Проект "Первый день недели"
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Tuchkovo secondary school №1. PROJECT. “A WEEK. WHAT IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK.” Made by Induktorov Dmitry g roup 5 “A” Tuchkovo 2013Слайд 2
Week? What is the first day of the week ?
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In ancient times the Aztecs had a nine day week The ancient Egyptians used a ten-day week
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But the Bible says that there are seven days in a week.
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Seven days of the week is associated with the creation of the world The first day is the creation of the world; The second day is the creation of the water; The third day -the land,the sea and the plants; The fourth day – the sky and the stars; The fifth day - the animals; The sixth day- the creation of a man; The seventh day is devoted to the rest.
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Emperor Constantine put Sunday the first day of the week in the year 321
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Today Sunday is the first day of the week in U.S.A . Israel Canada
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In Russia and these countries the first day of the week is Monday.
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What is the first day of the week in this country?
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What is the first day of the week in this country?
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