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Nicholas II . Выполнила Рузайкина Валерия 9 «Б»Слайд 2
Nicholas - Russian Emperor, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland, the last Emperor of the Russian Empire (1894-1917). Of the Imperial House of Romanov. Colonel (1892), in addition, the British monarchs have ranks: Admiral of the Fleet and the British Army Field Marshal. Nicholas II's reign was marked by economic developments in Russia and at the same time - an increase in her social and political contradictions of the revolutionary movement that ignited the revolution of 1905-1907, and the revolution of 1917; foreign policy - the expansion in the Far East, the war with Japan, as well as participation Russia in military blocs of the European powers and the First World war. Nicholas II abdicated the throne during the February Revolution of 1917, and was with his family under house arrest in the Tsar's palace. In the summer of 1917, by the decision of the Provisional Government, was with his family into exile in Tobolsk , and the spring of 1918, moved by the Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg, where he was shot in July 1918, with his family and associates .
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5 Nicholas II - the eldest son of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna . He was born May 6, 1868 in Tsarskoye Selo . In 1877, his studies were entrusted to General Danilovich . Training sessions were divided by 12 years, the first eight years were devoted to subjects gymnasium course, and the last four years have been designed to the highest rate of Sciences. Complexity of the program has led to the need to continue training for another year. School science course was directed to the study in sufficient detail to military and thorough acquaintance with the overarching principles of legal and economic sciences. Teachers Crown Prince on the second highest division of the course were: Yanyshev Pobedonostsev , Bunge, Kapustin, etc .
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For an introduction to public affairs from May 1889 Nicholas began to attend meetings of the State Council and the Committee of Ministers. In October 1890 made a voyage to the Far East through Greece, Egypt, India, China and Japan. During a visit to the temple in the Japanese city of Otsu religious fanatic assassinated Nicholas, having as a sword over the head . In April 1984, Nicholas was engaged to Princess Alice of Hesse -Darmstadt, daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse , granddaughter of Queen Victoria. Bride after conversion to Orthodoxy took the name Alexandra.
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Alexander III died on October 20 (November 2), 1894. Two hours before the death of the dying emperor demanded to his successor and ordered him to sign a manifesto on his accession to the throne. The coronation took place in Moscow in May 1896. During the distribution of gifts to the royal Khodynka , where a small area of half a million gathered crowd, there was a terrible crush. Killed and maimed thousands of people. It was expected that, in connection with the tragedy of Nicholas Unassign an evening ball, but it did not.
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One after another daughter born Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia. At the end, in July 1904 a son, Alex. But the joy was marred by the parent - child found incurable hereditary disease hemophilia.
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First Russian Revolution forced Nicholas to make concessions. 17 (30), 1905 the king signed the famous manifesto "On improvement of public order": the people given the freedom of speech, personality, conscience, assembly, association, as the legislature created the State Duma . Two days later, in a letter to the mother explained to the Emperor signed the manifesto that "no one else could rely ... on the other to do but cross your fingers and give what all asking."
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In the chain of failures and disasters of the reign of Nicholas fateful role played by the first world war. The lesson of the military defeat of Japan, urged - the war could create a new revolution. This was also warned "family friend" Grigory Rasputin. Cautious policy of Russia during the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 was aimed at pulling the world conflict. The first days of the war showed a surge of patriotic feelings and monarchist sentiment in the country. Then came the military defeat, the Germans occupied Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and the Baltic part. Trying to raise the morale of the army, the emperor assumed the High Command, removing from the post of his uncle the Grand Duke Nicholas. The king traveled to the fronts, inspected military units, almost did not happen at GHQ. In the rear of the empire grew quickly collapse and social crisis has worsened the supply of grain cities. The February revolution found Nicholas at headquarters in Mogilev. The news of the popular uprising in Petrograd, the evening of February 27 (March 13), 1917, Nicholas decided not to make concessions and asked the former commander of the Southwestern Front N.I.Ivanovu lead a punitive expedition to the capital.
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