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Презентацию подготовила ученица 8 класса МКОУ Александровская ООШ Николенко Снежанна руководитель : Акзамова Е.Н. учитель английского языка 1 квалификационная категорияСлайд 2
На карте мира Великобритания обведена красным кружком.
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If we consider the map closer, you will see that the UK is an island washed by the Atlantic ocean, the North and Irish seas.
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The Flag Of Great Britain.
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The Capital Of Britain - London .
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UK ancient country, full of old castles, structures.
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Prehistoric collection of stone blocks Stonehenge
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Westminster Abbey
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In such castles used to live knights is a brave warriors who wore armor and fought for his country, the king or Queen.
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Knights are long gone, but preserved castles and continue to live the kings.
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In our days in the UK ruled by Queen Elizabeth II
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Royal residence - Buckingham Palace
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On the square near the Palace is the Queen Victoria memorial
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Attractions in Britain - Trafalgar square
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The famous tower bridge is also in England.
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The old clock tower Big Ben
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If you are in England, be sure to ride the famous Ferris wheel «London eye»
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The state language of the UK English language.
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In this country people live by nationality British.
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Для чего нужна астрономия?
Астрономический календарь. Декабрь, 2018