Modern teenager impossible without attributes, such as cell phones, walkman, jeans, and, of course, T-shirt with a logo or inscription. Today the youth, as in a mirror, reflects new trends, current problems and the public interest. This explains our interest in the work about this problem, "Sociolinguistic aspect of labels on the clothes."
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Тема: Социолингвистический аспект
надписей на одежде
Мухаметова Алия Хакимовна
Выгалова Дарья Дмитриевна
ВВЕДЕНИЕ Introduсtion………...…………………………….…………………………..3
ГЛАВА І. Chapter 1. Historical and semantic characteristics of
inscriptions ……………………………………………………………….……....5
1.1. The development of the inscriptions on the clothes……………………..…….5
1.2 .Semantic classification labels on clothes………………………………………6
ГЛАВА ІІ. Chapter 2. Sociolinguistic aspect labels on the clothes.……….……….8
2.1. .Language of the inscriptions on the clothes …………………………….... ………..8
2.2 .Reflection of modern society in the inscriptions on clothes…………………. .9
ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Conclusion………………………………………………………………….11
СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ…………………………………...………………………………...12
Modern teenager impossible without attributes, such as cell phones, walkman, jeans, and, of course, T-shirt with a logo or inscription. Today the youth, as in a mirror, reflects new trends, current problems and the public interest. This explains our interest in the work about this problem, "Sociolinguistic aspect of labels on the clothes."
The purpose of this research is to identify the semantic content of the inscriptions on the clothes and to justify it in terms of sociolinguistic aspects. To achieve this goal the following objectives have been identified:
- To study the history of the labels on the clothes;
- To identify the semantic features of the inscriptions on the clothing;
- To explore the originality language structure labels on clothes;
- To analyze the degree of influence of society on the semantic content of the inscriptions on the clothes.
The relevance of this topic is the following: As an integral part of the wardrobe of modern man, t-shirt or a shirt with the inscription has long ceased to be the only part of clothing. It is a means of communication, reflecting the many social changes, therefore, the study of inscriptions on clothing helps to understand and describe the development of a modern society. In addition, at the initial stage of research we conducted a survey among adolescents, open Internet - forum, reveal the presence of interest in the problem of the semantic content of the inscriptions on the clothes (results of the survey are available in the Appendix.) We found that in the forum was attended by over 60 people, which once again proves the relevance of the subject.
The object of the study is the inscriptions on T-shirts (shirts) in English, as it is used in English as the primary language for the labels.
For research we used following methods: analysis and synthesis, the method of observation and comparison, the statistical method.
The work consists of the following sections: contents, introduction, theoretical part, practical part, conclusion, references. In the introduction the urgency of the subject, defined the goal and objectives of the research are reported methods. In the first chapter and are classified on the clothing labels in terms of their meaning, given their historical characteristics and revealed communicative potential. The second chapter examines the main language features inscriptions studied the degree of influence of society on their semantic and lexical stress. The Conclusion summarizes the main results of research and reveals their practical significance.
Chapter 1. Historical and semantic characteristics of inscriptions on clothes.
1.1. The development of the inscriptions on the clothes.
It is impossible to imagine a modern wardrobe person without T-shirts. Each person has some- for all occasions. This is part of the style cult rockers needed some clothes athletes and workers. It is hard to even believe that even 70 years ago did not wear T-shirts at all.
T-shirt, like every thing created by human beings, has the original story. The first T-shirt appeared in the mid-forties, at a time when there was a First World War. Then it became part of uniforms, sports uniforms.
