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Skeleton in Russian As we have changed a kind of sports to very interesting game.Слайд 2
Our purposes and problems The purpose: To create new and interesting game, from a known kind of sports «Skeleton» which will be accessible to all interested persons. Problems: To learn it is more about this kind of sports. To check up and try in practice the new version of game.
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History What attitud skeleton has to ice descent from mountain and what means this unusual name? Why so these sports exciting emotion are named? Whence it has occured ? Unequivocal answers to these questions are not present and to this day. However versions and legends exist. In 1882 when skiing was still not known in the central Europe, English soldiers have constructed санную a line leading from Davos in Клостерс in Switzerland. Figure of a line was similar to the well-known Canadian lines, but was more twisting - bends have been included in it. This line was used for descent on санях which at that time shared on three categories according to, whether there were they Canadian, American or Swiss by origin. And " пра -great-grandmothers" at скелетона it is a lot of " Пра -great-grandfathers". First, it is Canadian, to be exact would be to tell, American Indian сани which were used as transport and which in the end of XIX century have started to extend actively in the Alpine countries - so-called тобогган - «toboggans»- сани . In ancestors скелетону it is quite possible to write down and Norwegian сани « аке » which were used by fishers, and similar « kjaelke » - for entertainment on an ice. Under the version of some historians of this kind of sports, 1892 became for скелетона epoch-making. In 1892 the English tourist Mr. Chajld has surprised the friends to sportsmen new санями . They have been made of pure metal. Fans of extreme descent, having examined a new design саней , have drawn a conclusion, that they are similar to a skeleton. On this legend then also have started so to name this kind of sports. Supporters of other version consider, that the word « skele » occurs from a wrong English pronunciation of the Norwegian word designating Norwegian санки for entertainments on an ice.
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Game rules For competitions on skeletony use the same ice lines on which small children go for a drive even. Thus the line should be even average on length, and its rising sites should not be very sharp. At competitions before the beginning of descent skeletonist waits for a signal. Having prepared, the sportsman runs up, pushing before itself skeleton, and then jumps in it and takes of a correct position, that is on a stomach, the person downwards, with the hands extended on seams. At skeletonistov there are no adaptations, therefore turn and keep balance during passage of a line they can only due to movements of the body. That sportsmen could stop after the termination of descent, behind a home straight the site of rise begins. Winners are defined on the least sum of time of all descents.
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Safety precautions regulations Rule the first – use the complete set of the equipment necessary for a kind chosen by you of extreme sports, and in particular – reliable protective equipment. In fact even a popular paintball, the prices on which today are quite comprehensible, at absence of protective equipment can turn back serious traumas of a head and a neck.
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Rule the second – choose programs to itself on forces. In fact even inside of extreme kinds of sports there are the programs of different complexity calculated on beginners, fans and professionals accordingly. Rule the third – you should be in the good sports form. Before to start to be engaged in an extreme kind of sports, give even some weeks to put in order the sports form if in it there is a necessity. For this purpose exists daily зарядка and weekly employment in a sports hall.
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Rule the fourth – being engaged in extreme sports in structure of the organized group and under direction of the instructor, submit to requirements of the instructor. The instructor for certain knows more than you, and ignoring of its requirements can create problems not only personally to you, but also all group. Rule the fifth – if you are going to be engaged in the certain kind of extreme sports during a tourist trip, try to master its bases in advance in district of your residing. If it is a question of mountaneering at your service скалолазные walls and if about diving – pools to the aid will come.
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Rule the sixth – for employment by extreme kinds of sports choose only reliable firms and instructors. Certainly, their services cost недешево , but they will allow you to keep health, and is possible also a life. Besides being trained at true experts, you will improve the skills more quickly.
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Practice 1 way:
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2 way:
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The conclusion We think, that have coped with work as have executed all the purposes and problems which faced to us. Certainly we had difficulties in an expert where we accepted 2 way. We have overcome all difficulties and are happy with the work! We shall play about pleasure in the winter also the game thought up by us and a popular kind of sports!
Слайд 12
Above presentation worked: Shipitsyna Veronica and Simanova Tanya . 7б a class.
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