Проект "Игровые задания" с применением здоровьесберегающей технологии
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Проект игровые задания
выполнил Павлова Антона
1. Interrupting politely ( interrupt politely)
The teacher writes on the board the following expressions (or gives students print ) :
Interrupting politely
Excuse me,
Pardon me,
Sorry to interrupt,
May I interrupt (for a minute)?
Can I add something here?
I don't mean to intrude, but. . .
Could I inject something here?
Do you mind if I jump in here?
Phrases are processed with pupils ( students ) . One student (student) sits at the table in front of the class. He gets the job to read one paragraph of any text . The teacher takes the time stopwatch (stopwatch is in many cell phones ) . Trainee (student) begins to read . The remaining students (students ) should politely interrupting him ( using phrases Interrupting politely), ask the reader to a variety of matters in which they use the studied words and phrases (and can be grammatical structures ) . eg
Excuse me, have you ever been unconscious? (to be unconscious - being studied or studied the expression )
Learner (student) gives a brief or a full answer to the question and continues to read , trying to read through the passage to the end. This continues for as long as the student does not finish reading a piece of text to the end. The teacher tells him the result of the stopwatch (eg, 2 min. 30 sec.) . After that take the place of a new student (student ), and it all starts from the beginning. The winner - who will be able to read the text faster than anyone. This dynamic and exciting enough for the game will help students to consolidate vocabulary study or repeat a past , teach rapidly respond to a question a friend and ask questions in English .
2 . Secret sentences ( Mysterious offers)
Each student (student ) is a sheet of paper , the teacher tells him one of the studied expressions (words , grammatical structures ) . With this expression ( word, grammatical structure ) student (student) is in the affirmative , interrogative or negative sentence , bends written so that it could not be seen on top of the folded strip writes original expression in English and passes the sheet to another student ( student ) . Learner ( student) received a leaflet is written proposal with its expression , then he has the right to see what others have made suggestions . Again by bending the upper part of the sheet , the student (student) again wrote on it the original expression ( as the old inscription will not be visible) and sends a piece of another student ( student ) .
This is a rather interesting assignment help students consolidate studied spelling words ( idioms , expressions, grammatical structures ) , to develop skills of the use of new words in context.
3 . Get it Right.
This game is suitable for testing the knowledge studied lexical units. Preferably pre give students ( students ) learn the job number of English words or expressions . The teacher divides the class into three teams on the board , respectively , are drawn three columns for scoring teams .
1 level . Teacher calls a word or phrase in Russian . The team , whose party first raised his hand , gets right to the first call in English the word or expression.
2 level . Teacher calls a word or phrase in Russian . The team , whose party first raised his hand , gets right to the first call in English the word or phrase on the board and write the word or expression.
Level 3. Teacher calls a word or phrase in Russian . The team , whose party first raised his hand , gets right to the first call in English the word or phrase on the board and write a sentence with the word or expression .
Rules for participants . Cries from a place not allowed and fined pass stroke (ie , give the following answer right gets the opposing team , and only if its members find it difficult to answer, the penalized team can give your answer .) For each correct answer, the team gets two points. At the discretion of the teacher can stand only one point , for example, if the right was only uttering a word or expression , but not his writing , or written word was true, but the offer is made incorrectly .
4 . Associations.
Teacher asks students to stack a variety of images (it can be sketchy images , signs, arrows , items, even parts of the body , such as the eye, ear , etc.) . Students take turns pulling cards from the pile and asked his neighbor to the right ( or simply called the name of the one who has to answer this question ) any question, " inspired by " associations connected with the picture. For example, if a student got a picture of a star , you can ask "Who is your favorite Hollywood star?" Those to whom the question is addressed , must answer it , and then ask the next student . Funny questions allowed , not allowed absurd ( the absurdity of the question determines the other participants ) . In this game there are no winners or losers , it is designed just for developing entertainment ( in the form of a game trains the ability to ask questions in English , to respond quickly to the question interlocutor, during the game , students become familiar with the new vocabulary or reinforce already studied ) .
5 . Five Minute Lesson
This quest for older students and students may not new and original, yet it can be very interesting for the whole class , students will be satisfied if ( students ) with a " creative streak ."
You ask students ( students) to prepare a five-minute lesson at home and spend it in a class ( group). Note students that during the " five-minute lesson " they should speak only in English , even very simple sentences .
If the class is large , this task can be given two or three best students . At the university , where a group of English language learners are usually not too large, this task can be given to all students group at some time in advance and check on two people per lesson . Warn your students that you are going for five minutes ( or a little more , because usually meet in five minutes problematic ) in the same student, as they are. They will be wondering if you sit next to them at the desk .
