В честь 200-летия Бородинского сражения я серьезно заинтересовался схватками той войны, происходящими в наших краях, с этого и началась моя активная работа по этой теме. В моей работе преследовалась цели: как можно больше изучить войну 1812-ого года, затронувшую наши селения, и передать эту ценную информацию другим. Моей задачей было найти интересные и нужные факты в книгах, посвященных истории Ленинского района, газетах, рассказывающих о тех событиях, также в моей работе я обращался к помощи интернета.
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МБОУ Молоковская СОШ
War against Napoleon
Pupil of the 8th form
Ustalov Andrey
Puzhaykina N.I.
Molokovo, 2013
War against Napoleon
This work is made in honor of battle in Borodino. I am seriously interested in this battle, which is happened in our district. After that I started my active researching work. The aim of my project work is to study about war in 1812 and to give this information for pupils in my school. My task was to find interesting and necessary information in books about Leninskiy district, in newspapers about this war, and I found some useful information in the Internet.
There were a lot of soldiers, who lived in our area. They were one of the first fighters against French army. Majority of soldiers were career officers or their relatives. They had different ranks: from the lowest rank to general-field marshal.
Gudovich, who was the owner of our villages: Vlasievo, Kisilyovo, Pyhchevo and Shalovo. Hundreds of soldiers in 1794-1811 were squaddies or non-commissioned officers. 12 soldiers come from Salarievo, 10 soldiers - from Kuvekino, the same amount from Bobrovo, 6 warriors from Penino, and 4 came from Tarichevo.
According to the decision of deputative meeting in 1.07.1812, Moscow nobility collected money for Russian army. Every peasant gave 1 ruble 70 kopeck; the money was used for buying food. Moscow nobility offered to send home guard to help the main army. 10 men from 100 peasants should be sent to the army. Podolsk was the place of meeting; allocation and assignment (define rank). The 8th infantry regiment was formed in Podolsk. Government formed home guard very fast. So assembly decided to punish nobles, who didn’t send people, clothes, food and weapon to the army.
Everybody thought that helping the army was his debt. Even very poor people gave money. For example: Belkin, a poor peasant with lots of children, gave 5 rubles. It was his father precautionary savings. He said:”Our Russia is in a difficult period, and we have the worst time”.
Anna Alekseevna Orlova-Chesmenskaya gave the largest amount of money. Her investment was 100 thousand rubles. She was the owner of such villagies as Ostrov, Orlovo, Molokovo and others. She sent 46 warriors to Podolsk.
Roundabout maneuver helped to our army, it was a genius tactical decision to win time: 12 days. This maneuver was named Tarutinskiy. During this maneuver soldiers could relax after hard and dangerous battles. 240 thousand people joined to the Russian army. There were professional soldiers and home guard army there.
“Kutuzov came to catch French soldiers”
Cavalry of Marshal Murat found out our army in Podolsk on the 14th of September. But Kutuzov had already gone out. At 5 o’clock on the 8th of September the army started to leave this town. There was cover on the roads. The first battles after roundabout maneuver were in the different areas of Leninskiy district. Frenchmen were more ready for fighting and armed for the distance battle, so Russian army had to leave the field. Kutuzov came to Dubrovitsy.
I do hammered a charge into a gun hardly
And thought: I will treat the friend!
Let’s stay, the brother monsir!
What here to use cunning, perhaps to fight;
We will go beated by the wall,
We will stand by the head
For the native land!
A lot of retired officers and common soldiers of Leninskiy area took part in battles. They took part in the action near Smolensk, after they joined to other soldiers. During this war they fought against Napoleon’s army on the Borodinskiy field, took part in the roundabout maneuver. They came to Berezino through dangerous battles in Tarutino and Maloyaroslavets. Someone of them died in these battles, but someone came to Paris through the dangerous battles. Their names were written in Russian history.
At the beginning of September Kutuzov started his famous Tarurinskiy maneuver. He gave advices for regiment of Cossacks to stay on the road of the main army. They gave false direction for French army. These regiments left Ryazanskaya road, Serpuchovskaya and Kashirskaya roads, when Napoleon’s army came to them. When French soldiers caught them, Cossacks rode on the horseback to Ryazan, Serpuchov and Kashir.
