Thanksgiving Day
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Thanksgiving Day Выполнил ученик 10 класса Бурбашской СОШ Валиев Марат РустемовичСлайд 2
I would like to keep the eagle was the symbol of our country: a bird with bad morals, such as those of the people who live in robbery ... Turkey is a much more respectable bird, and, besides, it is really the native inhabitants of North America. Benjamin Franklin Thanksgiving was first celebrated in 1621 by English colonists (Puritans), who lived in the Plymouth Colony. Previous winter was very hard and hungry, a new winter also promised colonists little good. Then the governor decided to raise the morale of his men and organized the first Thanksgiving. Holiday to celebrate together the British colonists and their neighbors, the Indians of the Wampanoag tribe, with the help of which the colony survived the first winter of starvation. The Puritans, who formed the majority of the colonists brought to this celebration deep religious meaning - they saw it as a way to thank God for mercy and celebrate the end of harvest. However, the Puritans did not consider Thanksgiving a truly religious festival - it is not mentioned in the Bible and, in addition, it was attended by pagans. Thanksgiving became a national holiday in the United States in 1789, and gained official status in 1863.
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The Pilgrim's Progress Journey across the ocean lasted about two months and was heavy. The ship was accompanied by the storm and the storm, because of which its course strayed far north. Along the way, two people died and one was born (it was named Oceanus Hopkins). November 21, 1620 passengers "Mayflower" anchored at Cape Cod (now - Massachusetts). Among the most famous passengers "Mei Flower" were William Bradford, William Brewster, John Carver and Captain Miles Standish pilgrims.
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Announcement of the holiday a national event But fully national holiday Thanksgiving was made in 1863, during the Civil War when President Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln) announced that from now on the fourth Thursday of November is celebrated as Thanksgiving Day. The final transfer of the holiday on the last Thursday of November occurred in 1939, due to the order of Roosevelt.
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Traditions Thanksgiving - family party, family and friends come from all over the country to sit at the table, laden with tradiionnym refreshments. On the eve of America's crowded all airports and roads clogged with cars. It seems that the whole country is in motion, to keep up to the home, where there are generations forget wrongs and remember the best thing that has happened in a year. Another tradition - turkey pardoning ceremony. More than fifty years ago, it set a Harry Truman. In keeping with this tradition is at least one turkey to avoid the fate to be on the holiday table. In the form of half-jokingly, half seriously recognize the role of the turkey, and the role of charity on the eve of U.S. President announces clemency of the turkey, which together with him on TV on the White House lawn. The President read out the decree, and gently stroking alarmed bird. Later, she goes to the zoo, where she lived to old age.
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Holiday menu As in Russia New Year is not no salad and champagne, so is Thanksgiving in the U.S. is unthinkable without the roast turkey and pumpkin pie. It is believed that it treated each other Englishmen and Indians. According to legend, the first festival of the colonists and the Indians roasted and ate together four turkeys. Since then, the turkey and Thanksgiving are synonymous. U.S. President at a ceremony demonstrating the two most worthy representatives of the families of turkey, one turkey adorns the festive table in the White House, and the other solemnly miluetsya President and sent to live out their days on a particular farm, where she was no longer in danger of being eaten.
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Charity If someone is left without a dinner party, it will invite charities. The President himself has time in his schedule and go hard on this day to help feed the homeless, the poor and the elderly, superimposing them on plates generous portions. It is clear that without him would have done, but it's his role - to show the country the example of charity. On this day to feed the destitute, those who can not afford to cover the festive table, and who have no place to raise a family. So, from 11 am to half past seven in the evening in Washington special groups of people will cook and feed the homeless.
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Parades In traditional parades and theatrical performances taking place on Thanksgiving Day, the actor portraying the Puritans, traditionally wear black hats, shoes with buckles and stockings. Historian James W. BeykerJames Baker, who in the mid-1980s published a series of articles of clothing the first Americans, argues that the legend was formed only in the 19th century - when the United States began in the old fashion. Pilgrims were dressed simply and in his own way. Clothes at that time was very expensive, and on compliance with the same style, however.
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