is sometimes referred to as the rule of the road. This basic rule improves traffic flow and reduces the risk of head-on collisions. Today, about 65% of the world's population lives in countries with right-hand traffic and 35% in countries with left-hand traffic. About 90% of the world's total road distance carries traffic on the right and 10% on the left. With a few minor exceptions, each country specifies a uniform road traffic flow: left-hand traffic (LHT), in which traffic keeps to the left side of the road, or right-hand traffic (RHT), in which traffic keeps to the right.
The terms nearside (or kerbside) and offside (or off-kerb side) are used in some English-speaking countries to refer to the sides of a vehicle: the nearside is closest to the kerb (i.e., generally corresponding to the direction of traffic) and the offside is closest to the centre of the road. Vehicles are usually manufactured in left-hand drive (LHD) and right-hand drive (RHD) configurations, referring to the placement of the driving seat and controls within the vehicle. Typically, the placement of the steering wheel is on the offside of the vehicle: LHT countries generally require use of RHD vehicles, and RHT countries generally require use of LHD vehicles. This is so that the driver's line of sight is as long as possible down the road past leading vehicles, an important consideration for overtaking (passing) manoeuvres.
There are LHT countries where most vehicles are LHD (see Caribbean islands below)—and there are some countries with RHT and mostly RHD vehicles, such as Afghanistan, Burma, and the Russian Far East, in the last case due to import of used vehicles from Japan. Many countries permit both types of vehicles on their roads. Terminological confusion may arise from the terms left-hand drive or right-hand drive to indicate the side of the road along which vehicles are driven.
The Geneva Convention on Road Traffic (1945) has been ratified by 95 countries and requires each ratifying country to have a uniform direction of traffic in the country. Article 9(1) provides that -
“ | All vehicular traffic proceeding in the same direction on any road shall keep to the same side of the road, which shall be uniform in each country for all roads. Domestic regulations concerning one-way traffic shall not be affected. ” |
A sign on Australia's Great Ocean Road reminding foreign motorists to keep left.
Punishment for traffic offences
Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle to a value of not less than 10 but not more than 20 kilometers per hour is a warning or a fine of 100 rubles.
Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle to the value of more than 20 but not more than 40 kilometers per hour is a fine of 300 rubles.
Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle to the value of more than 40 but not more than 60 kilometers per hour is a fine of 1000 to 1500 rubles.
Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle to the value of more than 60 kilometers per hour is a fine of 2000 to 2500 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive the vehicle to a period of 4 to 6 months.
Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle to the value of more than 80 kilometers per hour is a fine of 5000 rubles or withdrawal driving license for 6 months
Departure for traffic violations in the lane designated for oncoming traffic when passing obstacles fine from 1000 to 1500 rubles.
Departure for traffic violations in the lane designated for oncoming traffic, or on tram tracks opposite direction withdrawal license for a period of 4 to 6 months.
Driving to the red light or prohibiting the movement of the traffic controller is a fine of 1000 rubles
Riding without fasten seat belt is a fine of 1000 rubles.
Driving without license is a fine of 5000 to 15000 rubles.
Driving by person who has been deprived driving license is a fine of 30000 rubles.
Driving while intoxicated is a fine of 50000 rubles + withdrawal for 3 years
Driving while intoxicated, which has occurred as a result of the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances is a fine of 50000 rubles withdrawal for 5 years
The UK
In general, organization of traffic in England is at a fairly high level. The road system is different and well thought-out convenience. Even small roads have quality coverage. To avoid traffic jams, there are many road junctions, as regulated and unregulated, including different levels. Places where it can be jams, indicated by appropriate traffic signs.
Are our roads really getting safer? The official statistics out today from the Department of Transport show that, for a lot of people, they are. Except for cyclists, that is.
The drop isn't huge - but it is there. People killed or seriously injured on Britain's roads are by 2% to 6,630 in the third quarter of 2011. If you look at all casualties on the road, that's still 52,490 people hurt or injured - but it's down by 5% from the same period last year when it was 55,105.
