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my_ideal_weekend_7_klass.bakaeva.pptx | 2.59 МБ |
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my ideal weekend . Project of the students of 7 « B » Krasnoarmeiskaya school Teacher : Balakina G . I 2013Слайд 2
The motto : « To have art and part in something .» Принимать участие в чем-то. Быть причастным к чему-либо. Увлекаться искусством и играть .
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I’d like to go to the movies . I’d like to eat the popcorn . I wish I had a date here! I will be excited about the action .
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I’d like to go to the library . I’d like to read fantasy and detective stories .
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I’d like to go to the Park . I’d like to watch the horses . It will be interesting . I will not be bored there . I’d like to arrange picnics .
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I’d like to go to the exhibition of paintings .
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I’d like to go skating . I’d like to go to the i с e-s h ow I’d like to go to buy new skates . I think about white ones .
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I wish I t ook dinner in the cafe . One can admire the tasty pasta! I’d like to go to pizza restaurant and to have some fruit dessert there .
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Match : 1 . foreign 1 . the horses 2. watch 2 . ones 3. white 3. artist
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Отчего синичка развеселилась
Как нарисовать небо акварелью
В поисках капитана Гранта
Лепесток и цветок