Конкурсная работа в номинации написание личного пистма по заданной теме
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May, 23
Dear Carol,
Thank you for your letter. It was interesting to know about your family and pets. In your letter you asks me about my family.
Well, my family is big: my granddad, my granny, my mother, my dog Tasha and my cat Pussy. I love them very much!
My family is friendly. We are very close to each other and we like to do everything together. But sometimes we have some problems. I am very stubborn and sometimes I don’t want to give in. I am not obedient. It seems to me that my relatives tell me what to do but I know everything myself: I know what to do and what not to do! So we get quarreled. Then I calm down and realize my mistakes. My relatives love me, they want to help me, to give good advice. So I apologize and make up with them. And we are a big friendly family again!
Carol, the school year is ending. Where are you going to spend your summer holidays? Are you going to the seaside or to the country?
Write back.
Yours, Polina.
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О падающих телах. Что падает быстрее: монетка или кусочек бумаги?
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