Here are the options content of such a "lesson" :
1 ) students (students ) come up with a game with words, traversed by you lately , using their own visual aids ( pictures or cards ) .
2 ) students (students ) bring to class any unusual object ( for example, if someone learns to play the balalaika, balalaika can bring ) and the first bit of talk about it in English , then in practice, demonstrate how to use this object. (In the example with the balalaika to show you how to play it . In this case, advise the student to prepare in advance colloquialisms such as "Let me show you the way they play (balalaika)" or "This is the way you hold it" and t . etc.)
3 ) students bring to the classroom the most common, all the familiar object such as a pot, and talk about unusual ways of its use in English , possibly demonstrating these methods (eg , the pan can be used instead of a helmet, shield , weapons in case of attack bullies , a musical instrument like a drum , etc.) .
4) if the students are weak, you can give them an interesting job and ready to explain how to spend it with the class.
Did you have any interesting new ideas of fun , " a five-minute lesson" , most importantly, do not be afraid that your students can not cope with this interesting challenge , one should not underestimate their students ! Share your ideas !
6. Questions to the characters. Students come up with five questions to the characters read their work in the classroom . In turn , students play the role of one of the characters , the remaining character set their questions , " characters " are responsible for these ( and their own! ) Questions using the vocabulary studied .
7. Make up riddles. Students come up with riddles in English on they read (a name, a person, a thing, somebody's words). For example:
Riddle: This object was given by Oliver's greatgrandfather to Harvard university.
Answer: Barret's Hall (based on E. Segal's "Love Story")
8. Spotting mistakes.
In this game you can play only two students at a time. ( You can divide students into two teams , each team will play at the same time one player . ) Teacher takes the time (eg 1 minute). The first student calls topic thread / conversation or ask questions in English (question may relate to study the lesson topic, or it can be any question , depending on the purpose of the lesson ) . Second student begins to speak on the proposed topic . First student tries to hear speech in the second student error in one of the four aspects (grammar, vocabulary , pronunciation , fluency ) . As soon as he notices a mistake in one of these areas , he said : "Stop." Then he calls a mistake. Now the first student calls the topic , the second begins to speak to the proposed theme and everything is repeated . This game is quite complicated , but it can be really interesting , it is designed for a very "advanced" students linguistically , but you can try to play it and less prepared students , considering only one or two of these aspects ( for example, only the grammar and pronunciation or just vocabulary and fluency ) .
Note : Error in fluency can be expressed in the repetition of the same grammatical structures and words , as well as unnaturally long pauzatsii . Error in pronunciation - Replace one other sound . Lexical error - incorrect use of the word . Grammatical errors are considered , for example, incorrectly constructed bid incorrect use of tenses of the verb form of the word , word order, etc. )
9. A penny for your thoughts
First student calls any three words , presenting a an object , animal, person or event , for example , "funny, black fur, claws". Other problem - not guess the word , but just to name association - the first thing that comes to their mind . The game adds vocabulary, and generally " optimizes" the atmosphere in class.
10 . Are you like a cat or dog?
This game can be used at different stages of training. Its purpose - to develop the communication skills of students. All students are divided into two teams line up in front of a teacher in two rows . Teacher explains that they have to choose between two words that he will call for each team , one that is better suited to describe the personality of the student. Students pass from his team into the next , if they believe that the word of the second team are closer to them , " By the Spirit." For example , the teacher asks : "Are you more like a cat ( points to the first team ), or like a dog ( points to the second team ) ? " . If a student , for example, like milk or sleep, or believes he has for any other reason "is closer to the cat ," it goes into the command " cat ." If he considers himself an active (or has other characteristics specific to dogs) , he remains on the team , " dogs ." After the transition , students ( or students ) explained ( in English , of course) , why they chose this command.
Teacher calls various pairs of words ( moon - sun , elevator - escalator microscope telescope , radio - TV ... etc. )
The game helps to overcome the " language barrier " , teaches free communication and simply fascinating.
11. Step over the Line
Participants arranged in pairs face to face, between them on the ground has been drawn stripe ( suit and paper , or simply tape , etc.) . According to the team leader, who takes the time (eg , 2-3 minutes) , participants begin in English convince your partner to go to his side. After the command "Stop!" All silent. Usually after the first stage no one can convince anyone . Facilitator draws attention to it and gives participants the installation: you should strengthen belief partner (in this case can not use methods such as persuasion , " I 'll give you money ," etc. , the partner must believe that on that side of the line it really would be better) . After conviction signal starts again , usually on the second stage, participants are already more prone to cross the line. In the end, those participants who stepped over the line , tell us all how the partner able to convince them .
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