Работа "The Big Cat", была выполненна ученицей 5 класса для участия в Общероссийском конкурсе исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся "Портфолио ученика" в 2012-2013 учебном году. Работа рассказывает о хищниках семейства кошачьих и выполнена на английском языке. Может быть использована на уроках иностранного языка при изучении темы "Животные".
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Слайд 1
The Big Cats. Mukanova Karina 5 formСлайд 2
Hello! My name is Karina. I very like big cats such as lions, tigers, jaguar. And I would like tell about you about they.
Слайд 3
Lions. Lions live in the group which is called pride . One pride can includes adult lion, lioness and their children. Usually about 15 lions live in it.
Слайд 4
In style of life lions are exception among cats. Other big cats live in loneliness.
Слайд 5
Hunt Tiger is one of the biggest representative of big cats an the great hunter. It hunts usually in night time. Its favourite prays are buffalo, deer and wild pig. Tiger can not run long for a big distance therefore it come as close as possible to its pray. Its striped skin hide animal among high grass well.
Слайд 6
Jaguar. Jaguar is one of the violent predator. It lives in rain woods of South America. Wild pigs are its favourite pray.
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