Clothing speaks without words. By Dress to impress. In assessing how we celebrate human, clothes fit, age, social status, fashion. Some have a desire to be like in clothing for those who are significant in others the desire to stand out. Scientists, psychologists have found that in 40 seconds, and we commend the man he appreciates us, and then from the prevailing opinion, we are reluctant to back down. The stronger the impression of clothes, equipped with all kinds of fashion now inscriptions. Our attention was drawn to English-language labels on clothes. In the wardrobe of the average student, it is possible to identify at least eight things that are hung in a closet in each of them - both boys and girls - jeans, cap, knitted jacket, skirt, shirt, shoes, and of course T-shirts. They are increasingly found on these subjects wardrobe decorations in the form of various inscriptions. Do the owners of the things meaning labels on the clothes, especially if they are written in a foreign, mostly in English? Our research is aimed at finding an answer to this question.
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