Символы Великобритании.
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symbol of Great Britain In the UK, in addition to the basic state signs, there are a lot of characters: coats of arms, historical flags, monogram, names and symbols of the ruling feudal familiesСлайд 2
England England (born England [ ɪŋɡlənd ]) - the largest historical and administrative part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, a country (country) in its structure, which occupies the south-eastern part of the larger island of Great Britain, known as the English. mainland. The population of England is 83% of the total UK population.
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a little history historians begin the countdown to the rulers of the Norman Conquest in 1066, the numbering of English monarchs also used the event as a reference point. At the end of the XIII century, the neighboring principality Wales was finally conquered England and became part of the English kingdom . The Union of England and Scotland was supplemented by a century later, the Act of Union (1707), which finally united England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
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symbol of England Floral unofficial symbol is the red rose of England, not only because this flower is very beautiful. In ancient times there were two British Duke - kind of a centuries adorned the white rose, the other - the red. Dukes tirelessly fought for the throne of England, as a result of the gentleman with the red rose celebrated the victory. Of course, sitting on the throne of England, he proclaimed his color rose symbol of the country.
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Scotland Scotland - in the past (before 1707), an independent kingdom in northern Europe, now - the most autonomous (having its own parliament, the legal system and the state church, etc.) from all countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
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a little history History of the Scottish kingdom traditionally takes begins in the year 843, when Kenneth McAlpine became king of the united kingdom of the Scots and Picts . In 1603, King James VI of Scotland inherited the English throne and became king of England, James I . Since the beginning of 2000 in Scotland, the influence of nationalists. In 2007 the National Party won the election in the Scottish Parliament, and in 2011 increased its representation. Its leader, announced that he would seek the 2014 referendum on Scottish independence. October 15, 2012 British Prime Minister David Cameron and First Minister of the regional government of Scotland, Alex Salmond , signed an agreement defining the procedures for the referendum on Scottish independence in the autumn of 2014.
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symbol of Scotland Thistle is a semi-official national symbol of Scotland, represented in particular on bank notes . According to legend, in the XIII Vikings landed on the coast in the eastern part of Scotland in order to plunder and capture the territory. Scots gathered his forces to repel the enemy. Scots army was very tired after a long journey. They set up camp without waiting for the start of the battle before the next morning. But the Vikings were very close and noticed that the camp was not the Scots guards. They crossed the River Tay , hoping to capture the Scots suddenly , and the steps to be heard , the Scandinavians took off their shoes and crept almost silently . But one of the Vikings stepped on a thistle , a sudden and sharp pain made him cry out. This was the cry of alarm for the Scots , who won in a fair fight . In gratitude for the assistance rendered them thistle, Scotch chose this plant its national emblem. Thistle is a symbol of Scotland for nearly 500 years. The first use of it as an emblem on the serbryanyh coins dated 1470 year of the reign of James III. In 1687 he was created Knight Order of the Thistle , which includes members of the royal family. The knights and ladies - members of the Order wear gold chains with thistles as links , as well as a star on the chest with the emblem of the plant and with the motto of no one I would be angry with impunity .
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Wales Wales - one of the four main political and administrative parts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in the past a conglomerate of independent Celtic kingdoms. Wales is located in the south-west of the United Kingdom, to the east by the English county of Cheshire, Shropshire , Herefordshire and Gloucestershire, on three sides by the sea: to the south is the Bristol Channel (Severn Estuary), south-west - the Strait of St. George in the north and west - the Irish Sea, to the north-east - the mouth of the River Dee
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a little history After the Norman conquest of England in 1066 Welsh kingdoms gradually began to fall under the influence of the eastern neighbors, despite the resistance of the Welsh rulers. After entering Wales into England and the abolition of the Welsh brand is a gradual destruction of the traditional order: Welsh gentry adopt the lifestyle of English squires, many Welsh moved to London, where are making good progress, as John Dee. In 1997 he held a second referendum on autonomy, and a slight majority of voters came out for the creation of Welsh Assembly. Proceedings began in 1999.
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symbol of Wales Symbol of Wales is the leek . There are two versions of how this plant has won this honor in Wales. Both of them are connected with the Holy David , the patron saint of Wales Duchy , who lived in the VI century BC. e . According to the first version - during one of the battles between soldiers and uelskimi Saxons , which took place in the vast field of onions , St. David advised the soldiers to adorn their helmets stalks of leeks , so hot in the heat of battle to distinguish the enemy from -soldier . On the second - the patron saint , who for some time had to eat only bread and leek, found it very useful and bequeathed plant their " wards ". Modern people of Wales are more inclined to daffodils , than to the bow , as it is believed that these flowers are starting to bloom March 1 - Saint David 's Day . However, the majority of the population in this celebration still pinned to clothing sprig of leeks.
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northern Ireland Northern Ireland - administrative and political part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, situated in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland. The capital and largest city - Belfast. Northern Ireland should not be confused with the Ulster: Ulster - this is a historical province of Ireland, consisting of nine counties, Northern Ireland is - is an administrative territorial unit of Great Britain, which includes only 6 of 9 counties of Ulster.
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a little history In the XII century. Normans first appeared in Ireland and subsequently founded the colony Peylstorii . After separation of the Republic of Ireland and throughout the centuries there have been numerous attacks carried out by the Irish Republican Army, in order to prevent the Northern Ireland government to exercise its authority over the territory. From time to time, the IRA launched attacks on Northern Ireland, for example, in 1930, during the Second World War and in the early 1950s. The most significant campaign against the northern counties was deployed between 1956 and 1961.
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symbol of Northern Ireland is clover Clover in Northern Ireland, of course, is growing, but it became a symbol of the shamrock is not the only reason. It's a long story. First, the ancient Celts believed that this plant is a guard from various evil forces. Then St.. Patrick on the example of the leaf clover to explain the concept of Irish Christianity (the trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit), and in the 19th century, this simple leaf has become synonymous with the Irish struggle for independence and freedom. And become a real symbol of this country.
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