В проектной работе описывается появление первых городов, отмечаются самые крупные города планеты.
Рассказывается о проблемах экологии жизни в мегаполисах.
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Тема «Living in Megacities: advantages and disadvantages»
Ученик: Падалко Сергей 12 лет, 6В класс, ГБОУ СОШ № 629.
Учитель: Баева Марина Леонидовна, учитель высшей категории, председатель МО ИЯ ГБОУ СОШ № 629.
Цели проектной деятельности: Развитие навыков творчества, популяризация изучения английского языка среди детей среднего школьного возраста. Формирование культуры проектной деятельности.
1. Обучающие:
2. Развивающие:
3. Воспитательные:
Гипотеза: сколько на планете самых крупных городов – легко ли жить в них? Мы думаем, что проживание в крупном городе имеет свои преимущества и недостатки.
Стадии проектной деятельности:
1. Вовлечение в работу над проектом.
1 сентября мы побывали на первом уроке по теме «Москва вчера, сегодня, завтра» и задумались… Мы живем в Москве – самом крупном городе России. Но какие еще есть крупные города на планете? Как там живется людям? С какими проблемами они сталкиваются?
2. Анализ и проблематизация.
Первое обсуждение началось с анализа ситуации.
На уроках английского языка мы изучили тему «Транспорт», «Жилище» и «Экология жизни в городах», овладели необходимой лексикой и грамматикой, выявили свои слабые места в знании языка.
Мы выделили проблему в ходе обсуждения: необходимо систематизировать знания по грамматике, расширить лексический запас, расширить страноведческий кругозор, отшлифовать фонетику, развить монологическую и диалогическую речь.
3. Замысел и целеполагание.
В ходе обсуждения мы решили:
- изучить информацию о количестве мегаполисов в Интернете;
- сравнить по величине эти города;
- определить преимущества и недостатки проживания людей в них.
4. Организация.
1. сбор информации;
2. систематизация;
3. выводы;
4.составление презентации.
5. Реализация.
В течение нескольких месяцев мы собирали информацию, обсуждали проблемы жизни в крупных городах, анализировали. Уровень владения языком повысился, так как обсуждения проводились на уроках на английском языке.
В конце работы подвели итоги своего исследования. На научно-исследовательской конференции, которая проходит ежегодно в нашей школе, выступили с творческим проектом.
6. Результат.
Учащиеся и гости школы высоко оценили качественную работу, умение представить свою проектную работу на иностранном языке. Многие гости задавали вопросы, интересовались школьными традициями и достижениями, и мы с успехом ответили на их вопросы, продемонстрировав хорошее владение английским языком.
7. Продукт.
Проведено исследование. Создана презентация. Демонстрация опыта работы на конференции.
8. Образовательный результат.
В классе высокая мотивация к изучению английского языка и высокие результаты по английскому языку за год. Английский язык – наш любимый учебный предмет.
9. Рефлексия.
Рефлексия проводилась на каждом этапе проектной работы, определялись возможные стратегии дальнейшего развития проекта.
Проектная работа была высоко отмечена администрацией, родителями и учащимися на научно-исследовательской конференции в школе.
Where were the first big cities? And when were they built? What is it like to live in a big city? Where are the megacities today? We have found out the answers to all of these questions in our research.
When you think of big cities you may think of New York City, Tokyo, Istanbul, Mexico City, London and so on.
But what does “big” really mean? For most of us, big cities are places with lots of people and with lots of tall buildings called skyscrapers, like New York City. But not all big cities have skyscrapers: some cities have some skyscrapers but more smaller buildings, like London.
As more people go to live in cities, more skyscrapers are necessary. There make the space for people to live in and work in.
How and why did people start building and living in them and where are the tallest buildings in the world at the moment?
The first cities were in Mesopotamia, in modern Iraq, in Egypt, and in the valleys of the Indus River, in modern Pakistan and India. In all of these places there were very large buildings.
The Romans were very good at building cities. They made very good city plans and they built roads, bridges, baths, houses and other buildings.
