Данная работа выполнена на английском языке в виде компьютерной презентации и посвящена чудесной и загадочной стране – Австралии, Представленная в работе информация об особенностях этой страны, ее своеобразной природе, уникальной флоре и фауне позволяет понять, почему Австралию можно назвать самой удивительной и необыкновенной страной в мире.
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The Most Extraordinary Country in the World by Gorskaya Elena the 6-th form The Center of Children's Creation "Sviblovo", MoscowСлайд 2
For many centuries people in Europe were certain that there was a large land somewhere below the Indian Ocean. But Europeans had never seen it.
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They wondered what it was like and if it was inhabited. Nobody knew how to get there.
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For over 200 years hundreds of European navigators set across the seas searching for this mysterious continent. People from Europe called it terra australis incognita , or ‘the unknown southern land’ - Australia.
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Australia is a land of striking differences. It’s a country that is full of interesting facts.
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Australia is "the most" country in many ways. It is the world’s largest island and the smallest continent at the same time. It is almost 25 times larger than the British Isles.
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It is also the oldest, the flattest and the driest continent in the world. Australia is the flattest continent of all. But still it has mountains.
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. Australia is the oldest of all continents, because some rocks are more than 3 million years old.
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Australia is the least populated of the continents with fewer than three people per square kilometer.
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Australia is the driest continent of all after Antarctica. More than 50% of its land is a desert – dry and inhabited. Only the East and South-east are not so dry so they are good for living.
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Sometimes Australia is called “the upside down world”. Australia lies in the Southern Hemisphere, where winter comes in July and summer begins in December.
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Australians celebrate Christmas and New Year at midsummer when it’s 40 degrees of heat. During the Christmas holidays people sunbathe on the beach or swim and surf in the ocean.
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Hot winds blow from the north: cold winds blow from the south. The farther north you go, the hotter it gets. The trees look strange; they never lose their leaves, even in winter.
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But though most of the territory is too dry or too hot Australia has an extraordinary collection of birds and animals. Australia’s isolation for more than 55 million years has created unique flora and fauna found nowhere else in the world.
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Australia is a land of strange birds and unusual animals. You can see two of them - the Red Kangaroo and Emu - on the Coat of Arms of Australia. They are native to Australia and are found only on that continent.
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Marsupials are the most unique group in Australia. This group includes kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, Tasmanian wolves, Tasmanian devils, wombats, and many others. There are more than 140 species of marsupials in Australia.
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Kangaroo The kangaroos are perhaps the best known of Australia’s animals. Their population is more than 50 million. There are more than 55 different species of kangaroos spread across Australia, in many different colours and sizes.
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Some are as big as people, others are as small as cats. The red kangaroo and the grey kangaroo are the largest, reaching a height of about 2 m. and weighing up to 85 kg. The smallest kangaroo is the rat kangaroo.
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Koala The koala is known as the Australian bear, but it is much closer to being a relative of the kangaroo. The name koala comes from the Aboriginal saying that means "no drink": this animal doesn’t normally need to drink, because it can get all water it needs by eating eucalyptus leaves.
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The koala spends 19 hours sleeping or just sitting on a branch. About 5 hours every night is spends on eating leaves. It eats about 500g to 1kg a day!
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The baby is born blind, hairless and it is only 2cm long. It then crawls into its mothers pouch and stays in it drinking milk for the next 6 months.
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Wombat The wombat is also a marsupial and it is the closest relative of the koala. Wombats are about 70-120 cm long and weigh up to 27 kg. Wombats often dig their burrows which can be up to 20 m long and more than 2 m below the ground. Its main food is grass. Wombats have been in Australia for 15 million years. Unfortunately, these animals are becoming extinct in some areas of Australia.
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Tasmanian devil The Tasmanian devil lives only in Tasmania. It became extinct on the mainland about 600 years ago. They have almost all black fur with a little bit of white on their chest. Tasmanian devils look like small bears, but they are marsupials.
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They are very strong for their size and have big and very sharp teeth. They eat small mammals, birds, lizards and insects. The Tasmanian devil screams to warn other animals that this is his or her property or food. Despite its appearance and reputation, the Tasmanian devil is actually a shy creature.
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Bilby They live in burrows like rabbits do and dig 1-2 metres underground to stay away from the heat of the desert. The bilby sleeps all day and hunts for its food at night. The bilbies are endangered animals. The bilby is a cute little marsupial with soft and silky blue-grey fur. The bilby has long ears, a long black and white tail and a white chest. Bilbies live in dry parts of Australia.
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Dingo The dingo is Australia’s wild dog. Dingoes are not native to Australia. They were brought into Australia by Aborigines from New Guinea about 3 000 years ago. Dingoes can be dark brown, reddish or black. Dingoes are meat eaters. The Dingo is found in many parts of Australia but they are not found in Tasmania.
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Echidna Echidnas, or spiny anteaters, are egg-laying mammals. They have strong bodies, short legs, and large feet and claws. They use their claws to dig up and eat ants, termites, and worms. Echidnas can swim. They don't like the heat. When it's in danger the echidna pulls its head in and curls up into a ball to protect itself.
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Platypus Platypuses live in burrows which they dig into the banks of rivers, up to 26 metres long. They are diving animals, and can stay under water for up to fifteen minutes but they can’t breathe under water. The Platypus, or duckbill, is one of the most unique animals in the world which is found only in Australia. It is a rare egg-laying mammal with a duck-like beak.
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Rabbits In 1859 two dozen wild rabbits were brought to Australia. In 3 years the rabbit population reached 500 million. Nowadays there are so many of them in Australia that farmers have constant wars against the rabbits because they destroy so much grass. They also eat different plants, vegetables.
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There are around 800 different species of birds in Australia, half of which are unique to this country. Some of them are the kookaburra, the lyrebird, the flightless emu, hundreds of small penguins on Phillip Island.
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The emu, Australia’s largest bird is the second largest of the world's flightless birds. Emus grow up to two metres tall and have three toes and long legs that allow them to run very fast, up to 50km per hour. Emu It cannot fly but it is a good runner. They are good swimmers, too. Emus feed on many things like lizards, seeds, fruit and insects. The emu's eggs are dark green.
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This graceful bird got its name from the lyre, a musical instrument, because the male birds have long tail feathers that look like lyres. They don't use their wings for flying but mainly run and leap on the ground. The lyrebird is known for its ability to imitate not only songs of other birds but any sound it hears– from car engines and fire alarms to crying babies. Lyrebird
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The kookaburra is often called “laughing jackass”. When the Kookaburra laughs, it tells the other birds to keep away, because it is his/her territory. They live in tree holes and eat mice, snakes, lizards, birds, insects and frogs. Kookaburra Kookaburras are birds that live in Australia. They are best known for their human-sounding laughter at dusk and dawn.
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Parrots are the most colourful group of Australian birds. There are more than 150 different species of parrots and cockatoos in Australia. They fly everywhere and you can see a lot of them in city streets.
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Australia has more lizards than any other part of the world. There are 520 species of them in this country. Australian lizards are big, colourful and unusual. Lizards The Australian blue tongue lizard. The blue-tongue lizard has strong jaw muscles and if you pick the lizard up it can bite you. The Thorny Devil Lizard. Despite its dangerous appearance and its name it is one of the least aggressive reptiles.
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The Australian Frilled Lizard. Frilled Neck Lizards are grey and brown and the only brightly coloured body part is the frill around their neck. The frill is usually folded back around the shoulders and the colours are hidden. It helps the lizard to look like the branch it is sitting on. But when the lizard opens its mouth to show the strong teeth, its impressive orange frill also opens, making the lizard look twice as big.
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Australia is also famous for the Great Barrier Reef , the world’s largest coral reef which can be seen from outer space. The Great Barrier Reef
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The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,600 kilometres.
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The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders of the natural world. Its animal inhabitants include:
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1500 species of marine fish
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30 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises 125 species of sharks live in or visit the Great Barrier Reef waters
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You can find 6 species of marine turtles and 5,000 species of mollusks there.
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More than 600 species of echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers) live on the Great Barrier Reef
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360 species of hard corals can be found there .
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The most dangerous Australian animals inhabiting Australian waters are: the saltwater crocodile, the box jellyfish, the blue ring octopus, the stone fish, the great white shark, and some others. Many of them are very dangerous creatures which can kill a human in a few minutes.
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Australia's plants Australia also supports at least 25,000 species of plants, compared to 17,500 in Europe. That includes different unusual trees, brilliant wildflowers and a great variety of other plants.
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Australia is full of wonders and, in my opinion, it is the most extraordinary country in the world! I have never been to Australia because it is very far from my home. But I dream to visit this unique land some day in the future! Thanks for your attention!
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Список используемых источников Britannica 2008 Ultimate Reference Suite (DVD) – энциклопедия . Afanasyeva O.V. Mikheeva I.V. English – VI. Student’s Book. – М. , Просвещение, 2009. Цветкова И.В., Клепальченко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы. – М., Глосса, 1997. Чесова Н . Н . Test by Test. 6 класс. – М ., Менеджер, 2009. http:// www.rochedalss.eq.edu.au/rdale/animal.htm http://library.thinkquest.org/28994/animals.html http://www.outback-australia-travel-secrets.com/australian-lizards.html http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fauna_of_Australia#Mammals http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Barrier_Reef http://www.reef.crc.org.au/discover/plantsanimals/facts_plantanimal.htm
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