презентация по теме "Древнии цивилизации"
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The emergence of new tools labor was associated with... Ancient people hunted on the... The appearance of a bow and arrows was associated with... In the tribal community of people were connected... Cooling With the development of the hunting With the development of the North. Hares and squirrels Flocks of goats and deer Big game hunting The development of the human Extinction of mammoths Resettlement in the forest. Place of residence Common cause Kinship
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1. THE OPENING OF THE CAVE PAINTINGS. In 1878, in Spain archaeologist Саутола and his daughter went to the cave Альтамира.Когда South La lit a torch, they saw the paintings of нарисо -baths on the walls and the roof of the cave. Later there were discovered and др . пещеры with a picture-mi ancient artists.
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Among the images easily recognizable bison and OLE- no,bears and rhinos. All the pictures were made with an amazing Mac-Ministry-although not without its curiosities-meet varied images of animals with a big if-feet-so художникиСреди images easily recognizable bison and OLE- no,bears tried to pass the motion 1. THE OPENING OF THE CAVE PAINTINGS
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2. THE RIDDLES OF ANCIENT DRAWINGS Many of the drawings contain puzzles - obscure characters and objects,people with bird-mi heads, or in a dress similar to the suit. But the most important thing-we can't understand why scenes depicting hunting were drawn in hard-to-reach, so the caves
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There is a version, that the drawings- Ki wore the magic character-if the image upon the beast in the cave-he is sure to fall into the trap. It is possible that before ри - сунками разыгрыва for ritual обря environment-as hunters would have worked out the course of the Boo-previous hunting. 3. FIGURE AND A MAGIC RITUAL.
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At the time, the people in-born belief in defense tney, in his wonderful-tion of individual subjects. People began to обожеств a phenomenon of nature-water. Not knowing how to explain in-kind appearance of dreams, the ancient people started to believe in the existence of soul . The fear of the elements of nature,it is impossible of to explain the phenomena of the surrounding mi-RA led to a arose-produce religious beliefs. 4. THE EMERGENCE OF THE RELIGION .
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From ancient times until we reached huge construction-called megaliths(a lot of stones)the Most famous of them is the complex of Stonehenge in England. The ancient builders built a structure of co-rock stone slabs weighing tens of tons each. 5. THE ANCIENT STONE BUILDINGS.
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5. THE ANCIENT STONE BUILDINGS. On the mystery of Stonehenge the scientists are carried-several decades. According to one version, the complex is an Astro -economic calendar, as many fire-you are focused on the most important star property include a bus- ture,and through passages in the critical days of the year look-n the Sun, the Moon and the stars.
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Ancient people lived in South Africa called At first, the ancient people lived... The main occupation of the wood them people was... The first fire of the ancient the people got... participant Homo habilis Australopithecus in the trees in the caves in tents gathering hunting manufacture of tools striking the stones rubbing sticks from forest fires
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Астрономический календарь. Ноябрь, 2018
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