The Industrial Revolution helped create very big cities. The Industrial Revolution first happened in Great Britain and then in the United States. It began at the end of the eighteenth century.
During this time, there were a series of important changes to the economy and to people’s lives.
One of the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution was the terrible working conditions. And living in big cities became more difficult because of the pollutions.
One of the positives effects was the creation of the middle class. And more people could slowly earn money for themselves and be successful.
During the Industrial Revolution, there were a lot of new inventions in Europe and America. These inventions were important for the construction of bigger buildings.
At the moment, the tallest finished skyscraper is the Taipei 101. It is in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, and was opened on 31 December 2004. It has 101 floors , and this is why it is called the Taipei 101.
More and more people live in cities today. There are many reasons for this: greater work possibilities and better education standards are two important ones.
NEW YORK CITY, in the USA, is an important city in America/
Its population is 8 million people.
New York City used to be called «New Amsterdam» .
Another name for New York City is «The Big Apple».
New York City has five local areas, called boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island.
LONDON, in England, is a big city too.
Its population is 7.5 million people.
In the Great Fire of London in 1666 half of London was destroyed.
London is the largest city in Western Europe.
More than 300 languages are spoken in London.
MOSCOW, in Russia, is the biggest city in the world.
Its population is 12 108 257 people/
The transport system has 5 airports, 9 railway stations, 3 see ports.
Metro has 194 stations.
Moscow is regularly named one of the most expensive cities in the world. Although you'll find a historic center here, complete with palaces, churches, and monuments, Moscow is a fully modern city with skyscrapers, a network of public transportation, and traffic, traffic, traffic.
A megacity has a population of more than 10 million people. Today there are around twenty-five megacities, and the five largest are Tokyo, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, New York City and Mumbai.
Problems of megacities are:
Слайд 1
The story of big citiesСлайд 2
Introduction When you think of big cities you may think of New York City, Tokyo, Istanbul, Mexico City, Shanghai, London and so on. But what does « big » really mean? For most of us, big cities are places with lots of people and with lots of tall buildings called skyscrapers, like New York City. But not all big cities have skyscrapers: some cities have some skyscrapers but more smaller buildings, like London. As more people go to live in cities, more skyscrapers are necessary. These make the space for people to live in and work in. How and why did people start building and living them and where are the tallest buildings in the world at the moment?
Слайд 3
Large buildings of the ancient world The first cities were in Mesopotamia (in modern Iraq) , in Egypt , and in the valleys of the Indus River . In all of these places there were very large buildings .
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The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution helped create very big cities. The Industrial Revolution first happened in Great Britain and then in the United States. It began at the end of the eighteenth century. During this time , there were a series of important changes to the economy and to people’s lives . One of the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution was the terrible working conditions. One of the positive effects was the creation of the middle class.
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London during the Industrial Revolution and now
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Population increases in cities More and More people live in cities today. There are many reasons for this: greater work possibilities and better education standards are two important ones.
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Some important cities NEW YORK CITY, USA Population: 8 million New York City used to be called « New Amsterdam » Another name for New York City is « The Big Apple » New York City has five local areas, called boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island.
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New York
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LONDON, England Population: 7.5 million In the Great Fire of London in 1666 half of London was destroyed. London is the largest city in Western Europe. More than 300 languages are spoken in London.
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Moscow MOSCOW, Russia Population: 12108257 Transport: 5 airports 9 railway stations 3 see ports Metro: 194 stations Moscow is regularly named one of the most expensive cities in the world. Although you'll find a historic center here, complete with palaces, churches, and monuments, Moscow is a fully modern city with skyscrapers, a network of public transportation, and traffic, traffic, traffic.
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Life in the megacities of today A megacity has a population of more than 10 million people. Today there are around twenty-five megacities, and the five largest are Tokyo, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, New York City and Mumbai.
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Problems of megacities High level of pollution A lot of travel jam Violent crimes Negative effects of industry Expensive prizes for living
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