В данной работе дается сравнительная характеристика правления великих монархов Великобритании и России.
Показывается их влияние на развитие двух стран.
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Ученица 10 В класса ГБОУ СОШ № 629 Целищева Мария Учитель: Баева М.Л. GREAT BRITAIN and RUSSIA – the Lands of Hope and Glory.Слайд 2
Henry VIII became a king in 1509, just before his 18 birthday. Young Henry wasn’t prepared to be a king. He became king only because his elder brother, Arthur, died at the age of fifteen.
Слайд 3
The reign of the Romanov consists of three periods: I period - recovery from adversity - includes the reign of Tsar Mikhail (1613-1645) , his son Alexis (1645-1676) and grandson of Theodore ( 1676-1682 ) . In this era of Russia begins to stand out as the leading power , largely due to its vast territory , the peasants were divided between landowners and attached to the ground . II period - begins with the reign of Peter I the Great (1682-1725) and completed by Catherine the Great ( 1762-1796) . During this period, Russia has become a prominent European empire with a strong army and navy , and extended its dominion to the territory from the Baltic to the Black Sea . III period got dominion Paul I (1796-1801), Alexander I (1801-1825), Nicholas I (1825-1855), Alexander II (1855-1881) and Alexander III (1881-1894). Victory over Napoleon and expansion on the Asian side has made Russia a world power . Nevertheless , Russia's internal development still lagged behind Western countries , despite the rapid economic growth and the abolition of serfdom .
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All state activity of Peter can be divided into two periods: 1695-1715 and 1715-1725 years . Feature of the first stage were not always rush and thoughtful character, which is explained through the Great Northern War. In addition to state in the first phase of reforms conducted extensive reforms cultural lifestyle changes. In 1704, Peter was a monetary reform, which resulted in the basic monetary unit was not the money, and penny.
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Actual power in the reign of Catherine focused and Field Marshal Prince Menshikov , and the Supreme Privy Council. Catherine was also completely satisfied with the role of the first mistress of Tsarskoye Selo , relying on the management of the state of his advisers. It was only interested in the case of the fleet - Peter's love for the sea and touched her.
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Most of his first steps after the coronation were quite liberal direction: from exile was returned to the poet Alexander Pushkin, the main teacher was appointed heir Zhukovsky . The major direction of his domestic policy has become the centralization of power . In Russia there were the first railroads (1837).
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