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Some facts about Hippies Выполнила ученица 10 класса МБОУ Алтайская СОШ Богатырева АннаСлайд 2
" F l o w e r m o v e m e n t h a i r y " H ippies in the USSR in 1988 -89g
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Hippie subculture is a philosophy and originally appeared in the 1960s in the United States. Originally hippies protesting Puritan morality of some Protestant churches were advised to return to the natural purity through love and anti-war movement (pacifism). One of the most famous slogans of hippies: Make love, not war! The basic principle of non-violence was the subculture.
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Because the hippies often intertwined flowers in hair, gave flowers to passersby, and inserted them into weapons muzzle police and soldiers, and used the slogan Flower Power (force or power colors), they were called the children of flowers.
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" Flower movement hairy " hippies in the USSR in 1988 - 89g . Meaning of the word "hippie" comes from the root («hip») - know to penetrate, understand (assuming intuitive knowledge ). Hippie - a man who is peculiar remarkableness , striving for unity , love and freedom. They put forward their true ethics of human relations. Man for truly free and confident only when he is guided by his conscience and finds value in his own mind rather than the physical manifestations of the changing world . Conscious discipline conscience frees man from internal corruption , pride , which prevents a true community of people. Main among them - attention to every individual , to his existing problems. Perception of man as he is.
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Ideal hippie: 1. Complete harmony with nature. 2. Love to all manifestations of nature. 3. Hippie brings peace wherever appears. 4. At hippie creative thoughts and actions. Hippie perceptive. 5. Hippie looks at more unity than to fight. 6. Hippie world obeys the laws of harmony. Believes that his example can be changed the world. 7. Hippie man realizes himself universe. 8. Hippies believe that the flowers open the door to human communication.
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Appearance 1. Long hair, beard - the natural look of nature imitation of the ancient peoples who lived in harmony with nature. Hippies themselves explain: "Hair - a kind of antenna conductors connecting man with the cosmos." Scientists have made a scientific conclusion: "His hair and beard emit alternating magnetic field with a frequency of incident sound ... Bearded and hairy otherwise perceive the world than their counterparts shorn. " 2. Underlined negligence - in an attempt to find a similar image of a person, especially the person, rather than appearance, which is often misleading. 3. Manner to decorate clothing embroidery, beading, amulets, symbols - the desire to creatively rethink its uniqueness in the world.
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Rock music - a means of emotional and spiritual unity of people . Rock (implying a real rock , not music for the feet ) . Rock - music of protest , rebellion . It promotes " expansion of consciousness " - this is nothing like the transfer of their everyday "I" from emotions, feelings and intellect to intuition.
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PS: Russia n Hippies believe that if a person lives in the world - he is responsible to his own conscience for everything that happens on the planet.
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