презентация знакомит с категориями граждан, имеющих право на государственные выплаты.
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sotsialnoe_obespechenie.ppt | 305 КБ |
Слайд 1
System of Social Welfare FairСлайд 2
Russia is a welfare state, a country that has a system of ensuring the welfare of its citizens by means of social services, provided by the state. At the national level the Government is responsible for the National Health Service, National Insurance and Social Security.
Слайд 3
Women whose husbands die before they retire if they are aged 45 or over. widow's pension
Слайд 4
A person who is unable to work after a sickness period. invalidity pension
Слайд 5
Women who leave work to have a baby. maternity pay
Слайд 6
Each child until he\she leaves school or longer if the child continues education. Child benefit
Слайд 7
Families with children who have very low incomes family credit
Слайд 8
retired people / pensioners state/retirement pension
Слайд 9
Categoris of people
Слайд 10
the retired the unemployed the widowed
Слайд 11
the sick the elderly the disabled
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