Rules in the UK
Penalty points
For every traffic violation, you receive penalty points: If you collect more than 12 penalty points within three years, your license will be automatically revoked for at least six months. Depending on the individual offense and/or your total number of penalty points, you may also face a fine, an appearance in court, a longer disqualification from driving or even jail time (in very serious cases). New drivers should note that their license will be suspended if they get more than six penalty points within the first two years of driving.
The aim of penalty points is to influence and improve driver behavior and address the unacceptable levels of death and serious injury on our roads. International experience has demonstrated the penalty points system has proven successful in reducing the number of road deaths in those countries.
Traditionally this was a system whereby consistently bad drivers would end up disqualified from driving. Should you accumulate 12 penalty points or more on your license over any 3 year period then you can be disqualified from driving (usually for 6 months). People falling into this category are generally known as "totters". The ban is not mandatory, so it is possible to argue you should not be disqualified despite having 12 or more points. It can also sometimes be better to accept a short ban for an offence than have the points and be disqualified under the totting-up procedure. This can be a risky strategy and we do not recommend you try it without proper legal advice. There are some exceptions to the general rule, the main one being drink driving convictions, which remain active on your licence for 10 years
Punishment for some crimes
The police may ask for the driver suspected of a violation, take a breath test. If the violation is committed in the first time, a fine is £ 5,000 and / or imprisonment for 6 months and withdrawal of driving license for 12 months.
Using of seat belts is compulsory for front and rear passengers. A fine is £ 500.
For a Fixed Penalty, the maximum fine is £60. For a case referred to Court, the maximum is £1,000, except for motorway offences, where the maximum is £2,500.
Driving offence | Prison | Fine | Driving ban | Penalty points |
Causing death by dangerous driving | 14 years | Unlimited | Obligatory. Min 2 years compulsory re–test. | 3–11 |
Causing death by careless driving under the influence of drink or drugs | 14 years | Unlimited | Obligatory | 3–11 |
Failing to stop after an accident or failing to report an accident | 6 months | £5,000 | Discretionary | 5–10 |
Driving when disqualified | 6 months | £5,000 | Discretionary | 6 |
Driving without insurance | N/A | £200/5000 | Discretionary | 6-8 |
Speeding | N/A | £60/1000/2500 | Discretionary | 3-6 |
Seat belt offences | N/A | £60/500 | ||
Use of hand–held mobile phone whilst in charge of a vehicle | N/A | £1,000 |
Fine Comparison
Offences | Russia | The UK |
Speed limit | From 100 to 5000 rubles( or withdrawal driving license for 6 months) | £1000- 2500(on motorway) |
Drunk driving | Withdrawal from 1,5 to 2 years | Prison for 14 years and a fine up to £5,000 |
Out into the oncoming lane | A fine of 5000 rubles or withdrawal from 4 to 6 months | |
Running a red light | a fine of 1000 rubles | £1,000 |
Unfasten seat belt | a fine of 1000 rubles | A fine is £ 500 |
Usage of mobile phone while driving | A fine of 300 rubles | £1,000- 2,500(driving a bus) |
In conclusion, I’d like to say that our government has to take necessary measures to prevent dangerous driving, to ensure better organization of motor and pedestrian traffic. It is impossible to expect a major improvement without the firm provision of law and order on Russian roads. I wish Russian drivers could have more responsibility for driving and respect each other on the roads.
1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_collision
2) http://www.drivingban.co.uk/drivingoffencespenalties.htm
3) http://www.russian-offences-code.com/
4) http://www.thesun.ie/irishsol/homepage/news/article4739433.ece
5) http://www.rhinocarhire.com/Drive-Smart-Blog/Drive-Smart-Russia.aspx
Слайд 1
Crime and punishment on Russian roadsСлайд 2
Tasks of the project : 1) To find statistics of car accidents on Russian roads for the recent years 2) To figure out the most common traffic offences in Russia 3) To compare the UK & Russian road rules and regulations 4) To compare fines and punishment for some offences 5) To make a conclusion
Слайд 3
Traffic collision
Слайд 4
Car Accident Statistics in Russia
Слайд 5
Firstly, the number of vehicles in the country has grown by almost 2.5 million.
