В данном докладе авторы рассматривают содержание понятие "Толерантность", приводят зарубежные примеры форм работы по формированию толерантности в системе западного образзования и описывают свой опыт участия в подобных мероприятиях в своей школе.
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The formation of tolerance
in the system of education
доклад выполнен
ученицами 10Б класса
МБУ гимназии №39
Зайцевой Валерией и
Устимовой Викторией
"Tolerance – it is something that makes peace possible and leads from a culture of war to a culture of peace" - the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance , adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1995.
Tolerance - one of the basic civic values . Intolerance towards people of different nationality, a different faith, a social group , their behavior or way of thinking - a common phenomenon in the modern world. Only a tolerant person will be able to solve the problem of intolerance in the outside world while not violating the rights of others and the remaining full-fledged personality .
The formation of the personality begins in early childhood. Not only knowledge but also the norms of behavior , beliefs, habits and needs of the individual are brought up from early age.
“Teaching tolerance” is regarded by the Russian government as a key priority . " Education of the young generation in the spirit of peace, tolerance should be a moral - philosophical foundation , the most important task for all teachers " , - emphasizes the All-Russian Federal Target Program " Formation of the attitude of tolerance and preventing extremism in Russian society ."
But we are still being brought up with the stereotypes that if somebody is a bit different from you or from everybody you've seen before, this person is a rotten apple and you shouldn't trust him or her.
Tolerance teaches us to respect people even very different from us and if you are a tolerant person you feel freedom because you realize that people raised in tolerance wouldn't condemn you. Everyone needs to understand that , first of all , accepting yourself as who you are, and respecting for your individuality, you will be able to respect the individuality of others. Respect for yourself - this is the first step , the second step is overcoming the social framework set up by the society. For example, in the United States , there is a simple communicative technology «Mix it up» for children and students in the " Learning Tolerance" program. The authors provide the following assessment of the technology : «Mix it up» - this is a simple call to action: : sit down at the table in the dining room with those people who you don’t usually communicate with. It gives the students the opportunity to break down those barriers and borders that exist in today's schools. They can meet new people and even make new friends. All members of the project tell that it was the most valuable experience in their lives that helped them to understand better the lives of the people around them. "Thus, we can see how a simple solution can bring global change in the minds of people.
In France, there is an educational project "Foundation of tolerance", the main idea is that " at the age of 14 years, teenagers gets responsibility for knowing the difference ." This project focuses on respect for the autonomy of the individual. The creators of the project emphasize that "Tolerance is not concession, not condescending, not complacency, since not everything can be tolerated ."
At the first stage, experienced teachers are using the technology of traveling exhibitions ( focusing on different aspects of tolerant behavior ) Target audience - young people aged 11 - 17 years. The second stage - the participation of senior pupils and students in discussions on these issues. The third stage - the independent development of young French citizens through projects.
Our modern Russian school is an essential resource of tolerance development: historical, cultural , literary , geographical examples are taught at the lessons. The educational process serves to highlight the diversity and dynamism of a multicultural world. But the main aspect focuses on penetration of different cultures, but not on mutual respect of each identity. In this case, the teens lost value of cultural identity as the basis for personal growth.
When and where to start teaching tolerance ? How to teach children to be tolerant ? The earlier the teacher ( or parents) will help the child to understand the uniqueness of their personality , as well as the identity of his peers, the easier it will be for a child to successfully adapt to the world around him. Only through personal example of the adult a child can learn a tolerant attitude.
What can we offer ? What practical tips can affect the improvement of the level of tolerance ?
First of all, we would like to have at our schools the integrated system of activities aimed at the formation of tolerance, not only great conversations and discussions, but role playing, projects, public activities. For example, at our school there is a beautiful tradition to celebrate the Day of National Unity: every class represents one of the nationality, that lives in our great country and demonstrates in different creative ways the national identity. As the result we have a great festival.
One more thing we think of really great importance is exchange students programs with other countries, it would give our students the opportunity to develop a sense of tolerance through contact with other more advanced in this aspect cultures.
Luckily, this Autumn we have had the unique chance to mix up with students from other countries. In the framework of the city project "Togliatti is the City of the World" we participated in "The International Students' Camp". The main concept of this project was that Togliatti `s and foreign students from Bulgaria, Italy, Canada, Germany, Serbia or Thailand had been living for two weeks in a camp from 16 to 29 September in order to develop intercultural space in Togliatti and to make friendship between our countries as well.
During this weeks we've learned how to communicate with teens from other countries while doing different things like: preparing for the concerts, having excursions across the city and Togliatti schools, taking part in different competitions and master classes and just chatting during the free time . As a result we became one big family, where it doesn't matter where are you from: it was a great way to unite our amicable countries and make us tolerant to each other.
To sum up we'd like to paraphrase the famous speech of the great activist for human rights Martin Luther King "We have a dream that we will one day live in a world where we will not be judged by the color of our skin or the clothes but by the content of our character».
Использованная литература:
1. Толерантность и культура межнационального общения: Учебно-методическое пособие (для студентов высших учебных заведений). – Краснодар: Просвещение-Юг, 2009. – 307 с.
2. Толерантность в современном обществе: опыт междисциплинарных исследований: сборник научных статей / под научн. ред. М.В. Новикова, Н.В. Нижегородцевой. – Ярославль: Изд-во ЯГПУ, 2011. - 357 с.
3. http://www.mgimo.ru/news/university/document182257.phtml
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