Этот мини-проект выполнен ученицами 10 Б класса Аджимуллаевой Элиной и Айвазовой Эльвирой, обучающимися по УМК Enjoy English – 10, авт. Биболетовой М. З. со 2-го класса. Мини-проект был подготовлен с презентацией по теме “Start anew” (SB, p.20, Ex.45 – conduct a school survey about the introduction of a uniform at our school). Учащиеся провели небольшое исследование в области ношения традиционной школьной формы в России. В своей работе они собрали данные, полученные путём опроса своих одноклассников, мнения родителей и педагогов, экскурса в историю советской школы, а также представили свои точки зрения по этому вопросу.
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Presentation on the theme : “School uniforms” This work was performed by Adzhimullaeva Elina and Ayvazova Elvira , students of the 10 th form “B” 2011Слайд 2
School is an important stage of the formation of a person. At school we get basic knowledge for our future life, here we study to became true friends, to respect each other and try to be disciplined. We heard that wearing a school uniform disciplines very well. And it’s rather interesting to know what our schoolmates and their parents think about school uniform.
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We resolved to conduct a school survey between our schoolmates and their parents to know they opinions about a school uniform and make clarity to this question: Is a school uniform good or bad for us?
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Questions to teachers, parents a nd pupils: Do you want to have a school uniform? If you want, what kind of uniforms could you choose? If you don`t want, so why? Do you agree that a uniform suppresses students` individuality? What do y ou think students should wear at school? Why? Should a school uniform be fashionable? What do you think good about school uniform? What`s bad about school uniform?
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Answers to these questions: We asked 7 classmates and 9 parents. Nearly all of parents would like to introduce a school uniform at our school because they still remembered how to wear a uniform because they were wearing it too and school uniform resolve a problem what the children wear at school. But a big part of our schoolmates said that they wouldn`t to wear a school uniform because they used to wear differently and bright clothes.
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Results of the survey* *16 people were asked by our group
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Reasons “for” of wearing a school uniform: It resolves the dress competition at school; It gives us a sense of belonging to a certain school ; We start to be more proud of our school.
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Reasons “against” of wearing a uniform: Everybody looks the same; