В презентации затронута тема моды и модной одежды.
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: Do fashionable clothes really change the way a person looks ?Слайд 2
Clothes and Fashion Clothing is one of the oldest human inventions. Its main function is to protect the body from numerous influences of an environment (chemical, mechanical impact, insects, dirt, climatic phenomena and others). Some believe that it occurred because of feelings of shame to hide the corpse of a man. Now clothing carries also the aesthetic function, through her man expresses your style, philosophy and way of life.
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Fashion of young people The well-known Mary Cyont in the second half of the XX century, showed to the world quite new style of clothing, that got the name "Youth fashion". Young people get dressed always in its own way, so to say, they wear baggy trousers with a great number of the superimposed pockets or fanatically tight-fitting trousers combine with short narrow vests of bright colours. Today tattoos are in fashion. Young people wear jeans, attracting attention, although sometimes fashion not always positive influences on a health .
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Low-waist trousers Modern youth prefers a jean clothing in the whole world. It шы comfortable and fashionable. And going out on a street, it is possible to see the models of different kinds, fashion and colour. This fashion came to us from 70th of the XX century. Trousers were low on a waist. Such clothing is very showy, if you have young beautiful figure In Europe there are famous brands that dictate a fashion. They followed this tendency first. For us this clothing is very popular because it makes young, and holds in tone . When in such jeans people appear in society, then absolutely all can notice, what tattoo is on a body.
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Aspiration to keep up after the last tendencies, a desire to look always in accordance with a world fashion becomes the main credo of life for young people. But whatever was promised by a forthcoming season, fashionable and stylish you will be only in that really suits to your figure and folded character. The choice of any dress and accessory depends, foremost, from you. That you weary, must harmonize with your health, and reflect only good sights of your figure . Deciding on the cardinal changes of the appearance, remember that a fashion is and changeable in its preferences.
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Shoes are very important part of clothing . History of shoe counts not one millennium. There is opinion, that shoes appeared 26-30 thousand years ago in the West of Eurasia. Researchers consider that the first in history of humanity boots were a sort of boots from bear hides heat-insulated from within by a dry grass. A fashion constantly advances. Today in a fashion shoes on a high heel with a narrow or rounded nose. And a sporting shoes are also very fashionable.
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Modern style of life Appearance of the new look to sport and fashion became the real social phenomenon today. Trainers are no longer only a sporting equipment. Now sporting shoes belong to the everyday casual style, sometimes having no attitude toward going in for sports. Choosing such shoes it is very important to remember: The permanent wearing of sporting shoes often results in problems with feets. Afterwards appear difficulties with long standing in one pose, and also a gait becomes worse. Pain in muscles at walking, violations of posture, problems with joints - these are bad consequences of such disease
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