Данная работа является итоговым выходом проектной деятельности школьников 7 класса школы с углубленным изучением английского языка по предмету "Естествознание на английском языке" по теме "Разнообразные виды рыб".
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Science Project Work Different species of fish Made by : Daniil Lobanov Mihail Korshynov Teacher: Svetlana Lobanova School 72, NovokuznetskСлайд 2
Fish is a cold-blooded vertebrate that lives in water and breathers through gills
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Sharks Sharks are prey fish. They have a good sense of smell. Sharks teeth grow in several rows. There are sharks that have more than thousand teeth. Shark’s mouth is situated on the lower part of the head. If she wants to catch a fish or other animals, she must turn to the back. Shark is the only fish that doesn’t lay spawn, but lays eggs. Some sharks give birth to their babies.
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Porcupine fish Porcupine fish’s body has a lot of needles. It lives in all warm seas of the world. Porcupine fish looks like a ball. It has a big head and a small tail. Porcupine fish has very big eyes, which always move. Its eyes can look in different sides. If you frighten a porcupine fish, it becomes like a ball with needles.
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Flat fish Flatfish lives on the bottom of the sea. This fish lies and swims on its side. After birth left eye of the flatfish moves on the right side because this fish often lies on the left side. The bottom of the flatfish is white, but its upper part is coloured more brightly. Flatfish can change its colour as surroundings. Flatfish- is not a big fish. But one of its kind –Halibut (палтус) - can reach 4 meters long.
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Skate Skate- is the flat fish with fins that look like wings. With their help, fish as if “flies” in water. Most of skates have mouth on the lower side of the head- it is comfortable to eat bottom animals. Skates tail is like a twist. Some skates have the poisoned thorn. The electric skates live in tropical seas. They paralyze their enemy or prey with the electric charge.
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Dragon Eel Dragon eel is a big predatory fish. Its mouth is nearly always opened. Dragon eel hasn't got scales and chest fins. Its body looks like a snake. Dragon eel has an ugly head, with little eyes and a big mouth, with many teeth. They eat fish, crabs and cuttles, but if a diver troubles them they can bite him.
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Seahorse Seahorse is a small fish, but it does not look like a fish. Its head looks like a head of pony, and tail looks like a tail of a snake. Seahorses live in overgrowth of algae in warm seas. Seahorse female lays spawn in a special bag on the body of a male. Father seahorse wears eggs until they hatch. Seahorses move with the help of the only one back fin. And they rest catching the algae by their tails.
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