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Слайд 1
Wild Animals of Russia Made by Valentine Riasnithenko from5 " Б“ Teacher Irina M. Uskova Zelenograd MoscowСлайд 2
Brown Bear The brown bear is one of the largest and most dangerous predators . T he brown bear in Russia lives in the entire forest area. The northern part of the country and tundra it is white. A bear is the symbol of our country.
Слайд 3
D eer A deer has a rich symbolic meaning and are in the myths of different cultures and peoples. Often shows the nobility, majesty, beauty, grace, speed. It lives everywhere in deserts, steppes, wetlands, forests and Arctic tundra.
Слайд 4
Boar Boar or wild boar or wild pig - is a mammal of the family of pigs. And also is the “ father”of the domestic pig. It has a short body, thick and high legs, a boar's head is longer and thinner, longer ears. Wild boars live in the Urals).
Слайд 5
FOX Fox or fox - the common name of several species of mammals canines. Only 11 species of this group belong to the genus itself foxes. The most famous and popular representative - an ordinary fox. Foxes are found in the folklore of many nations around the world. According to current views on the phylogeny of canine group of foxes in the understanding, which is used in this article - polyphylytic therefore unsuitable for use as a taxon. For the above reasons strongly associate the term "fox" a number of zoological species is not possible. In general, guided by subjective evaluation criteria based on the characteristic "fox" appearance, foxes can assume the following animals: subfamily Wolf
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