Слайд 6
Secondly, the number of rapid cars has grown.
Слайд 7
Thirdly, the existent roads are unable to cope with the traffic intensity
Слайд 8
According to statistics from the traffic police, drivers in the capital within six months of the 201 3 year 5615 times were in accidents, t he largest growth is seen in the number of accidents in South-Eastern District of Moscow (+38%).
Слайд 10
Driving regulations in Russia The speed limit is 60kph in built-up areas, 90kph on open roads and 1 1 0kph on motorways - but if you've held your license for less than two years, you shouldn't exceed 70kph The drink driving limit is zero - so there must be no alcohol in your blood when driving If you're caught committing a driving offence, while driving through Russia, you'll be given an on-the-spot fine You shouldn't use your horn except in cases of extreme danger It's illegal to pick up hitchhikers If you're involved in an accident or your car breaks down, you must contact the police as well as any break down organization You should always use dipped headlights during the day It's common for state police to stop drivers and check documents, particularly if your car has foreign plates It's illegal to drive a dirty car Seat belts when driving a hire car in Russia are mandatory. The use of a mobile phone while driving is prohibited, with the exception of a hands-free system. Drivers are to carry at all times while driving, a valid driver`s license, registration documents and insurance documents.
Слайд 11
Drive on the left-hand side of the road. Always pass (overtake) on the outside (right) lane. Do not block the middle lane if the inside lane is clear. When approaching a roundabout, give priority to traffic approaching from the right, unless otherwise indicated. You must always stop at a red traffic light. At a junction there's no general priority rule - priority is marked at most junctions. All traffic signals and road signs must be obeyed. All vehicles must give way to emergency services vehicles. The use of a car horn is not permitted in built-up areas from 23:30 to 07:00 hours. Do not drive in bus lanes during restricted hours. See signs by the side of the road for times. It's illegal to use a mobile phone when driving. If you need to make a call, find a safe place to stop first. Seat belts must be worn by the driver and front seat passenger. Where rear seat belts have been fitted, they must also be worn. The minimum driving age is 17. Driving regulations in Britain
Слайд 12
But w hat is the difference?
Слайд 13
Punishment in the UK Driving offence Prison Fine Driving ban Penalty points Causing death by dangerous driving 14 years Unlimited Obligatory. Min 2 years compulsory re–test. 3–11 Causing death by careless driving under the influence of drink or drugs 14 years Unlimited Obligatory Min 2 years 3–11 Failing to stop after an accident or failing to report an accident 6 months £5,000 Discretionary 5–10 Driving when disqualified 6 months £5,000 Discretionary 6 Driving without insurance N/A £200/5000 Discretionary 6-8 Speeding N/A £60/1000/2500 Discretionary 3-6 Seat belt offences N/A £60/500 Use of hand–held mobile phone whilst in charge of a vehicle N/A £1,000 £2,500 (bus) FPN: £60
Слайд 14
Offences Russia The UK Speed limit From 100 to 5000 rubles( or withdrawal driving license for 6 months) £1000- 2500(on motorway) Drunk driving Withdrawal from 1,5 to 2 years Prison for 14 years and a fine up to £5,000 Out into the oncoming lane A fine of 5000 rubles or withdrawal from 4 to 6 months £2,000 Running a red light a fine of 1000 rubles £1,000 Unfasten seat belt a fine of 5 00 rubles A fine is £ 500 Usage of mobile phone while driving A fine of 5 00 rubles £1,000- 2,500(driving a bus) Comparative Table
Слайд 15
Look! Read! Remember! Follow road rules and regulations Respect other drivers on the roads Don`t break speed limit Drive carefully Don`t drink alcohol Be attentive at the crossroads Don`t drive the red light Fasten seat belts
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