Киселевой А.В.
Работа представляет собой изучение реальных фактов жизни, и их изображение в анимации.
Автор сравнивает: факты истории разных стран, сами страны и национальные черты характера людей в представлении аниматоров и свое реальное представление о них, известных людей, их вклад в культуру, политику, историю в мультиках и реальности, погодные условия стран; известные достопримечательности в анимации и реальности.
Ученица просмотрела большое количество мультипликационных фильмов, выбрала из них фрагменты для оформления презентации, много и детально поработала со словарями и энциклопедиями, изучила большое количество литературы по теме, об особенностях организации проектной деятельности, углубила свои знания по предметам английский язык.
Проект краткосрочный( один месяц), индивидуальный, практико-ориентированный.
Результатом работы являются:
Данный проект полезен взрослым и детям, так как позволяет задуматься над тем, что и как смотрят наши дети; продукт проекта рассчитан оказать помощь современным родителям, старшим братьям и сестрам в предоставлении фактического материала по анимационным фильмам.
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I. Introduction.
The theme of my project is «Animated films and a real life»
I have chosen this theme because I adore cartoons and anime. I watch them alone and with my little brother. I watch them very often, but many people think that the children waste their time by watching the cartoons only.
By chance, I have found that my little brother thinks that Leonardo, Michelangelo and Rafael are the ninja-tortoises, Sky and Flora are characters of the cartoon’s serial “Winx“, Ice Jack(a person from the cartoon’s serial “Smurfs”) brings to us cold and frosty weather.
Working as a leader in a summer camp I noticed that the children don’t know where the names Spiderman or Batman came from. Many children and adults like cartoons and they don’t know if the information in cartoons true or false is.
And I was lost in my thoughts if the information in cartoons true is?
True cartoons will be very useful. I want found cartoons which can help children known about the veracity of historical events, real persons, countries and traditions. But what about anime and cartoons, whose persons and events are not truly at all? That’s why I decided to examine some of the modern cartoons, compare and determine what is true in them.
I think my project will be very useful for parents and their children. And I’ll try to help them to understand some historical events, people and traits of character of some nations.
First of all I interviewed my classmates, the pupils of the 9th form, and I ask them the following questions:
-Do you watch cartoons?
-What cartoons do you watch?
-Have you ever check the information from them?
-Do you believe that the information in cartoons may be not true?
-Did you notice that the information doesn’t correspond with the reality?
Three of eight of my classmates like cartoons, three of eight watch comedies but two of them watch different genres of the cartoons.
Fife of eight of them thought about the information if it true or false is. Only one pupil checked the information in the cartoons.
Fife of eight children would like to watch realistic cartoons.
I interviewed my friends from Komsomolsk, Khabarovsk, the pupils of the 8-10th form, and I ask them the same questions:
Eight of ten of my friends like cartoons, three of eight watch comedies but seven of them watch different genres of amine.
Seven of them thought about the information if it true or false is. Only three pupils checked the information in the cartoons.
Everybody would like to watch realistic animated films.
Looking through these charts I came up to my first conclusion: Pupils of the form like cartoons, thought about their information but only one of them have checked this information.
II. The main part. Animated films and a real life.
I have chosen some cartoons and look them through very carefully.
At first I have found the cartoon where the countries are shown like people “Hetalia Axis Powers”. The author of these anime had an idea that countries are the people. Some of them are strong like America, Germany, Russia. Some of them are rather weak like Taiwan, Belarus and Hungary. I compare some countries, how are they shown in the cartoons if it really true to life is.
b. Britain (Arthur) as we can see is a nature loving person, well dressed and rather intelligent. He likes reading, classical music and prefers drinking tea in the afternoon. It puts much more attention to his health than America.
Americans like to eat hamburgers. Britain is for healthy eating. Americans often quarrel with other countries in this question too.
It seems to me that this way of showing countries like people is unusual and interesting, sometimes very funny. This mainly corresponds with my image about these countries. I think that this information is rather true.
The most famous sights of the countries are shown in the cartoons too. Sights of different countries we can see in many cartoons, such as “The first Squad”, “The Black Butler”, “Stein’s Gate”, “Labyrinths in the crossroads of foreign cities”.
We can see The Kremlin in Russia in the cartoon “The first Squad”. It is shown like in real life. I visited Moscow when I was 11 and I saw this world famous sight.
There is the Eiffel Tower in Paris in France. You can see it in “The Black Butler” and there is the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge in “The Black Butler” too.
