Museum of Water
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ГБОУ школа № 580 Приморского района Санкт-Петербурга Тема « Санкт-Петербург – город-музей » Работа выполнена ученицей 8 «Б» класса Дмитриевой Елизаветой Руководитель: учитель английского языка Омельченко Лениза Раисовна Санкт-Петербург, 2013Слайд 2
Museums make St. Petersburg one of the most beautiful cities in the world. A lot of museums have appeared in our city since 2000. Museum of Water Museum of entertaining science "Umnikum" Interactive museum of entertaining science " Labirintum " Coffee Museum In the modern world responsibility of the museums includes a much wider role for the visitors. The visitors not only look at the objects and admire and enjoy them, but also learn from them.
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St. Petersburg is often described by locals as the " Gorod Muzei " - the museum city - and not without reason. Peter the Great himself founded the city's first museum, the extraordinary Kunstkammer , for the edification his subjects, and the city now boasts over 2 00 museums, ranging from the vast Hermitage, one of the world's most famous galleries, to small apartment museums honoring some of Russia's greatest writers.
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Museum of Water Адрес музея: м. Чернышевская, ул. Шпалерная, 56
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Museum of Water St. Petersburg's Museum of Water was opened on 28 May 2003. The exhibition is modern, hi-tech and hands-on.
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In a tower there is the historical exposition devoted to water. If you visit this museum you will know about the systems of water supply and the sewerage of ancient civilizations of Europe and Asia. You will see interactive stands which are very interesting and exciting. From the windows of the tower you will see a beautiful panoramic view of St. Petersburg.
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In the museum there is also a multimedia complex “Underground world of St. Petersburg”. You will see the huge model of the city "lives", showing all difficult system of natural reservoirs, water supply, the sewerage and treatment facilities.
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Visitors can, among other things, try their hand at assembling a plumbing system, operate pumps and learn about the workings of the dam and steam engine which pumps the water in the tower. Here you can see everything to do with the provision and processing of water in the city. Besides, the museum offers special programs for children of different ages, including thematic excursions and the organization of holidays and birthdays.
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