Газетная статья о столице Ненецкого АО на английском языке
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Газетная статья на тему:
«Destination: Naryan-Mar или путешествие по родному краю с английским языком»
Выполнила: Чупрова Дарья
ученица 7 «г» класса
г. Нарьян - Мара"
пр. Капитана Матросова, 1
Подготовила: Пунанова Л.П.
учитель английского языка
There are many beautiful places in the world. I would like to visit some of them, to see my own eyes those ones which I have read or heard about. But I completely agree with an English proverb "There is no place like home", because I also have a birthplace and I am proud of it.
Russia is a very big country. It comprises republics, regions, provinces, and autonomous areas. One of them is the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It is situated in the very heart of the Russian Arctic zone.
I live in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in Naryan-Mar, that’s why it was especially interesting and exciting for me to know the history of this town. My town differs a lot from other provincial towns of Russia. It is situated in the North of Russia.
Naryan-Mar is the capital and the only town in our Okrug. The title “Naryan-Mar” means “the red town” or “beautiful”.
It was founded in 1935 on the 10th of March. Till that time the administrative centre was Telviska. Naryan-Mar stands on the Pechora river. Not long ago it celebrated its 77th anniversary.
The Eternal Flame.
Post Office.
Surely many years ago Naryan-Mar was not as beautiful, modern and clean.
Twenty years ago it was a wooden town. With the advent of the oil companies the appearance of Naryan-Mar has changed for the better.
A«Visiting card» of my city is the building of the mail, which is a monument of history and culture, protected by the state. It is wooden two-storied building which is decorated with a conical tower.
One of the main sightseeing in Naryan-Mar is the Church of The Epiphany. It is one of the northern churches on the territory of our country. It is situated in the centre of Naryan-Mar. There is the iconostasis with the icons in the style of Simon Ushakov. There is a bell tower and a Sunday school near it. The church is the soul of my city.
In the centre of Naryan-Mar you can also see the Monument to fallen soldiers in the Great Patriotic War and the eternal flame, the Monument "To the
Participants of local wars and armed conflicts”, the Monument «To the feat of the participants of reindeer-traffic battalions” and the monument to the plane Yk 7b. All these monuments are the symbols of the heroism of people in our okrug, who did not spare their strength and worked to the benefit of our Motherland.
Naryan-Mar is a cultural centre of the NAO. We can find a lot of historic and artistic treasures of the Okrug in the Local Lore Museum. We can see many exhibits dealing with all aspects of Nenets life. There is one more museum: The Pustozersk Museum. This museum does research work, gathers articles, documents about the most ancient settlement in the North of Russia-Pustozersk, the first Russian town beyond the Polar Circle.
And it goes without saying the heart of my city is the Cultural and Business Center “Arctica” and Marad Sey square. There you can see parades, concerts, demonstrations and festivals.
In November 2013 people of our Okrug will see the torch of the Olympic flame on the square. Don’t miss this procession of the symbol of the Olympic games.
Reindeer Racing.
We also have the opportunity to meet famous actors, singers and musicians in the Centre “Arctica”, visit Exhibition Hall. A special Ethno-cultural centre works at revival of national culture and trades.
The capital of our Okrug is rich in its great traditional annual cultural and sporting events: skiing competition “The Northen Lights” (first competition was organized in 1969 by Chuprov Ivan Iosifovich), the cross named after Alexander Anufriev, snowmobile races (in April), Day of Reindeer (in August), Day of the Town (in September), folklore festival “Argish of hope”, Avvakum Readings (in February), Small Avvakum Readings for students, sports dances competition on the Cup of the Governor of the NAO "Rhythms of the Arctic" and others.
At the end of my article I would like to say that hearty hospitality of the northerners, polar exotic, natural resources of the NAO attract scientists, journalists, tourists. The world is getting to know and to learn our land. That means that Nenets Region and Naryan-Mar have their own future.
I love my town and I am proud of it. And no matter how far I went, still I will remember my city and understand that Naryan-Mar is the best town on the earth.
The Cultural and business center
“Arctica” and Marad sey square.
Photos by Chuprov Alexander Vasilyevich.
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