Страноведческий и лингвострановедческий аспект обучения английскому языку
Тема: Маргарет Тетчер
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Margaret Thatcher 13 October 1925 - 8 April 2013 “ Есть только один способ быть руководителем: это когда руководитель идет в добровольное рабство к руководимым, а не наоборот. Если же в его поведении появляется пусть даже одна сотая претензий на какое-либо преимущество перед ними или привилегии, то рано или поздно эти 0,01 вырастают в подавление, деспотию и тиранию ” Маргарет ТэтчерСлайд 2
Margaret Thatcher (Margaret Robins) was born in 1925. Her father had a grocer's shop but he was also very interested in local politics. Margaret was a good student and won a scholarship to Oxford to study chemistry. Then she worked as a research chemist until she met and married Denis Thatcher, a successful businessman.
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Then she decided to study law. She was already involved in politics and gave up law when she was elected to the Parliament in 1959. From 1970 to 1974 she was Secretary of State for Education. In 1975 she became leader of the Conservative Party which was the Opposition. In 1979 she beat the Labour Party and took office as Prime Minister, Britain's first woman Prime Minister.
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Thatcher privatized publicly-owned industries and made cuts in state education, hospitals and welfare benefits. In early 1980's, Britain was facing unemployment, inflation, problems of Northern Ireland. In 1982, Britain became involved in an undeclared war against Argentina in the Falkland Islands.
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After the victory in the Falklands, she had an image of a strong, authoritative leader. In the 1983 election campaign, she won with a large majority of votes. In 1987 she won her third term as Prime Minister defeating the Labour Party which suffered from loss of votes due to the newly formed alliance with Liberal .
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Are you ready to test your knowledge a bout Margaret Thatcher ?
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1 Question № 1 In what country did Margaret Thatcher become the first woman prime-minister? Answer t B r i t a i n
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2 Question № 2 What was her husband’s name? Answer n s D e i
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Question № 3 Who won the election in 1990? 3 Answer M a j o r
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4 Question № 4 After the war with what country did she have an image of a strong, authoritative leader ? Answer A g e t n r n i a
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5 Question № 5 Where did Margaret study as a chemist? Answer O O x f o r d
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6 Question № 6 Margaret was the leader of ….. Party in 1975 Answer C o s e r v a t i v e n
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Question №9 What nickname did Margaret Thatcher have? 7 Answer I r o n L d y a
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Since 2002, the state of health has deteriorated significantly Margaret Thatcher, and she gradually moved away from the social and political activities. Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, an outstanding woman and politician Margaret Thatcher, died April 8, 2013 in London at the age of 87. The cause of death of the "Iron Lady" was an insult.
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