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Слайд 1
Field flowers and herbs. Akasheva Kristina Form 7.Слайд 2
Dandelion Dandelion grow as rosette. Its leafs lie on ground. Dandelion has not stem. It has 30 leafs and 10 button.
Слайд 3
Cornflower We can think that cornflower cares about its vase itself. Its floret is basket or ewer, bum pet. Blue, lilac, crimson or sky blue petals downcast in it.
Слайд 4
Bindweed At clear weather flower of bindweed dehisces completely. It is white or pink discus, which constricts itself to centre. Five petals are accrete.
Слайд 5
Tulip Tulip is kind of perennial oniony flower from family of liliaceous. There are about 100 kinds and about 4000 classes of tulips. They grow in Europe and Asia.
Слайд 6
Lily Sometimes exotic flowers have its own cater cousin. For example, lily and fleur-de-lis. If all flowers have female character, lily is a beautiful girl.
Слайд 7
Shamrock Shamrock appertain to two science, about dirt and about feed. Under ground there are special bacterium on roots. Shamrock is grass which reaches of protein, and it is excellently feed.
Слайд 8
Feather grass It is interesting, how feather grass feels itself it prairie. There are a lot of sky above it. Feather grass asks rain from sky.
Слайд 9
Nettle. It is pleasure, find nettle anywhere in forest on good summer day. Leafs and stem of nettle are covered by frail as a glass hairs. Nettle’s seed arouse, if man drinks it with wine.
Слайд 10
Milfoil. Milfoil has not thousand leafs. It hardly has twenty leafs. There are little leafs on stem. But each leaf chaff.
Слайд 11
Chicory Chicory grows in Europe, Asia, Russia. There is chicory on field, glade, often as weed by road. People use chicory for coffee, drugs and salad.
Слайд 12
What is it? a). Nettle b). Shamrock. c). Chicory. d). Tulip.
Слайд 13
What is it? a). Milfoil. b). Nettle. c). Lily. d). Cornflower.
Слайд 14
What is it? a). Milfoil. b). Lily. c). Dandelion. d). Nettle.
Слайд 15
Продолжите строки. chicory цикорий
Слайд 16
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