Regiments of general Raevskiy controlled Kashirskaya road. On 10th of September Raevskiy reported that he got information from Cossac’s regiments. According to this report French soldiers were founded near the river Pahra opposite village Yam. Regiment of Haritonov was sent for observation. On the next day French army crossed the Pahra, fought against regiment of Haritonov and won this battle. Regiment left this country. Napoleon came to the country Domodedovo (it’s a previous name of town Domodedovo). After that French soldiers returned and crossed the Pahra. Regiment of Haritonov came to the country Yam again.
When home guard was ready for fighting against Napoleon, it joined to the main army, and made famous Tarutinskiy maneuver. After that defense of our area became main thing for every peasant. They had to play for time.
Two French officers had come to Leninskiy area, before main French army came. Peasant caught them and showed officers to steward. Frenchmen said that they ran from the main army, because they didn’t have enough food. These soldiers were sent to the court. People in Leninskiy area guarded their native land, especially churches. Population of peasant who guard their own land without army was 353 people.
On the 4th of September 200 Cossacks came to Ostrov. 60 of them stayed there to guard, other went to the main army. French regiment passed through Ostrov. Cossacks became quite and ready for battle. Two French soldiers on horsebacks shouted and ordered to greet them with the words: “Pardon”. People became laughing and waited for Cossacks helping. People started fighting against French soldiers. They ran away. But Cossacks’ horses were faster than French ones. Cossacks kill 4 soldiers, one Frenchman was badly wounded, and 40 were captured.
On the 5th of September 600 Cossacks came to Ostrov. They were pursuing by 30 thousand French soldiers. Cossacks defense horse factory from French regiment. Horses were sent to the Hatunskaya area. When French soldiers came out, Cossacks gave back all horses and factory.
On the 7th of September 24 thousand Polish soldiers came to Ostrov. It was regiment of general Ponyatovskiy. During their stay in Ostrov, 48 people were captured by Cossacks.
On the 11th of September cattle that were stolen by French soldiers were escaped by peasants. Chernobaev said “Help, brothers, we will take our things from enemy’s hands. French can steal, but can’t take care about stolen things’. Peasants started fighting against army; their bravery was the reason of their success.
On the 8th of September 100 soldiers came to Ostrov to find food. They stole everything that they saw, shot everywhere from guns. When they went away, peasants persuaded them and killed three Frenchman. On the 10th of September Jew came in Ostrov to buy food for Napoleon. People in Ostrov didn’t give anything and said that food was stolen by French looters. Kozma Ivanov kicked him, and he died. Jew and other soldiers ran away.
On the17th of September some Frenchmen came to rob home of one rich man. Peasant caught them. On the 18th of September 200 Frenchmen came to Ostrov. One of them stole the last shoes of administrator…
On the 20th of September 28 guardsmen came from Kapotnya to Ostrov. They offered to make flour from oat. After that, guardsmen went to rob country Misailovo. Before coming of Frenchmen, people from Misailovo and nearby countries killed 40 French soldiers and throw dead bodies into the forest. French guardsmen were afraid of it, and they ran away. After they said that they would kill steward of the villages, if they found him.
A lot of partisans fought against Napoleon in Ostrov and other countries of Leninskiy area. There was one of the biggest and the most important partisan’s regiments. Peasants joined these regiments and said: “We should fight against Napoleon for Moscow. Enemies will get our revenge”.
Farmers with detachment of Cossacks took and saved famous Orlovykh trotters from the horse factory in Ostrov, because French army needed these horses. "Save our, my friends, from the hands of our enemy" - said Peter Kuzmich Chernobaev. Till the end of September Frenchmen looked for food and robbed houses, in the villages and countries on the road Kashira. They came to regiments with different amount of soldiers, and everywhere they carried loss.
Here is only one episode from Chernobaev’s remembrances about this war: “On the 22th of September 18 soldiers and 8 cavaliers on horses passed through Ostrov to Kashirskaya road. Frenchmen came to steal some things and food to take with them but peasants took away French guns and gave to them sticks to control cattle. All French soldiers were killed by peasants.
On the 23th of September peasants of country Ostrov were near a church, after they saw some Frenchmen. They were walking near barns. 10 peasants were sent to kill them. All French were killed, and one of them was sunk.