Sixteenths of the last century can be considered the inception of the first inscriptions on T-shirts. This is explained by the fact that 20 years after the end of the Second World War, many countries experience growth of material well-being, the desire for a comfortable life. Generation of the 60's is characterized by freedom, emancipation, the desire to do everything and anything to try to open a new or once-forbidden, be it art, music or clothes. During this period, the inscription on the clothing has become a kind banner that people used to express social, political protest: «Stop the War», «No More Wars». In addition, it was an attempt to stand out from the grey mass of the people, demonstrating identity. To draw and to write on the shirts was invented by popular in those days of the hippie movement. They are mostly applied on their shirts of different social inscriptions from ordinary sign "Pacifik" and ending deployed manifesto against the Vietnam War. When a musician Johnny Rotten on their shirts autographed «I hate» Pink Floyd to the label or output «Kill All Hippies», he made the same «fashion statement». Since then, the inscription expressing attitude towards the world, has become one of the most popular and convenient means of communication.
From the subject of mass culture shirt quietly began to seek release of its carrier. T-shirt - it's not just a thing, "one of" your wardrobe. It is more a thing that reflects your attitude to others, telling of your interest.
As a means of communication and one of the most spoken languages in the world, English was chosen as the primary language of the inscriptions on the clothes. In addition, voice usage has long included the concept of the global village, that is, any invention, a new trend in fashion may not be the property of one part of the population. Everything is new, what the English call "appeal", instantly takes world scale. This is one of the causes of the popularity of T-shirts, in addition, it is a universal part of the wardrobe, and the semantic content of the inscription solves a number of communication problems.
Thus, an ordinary piece of clothing, because of the strong potential of the semantic labels, has evolved from uniforms to the means of expression.
1.2. Semantic classification labels on clothes.
The inscription on the clothes - it's not just a decorative element, is the means of communication, which has a variety of semantic content. All labels on clothing (shirts), we tried to be divided into several semantic groups.
Line, having in its composition:
1.The name of brand
Popular among young people is a symbolism of sportswear as «Nike», «Adidas», «Puma», «Reebok», and so on. T-shirts are popular brands and the fact that, by surrounding them to judge the material well-being of man.
2. Title bands or just directions in music, the names of sports teams.
Often you can find T-shirts with slogans: «Metallica», «Linkin Park», «Green Day», «Punk you», «Madonna for you», «punk not dead», «All you need is rock-n-roll» , «Manchester United». saw the man with the inscription on the clothes, we can immediately conclude that he's a fan of a band, or a fan, that is, we get some information about him, about his tastes and preferences. This is one of the easiest ways to meet people, or, on the contrary, people with opposing views.
3.Funny words or phrases.
People with humor opt for: «Princesses don't do dishes and take out garbage», «Same Shirt different day», «Space for free advertisement» [6]. This person seems positive and sociable, we instinctively reach for people with humor. In this case, the inscription on the clothes - it's a way to cheer up themselves and others.
4. Negative, abusive, obscene words and expressions.
This is another proof that the inscription on the dress - it is a way of expression and relationship to others, in this case - the negative, the possibility of not pronouncing the words to express his displeasure, contempt, frustration. For example: «Devilish girls», «Don't copy me!», «Minimum of the contact with surrounding». Very often, unfortunately, there are foul line, but the style and format of this work does not allow for such examples. Such inscriptions not only unethical repel others from their owners, but they can also cause conflict, though some people are deliberately such inscriptions, to shock others.
5. The expression of a personal relationship to politics, the world around them, and ecology.
People who want to express their opinion about the surrounding reality, prefer shirts with calls: «Stop pollution», «Save the earth!», «Stop and think», «Peace and love», «Don` t worry! Be happy! »,
6. The call to establish contact with the opposite sex, become acquainted:
«Call me!», «Take me to paradise», «Follow me», «My boyfriend is out of town»
7.Netral value line, which brings no concrete information, and therefore does not comply fully with its communicative task:
«Sunday», «Space», «Summer time», «Butterfly».
8. Human characteristics.
For example: «Forever Young», «Legendary», «I was born to be blond», «The best kisser in the world», «People like people but I am the Queen», «Born to be Free». That is why it is so important to know how to translate their own label, not to be in the absurd position.
9. Quote. Basically, it is the string of popular songs: «Diamonds are best Girls' Friends», «All you need is rock-n-roll».
