Работы выполнены на Всероссийский дистанционный конкурс, в котором заняли 1 и 3 места. Они также стали призерами в одноименном муниципальном конкурсе. Что бы вы попросили у Санты в канун Новогоднего праздника?
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kiyamova_sabina.doc | 91 КБ |
smirnova_dasha.doc | 1.9 МБ |
Dear Santa, I write from Russia, from the town of Yaroslavl. My name is Sabina, I am 12. I learn at form 7-a of Ivnyakovskaya secondary school. I wait with impatience New Year’s Day. I have already decorated Christmas tree; hang the lights in the room. Tomorrow we will cook roast turkey and Christmas pudding. My behaviour was good last year, so I hope you’ll help me and my dreams come true. A Happy New Year! And may be your wishes will come true too. All the best. Thank you. Sabina. |
This is me
This is Santa
I want to get as a present the book of Oscar Wiled “The Picture of Dorian Grey”. His books are always exciting.
I want to go to Tate Gallery in London and to see great pictures of Picasso and other great artists.
I want to be an English teacher. It’s difficult, but I hope you’ll help me.
I want to stop terrorism and to stop wars, the people of Irak, Iran, Afganistan to live calm and in peace.
I want the nature to be clean and the people to stop polluting our planet, because they kill thethemselves.
To visit Olympic Games of 2014 in Sochi. I think it will be unforgettable.
To fly in a space in a rocket and to see how the Earth looks like. I think it’s very beautiful.
World travelling.
I want to know traditions and habits of the people all over the world.
I want to visit Britain, to see the towns of London, Manchester, Belfast and other towns.
To see the sights.
It’s my main wish.
To invent medicine against AIDS and cancel. Many people need them.
Д.С.Лихачёв. Письма о добром и прекрасном: МОЛОДОСТЬ – ВСЯ ЖИЗНЬ
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