Я никогда незабуду мой первый день в школе и мою первую учительницу.
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Антоненко Маргарита
ученица 5 Б класса
МБОУ СОШ №82 г.Владивосток.
Учитель: Байжанова Юлдузхон Тургунбаевна
Theme: My first day at school.
I always remember my first day at school. On that day I got up early to prepare my pretty school uniform. When I was ready, I took a huge bouquet of flowers for my teacher.
I came to school with my parents. I felt a little bit nervous because It was an important day of my life. As soon as I met my future classmates . I also remember those small smiling faces. We were said many wishes and words of wisdom. We were so happy on that day.
I think, that the most impressive memory was the appearing of our first teacher Elena Ivanovna. She is a really great woman and teacher whose eyes were always full of kindness and care. They still are such.
From the first day and the first bell for four years she has taught us to write, to read, to be friends and to love, to watch the nature and to take care of it.
Elena Ivanovna is a very energetic woman and she gave us a piece of her energy . She always encouraged for new discoveries.
I should say I never forget my lovely first teacher.
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