10. Challenge to society: «Boxing match between you and me», «Trouble here I come», «Catch me if you can».
Of course, being a product of society, labels on clothes are dynamic, that is, in a state of constant change. Often they reflect some short-term problems, which after some time become irrelevant, they are replaced by new trends in society that immediately reflected in the inscription on his clothes. It's almost not meet «Eurovision in Russia», but a lot of «Sochi 2014" like the location of future Olympic Games.
That is, as can be seen from the above classification, the semantic load labels on clothing is very diverse. In addition, the label has a very powerful communicative potential, and therefore to the inscriptions should be treated with caution. Surrounding them are often perceived as the words spoken aloud owner t-shirts, which is natural, otherwise legitimate question - if you're not to support the written words, why put this thing? Extremely relevant and important is the fact that we are responsible for the information that bear on itself, because we are in a sense with it, become its carriers to the masses, and it is prudent to hope that everything does not speak English and do not understand what is written on your clothes.
Chapter 2. Sociolinguistic aspect labels on clothes.
2.1. Language of the inscriptions on the clothes.
The inscription on the clothes, as verbal information carrier, has its linguistic features. It must be assumed that the language of inscriptions will be similar in style, choice of words with spoken language, are often determined by the contents of the inscription carrier, regardless of education. That is, one can hardly speak about censorship, the wealth of stylistic devices, expression and diversity of language.
The object of investigation linguistic aspect, we chose T-shirts of students grades 5-11 School №4 and members of our online - offline. In the process, it was found that for the linguistic labels on clothing design characterized by the following:
1) Reduced forms: «It's show time» «Don` t forget me »,« Let `s up the volume», «Wonna get you now». The abundance of abbreviated forms confirms the fact that the label on the clothes - it a form of speaking, therefore, the inscription is a peculiar way everyday walks of life.
It should be noted that the simplification of the language - a modern trend. Our age commits talk quickly and concisely. All around is rapidly changing and improving. Inscriptions on clothing characterize modern trends in language, when under the influence of the media, the Internet, our speech is unified, it becomes easier to lose its expressiveness, beauty and wealth. Language, in turn, determines the mind of man, his impact on the level of culture. It should be recognized that the modern man in a huge stream of information tends to accelerate, and thus simplify everything, even language, and format clothing creates an enabling environment.
2) The abundance of grammatical and lexical errors: «Two special girl, «I can to fly», «Stop and thinks», «A long special men», «I love my ». Often very difficult to understand the inscription, or at all, it consists of a set of words: «Trouble here I come», «Camal Brain city Design».
Because clothing is extremely popular with the words, it turns out that every day we have to meet with the ignorant phrase, sentence, who involuntarily imprinted in our subconscious. Therefore, we can say clogged language besides inscriptions with errors prevent proper language learning.
3) the prevalence of interrogative and exclamatory sentences:
«Don` t worry! Be happy! »,« Have you found me? »,« CAN you find a rabbit? »,« War is over? ». Mandatory, incentive proposals show further communicative orientation labels on clothes, because in such inscriptions surrounding inadvertently overlooked
4) A broken into pieces, which brings no sense:
«Princ iple ofsuc cess», «fan tas tic» (phrase or phrase should be read together) Such cases are extremely rare, but the person who knows the language, be sure to be interested in such inscriptions. They will call it confusion or interest, desire, by all means explain the meaning of the contents of the inscription. Therefore, the media itself shirts will draw attention, confirming the main speech task labels on clothes.
