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Research work « Measuring the ionizing radiation background in micro-district of school № 997 » « Myths or Reality » Pupils : Sulimanova Liliya Medvedev Ivan Teacher : Polikarova Irina AleksandrovnaСлайд 2
Aims of the project: To find out the level of radiation background in micro- district of school № 997 To find out students’ awareness on « radiation and radiation background » To measure the level of radiation and analyze it.
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The important question!!! In 1986- the Chernobyl nuclear power station near Kiev suffered a fired and partial meltdown resulting in a major release of radioactive particles. Their meltdown made people to reconsider the situation. There’s an increasing number of people who take an interest in the nature of ionizing radiation and the peculiarities of radiation impact on organisms.
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We know very little about radiation though we have much information about the sources of radiation, its impact on human beings and its disastrous effect. Chapter I the list of literature
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Интернет-ресурсы http :// www . gov . spb . ru / gov / admin / terr / reg _ kalinin / social / zdrav http://www.pressa.spb.ru/newspapers/promvest/arts/promvest-20-art-1.html http://www.dux.ru/enpp/newspapers/nevrem/arts/nevrem-1612-art-8.html www . ecoz . ru / navigator / article / rayoni www . nedelya . ru / view /13719 www . gazeta . spb . ru /47360 -0/
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Natural sources of radiation Natural sources of radiation External radiation Inner radiation A)Space radiation Air Water Food B)Building materials C)Radionuclides
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Natural sources of radiation According to statistics, the contribution of natural sources into the common dose of radiation is more than 70 per cent. The part of radiation goes from medical treatment is about 30 per cent. The contribution of anthropogenic sources is little and it is about 0,2 per cent.
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Chapter II Materials and methods Aims : 1) learning to become autonomous while carrying out the research work. 2) to find out the level of radiation in micro- district of school № 997 3 ) to be aware of simple methods of monitoring the environment 4 ) to be able to use different sources of information and analyze it.
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Opinion survey We handed out questionnaires to find out how much our students know about radiation. We conducted a poll among the students if they have an idea about factors which influence our health. They acquired this knowledge at Physics, Biology and Geography lessons.
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1) Which environmental factors influence people’s health ? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 8 9 10 11 1) The contamination of the atmosphere ( smog + plants and factories) 2) litter 3) Water pollution 4)radiation 5) Weather and climate impact машины
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2) Do your believe radiation background influences our health ?
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3) Do you know the permissible level of radiation background ?
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4) Do you know the level of radiation background in your city ?
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5) Why should we know about the radiation background level ?
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Practice We made a decision to measure the level of radiation background in micro district of school 16 areas were chosen. We measured it three times: 5,8 and 10 November 2012 from 10’clock p.m. till 3 o’clock p.m.
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Measuring the radiation background near our school
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Measuring the radiation background at car parks. )
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Measuring the radiation background at car parks and construction sites
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Measuring the radiation background at playgrounds.
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IRI-1 We used a special instrument to get information about the level of radiation. This instrument is called Indicator of Radioactivity Individual(IRI-1)
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Chapter III . Summing up. Presenting the results of our work. As a result we have found that the level of radiation background is 15-16 microroentgen per hour and this is an average level of radiation background in Moscow. But there are some areas where the level is above the average (more than 25 microroentgen per hour)
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To sum up we should admit that the environmental situation in school 997 micro-district is satisfactory and the people are out of danger.
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Thank you for attention!!
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