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Проектная работа We are against smoking ученика 7а класса Денисова Пети учитель Аракелян А.Н Зеленоград 2012Слайд 2
We are against smoking
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What we Know about Smoking Smoking has not always existed. It began to spread in Europe only since the 16th century, shortly after the discovery of America. Tobacco is a native of America. Christopher Columbus when he discovered America, among the inhabitants presented him with gifts dried leaves of the plant
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IT IS DANGEROUS Nicotine - one of the most dangerous poisons. Birds are killed when a beak just bring a stick moistened with nicotine. Rabbit killed by a quarter of nicotine drops, the dog from half a drop. For human lethal dose is from 50 to 100 mg, or 2-3 drops.
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CANCER It is this daily dose received in the blood after smoking 20-25 cigarettes. The smoker does not die because the dose is gradually, not in one step. Smoking increases the amount dangerous diseases. Most famous disease called smoking is lung cancer
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reasons for smoking reasons not to smoke I do not like smoking Smoking is bad for my health My parents did not approve of smoking None of my friends do not smoke I do not want to have bad habits. It is a habit I like to smoke All around me are smoking Smoking helps me feel and look older Smoking makes me distracted when I'm bored or in a bad mood My parents smoked
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