2.2. Reflection of modern society in the inscriptions on clothes.
As a universal means of interaction of man and society, the inscriptions on the clothes reflect many social trends. In thesauruses SI Ozhegova and NY Shvedova under "social" means "relating to the lives of people and their relationship to society". According to our survey, it was found that the majority of respondents (69%) drew attention to the labels on the clothes and know how they are transferred. This reaffirms our point made in the first chapter, that the choice of signs should be treated with caution. About 30% of students do not have the slightest idea of the meaning of what is written on their clothes. There is nothing wrong with the content of the inscriptions neutral. The problem is that the manufacturers of T-shirts have long since ceased to worry about the ethics of the inscriptions, which is another characteristic of our society not at its best. Here is an example: T-shirt girls from fifth grade was an inscription: «Y` all gon `make me lose my mind up in HERE up in here. Y `all gona f ***». Fully translate this inscription is difficult, but to understand the sexual innuendo is quite simple. Pupil did not have a clue about what message it sends to others every day. We give another equally dramatic example. The inscription on the shirt of one of the participants in our online forum says: «Kill Barbie». What does find such a call? Unfortunately, the spiritual decline of our society, of some cynicism. After all, the name of Barbie has long been a household name and synonymous with beautiful, pretty girl or a girl. The word has a positive value is placed on a par with a word that has a sharp, negative.
Generally, such using the words with opposite associations is very common.. For example, «God hates you cry». Word of God in every person necessarily associated with universal love and forgiveness. In this case, again, the word, awe in many people, standing next to a negative word hate. Of course, it's all good examples of today's society, where there is not only a re-evaluation, but also the loss of certain values. We may consider such cases as characterizing as T-shirt - a product of mass production, that is, at least a hundred people at a time will be carriers of the same information.
If we consider the choice of label depending on gender, we see that the majority of teenage boys choose humorous inscription: «Redskin», «Juicy days are here again». While about half of the girls prefer to sign with the name of your favorite band or artist, as well as the well-known phrase or a line from a song. This choice is due to psychological characteristics. Girls typical romance, older girls (10-11) characterized by seriousness, while the young people grow up later, and in the first place, many entertainment desire to turn everything into a joke: «Mice will play», «Tigers don't eat butterflies ».
Positive development include the fact that none of our students do not have t-shirts pessimistic character. Only 13% of young men and 10% of girls would choose such a T-shirt.
During our research, we came to the following conclusions:
1. In the course of the historical development of t-shirt has gone from uniforms to the means of communication that is available to anyone.
2. The popularity is due to the availability of the inscriptions and the "vast potential of meaning"
3. Diverse semantic content label on the shirt obliges its owner to know not only translation but also be responsible for the basic idea of the utterance.
4. Language of the inscriptions is one species and speaking.
5. Language content label reflects the level of modern language
6. Interests of modern people and their level of culture are reflected in the inscription.
During our research we have tried to consider the inscription on the clothes through the prism of social change and linguistic characteristics, that is, how and to what extent, it is a means of communication reflects the contemporary society, and how language content characterizes the communicative orientation. Study of Internet resources, the media, the use of research techniques have allowed not only to make a classification of signs, but also to identify the main trends in the development of this means of communication. First, the use of English and various semantic load label allows them to make a universal means of communication. Second, the language of the inscriptions is the principal characteristics of conversational speech. Third, the semantic content of the inscriptions reflect the level of a society's culture, its main trends.
It should be noted that our research would be impossible without language skills, so, with the help of one subject we were able to raise their level in other disciplines: history, sociology, social science.
As for the practical significance of our study, it is worth noting its educational and awareness-raising function. After all, we were able to bring to the surface of the problem and to offer young people to think before you buy the next fashionable thing with incomprehensible text.
T-shirt is one of the most notable things our wardrobe. It intentionally or not paying attention, that is, if the inscription is neutral and positive information, it can help you. Otherwise, the label can be a bad "friend": prevent contact to cause confusion and even hostility. It should be remembered that we are responsible for what is written on our clothes.
3. Ожегов С.И. и Шведова Н.Ю. Толковый словарь русского языка: 80000 слов и фразеологических выражений/ Российская академия наук. Институт русского языка им.В.В. Виноградова.- 4-е изд., дополненное.- М.: Азбуковник, 1999.
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