On the 27th of September 6000 soldiers came to Ostrov. They wanted to stay here till spring. General Walter allocated some soldiers in 14 villages to control his own regiment, because a lot of Frenchmen were stolen from the French army. But their standing lasted for 4 days. Suddenly Napoleon sent the order to join to the main army. They buy 40 cows and 20 sheep. It cost 1200 rubles. But French soldiers paid by adulterated money.
From the 28th of September till 7th of September 300-400 Frenchmen came from Moscow to rob and stole everything that they could take. Peasants killed 100 French soldiers, Cossacks captured 88 Frenchmen, 6 French warriors were captured by peasants. Russian general Miloradovich took part in the defense of our countries. It became well known for his reports to Kutuzov:” Peasants of the country Borisovo said that enemies came to Ostrov after standing in Borisovo. In Ostrov they crossed the Moscow River. ”
In Russia lots of great faces,
These who love their native land,
These who develop their nations,
These who want to make it grand!
Andrey Ustalov
On the 21th of September 10 soldiers came to Beseda. Peasants fought against them. One of the heroes was Aleksey Semenov, who killed two Frenchmen by his gun. His gun banged and abnormal shot tear away his finger. He said:” I will not mind about other finger to kill enemies”.
On the 23th of September Fedor Kochin with friends killed 8 Frenchmen on Kashirskaya road and took 3 carts with horses, where was stolen provision from Ostrov. Fedor Kochin had defended our area many times before.
Four Frenchmen came to peasant Praskovia who lived in Asherino. They were relaxed after eating lunch and felt asleep, when Praskovia closed flue of furnace and went away. Enemies were poisoned with carbon monoxide.
People in our area fought for their native land. There are lots of heroes who lived in Leninskiy district. We should remember their names, because we should say “Thank you for our free life”. I hope we will remember their achievement during centuries. We can be proud of them.
Internet websites:
Слайд 1
МБОУ Молоковская СоШ Student of the 8 th form Ustalov Andrey 2013 г. Project Work “War Against Napoleon”Слайд 2
Слайд 3
Tactical plan of French army
Слайд 4
Russian army and french army
Слайд 5
Roundabout maneuver
Слайд 6
Round about maneuver
Слайд 7
Collection for russian army
Слайд 8
Anna Alekseevna Orlova-Chesmenskaya was the owner of Ostrov , Misaylovo , Molokovo , Orlovo in 1812.
Слайд 9
Cossacs and peasants
Слайд 10
I do hammered a charge into a gun hardly And thought: I will treat the friend! Let’s stay, the brother monsir ! What here to use cunning, perhaps to fight; We will go beated by the wall, We will stand by the head For the native land! Lermontov BORODINO IN FAMOUS POEMS
Слайд 11
In Russia there are lots of great faces, Those who love their native land, Those who develop their nations, Those who want to make it grand! A.Ustalov BORODINO IN MY POEM
Слайд 12
Heroes of OUR DISTRICT Michael Andreev, Mitrofan Ivan Kuznetsov , Mikhail Stepanov Baev , Ivan Andreev, Ivan Antipov Frol Yakovlev , Savely Afanasiev Vasily Nazarov Nikolai Anikin , Timothy Evdokimov Ignatius Ivanov Athanasius Lukin Philip Kharitonov Yegor Vasiliev , Nikita Semenov Michael and Fedor Ivanov , Pavel Dmitriev , Alexei Markov, Kuzma Mikhailov , Daniel Isayev Vladimir Sergeev , Tikhon Yakovlev , Savely Semyonov Alexei Semenov, Danilo Semenov Ekim Ivanov Peasant Praskovya Michael Ivanov , Medvedev , Semen Medvedev , Nicholas Atholov . 1812
Слайд 13
Villages which fought against Napoleon Ostrov , Kiselevo , Pyhchevo Shalovo , Salarevo Kuvekino , Bobrovo , Penino , Tarychevo , Vatutinki , Desna, Aparinki , Vlasevo , Gorodische , Tolstikovo , Valuevo , Arhangelskoe , Vyrusovo , Ermolino , Bulatnikovo , Irininskoe , Misaylovo , Besedy , Zyablikovo , Ascherino , Borisovo , Stary Yam Gorki, Semenovskoe , Teply Stan Sosenki , Rakitki , Stanislavl , Bachurino , Skobeevo , Larevo , Dydyldino , Sosnino , Peredelets , Letovo , Yamontovo , Kapotnya .
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