There is a real sight in cartoon “The Stein’s Gates”. It is a district of Tokyo. It is famous for its shops, little cafes for those who like anime. People can watch their favourite anime and have a rest and a cup of coffee. It was interesting for me to know that people can put on the costumes of different anima’s personalities and take part in different theatrical plays like actors.
The weather can be associated with countries too. And we can see it in cartoons, too. The weather in Russia is shown like constantly snowy and frosty. People are in the warm coats all the seasons long. During the Great patriotic War many German soldiers died because of our cold winter. This historical event we can noticed in the cartoons “The first Squad” and “Wolf’s Rain ”.
There is a season of rainy weather in Japan in April. All children usually start to learn in this season in Japan. It is true. And this period is shown in the cartoons “K-On”, “Blood +”.The winter is rather warm, people don’t wear fur clothes, there is a little snow.The Japanese are usual people in usual clothes but not in kimono as my classmates think.
4. Historical events in anime and a real life.
The most interesting and hard part of my project is history. Many countries of the world have very rich history and some of their historical events are mirrored in anime or cartoons.
5. The famous people in anime and a real life.
There are people who are famous all over the world. Their life and actions made them heroes not only in a real life but in many cartoons, too.
Robin Hood is a popular person in so many cartoons! In my childhood I and my mother liked to watch the cartoon about him where he was shown like a fox. He fell in love with a girl- a fox, too. She was from an aristocratic family. The king was a weak lion there (that is not typically for lions). The lion was funny. He had a friend - a little hypocritical snake. The king tried to steal the girl and Robin Hood saved her constantly.
It must be admitted that Robin Hood is always brave, clever, kind and merry. He helps the poor and saves his beloved girl.
According to the statistic 70% of the British think that Sherlock Holmes was a real detective and that he really lived and lives on Baker Street, 221A.
There are too many films about Sherlock Holmes of different genres, of different film directors. These stories are very popular around the world. You can see an old and a new version of the book written by Arthur Konan Doyle.
One version says that it was a woman who had no children.
The other admits about him like about a surgeon. In the “Black Butler” we have seen a person who was a woman and the surgeon at the same time. Her name was Ann, by nickname Madam Red because she liked to wear red clothes and had a red hair. Madam Red killed 5 young girls. And the names of the last victims in anime coincided with the name of the last real victim. Madam Red acted not alone but together with God of Death in the anime. The name of suspected person was Peter Sutcliffe in real life and it partly concurs too. In the anime his name was Grel Sutcliffe.
Okita Sōji was the captain of the first unit of the Shinsengumi, a special police force in Kyoto during the late shogunate period. He was one of the best swordsmen of the Shinsengumi acted with Saito Hajime and Nagakura Shinpachi.
Saitō Hajime was a Japanese samurai of the late Edo period, who was the most famous as the captain of the third unit of the Shinsengumi. He was one of the few core members who survived in the numerous wars of the Bakumatsu period.
Kondo Isami was a leader of a military group. He acted on the shogunate government. During the war Bosin he was captured by his enemies and beheaded.
Khidzhikato Tosidzhois was a substitute and a friend of Kondo Isami from the group Shinsengumi. His height was nearly 167sm, but Kondo Isami hardly reached to his chin.
There is a statue for them in Japan and they are shown there like in real life. These persons are very popular and famous in their country and each child know their names and what are they famous for.
With the death of Khidzhikato Tosidzho the group Shinsengumi stopped his actions in May the 11th, 1869. And with these events the war Bosin were stopped too.
To my mind the description of different historical events and famous people is the most attractive part for those who write screen versions for different anime and cartoons. The directors try to be closer to real events but they don’t forget to invent anything new and unusual.
III. Conclusion. Let their children to watch cartoons!
Anime and cartoons are not only waste of time. The children and the adults can watch them together and receive imagination about the whole world, its famous people and historical events. But adults must choose cartoons very carefully for their children and they can give comments about these events in real life. For that I completed the tips and the rating system of cartoons and anime for parents and these tips may do parent’s life easier. I hope thanks to my work the parents will save a lot of time and allow their children to form a true notion of a real life.
IV. Sources of Information.
V. Added Files.
1. Проект рейтинговой системы для мультфильмов.
2. Памятка современным родителям, имеющим современных детей.
Шелковая горка
Сказка об осеннем ветре
Акварель + трафарет = ?
Снежная книга
Снегири и коты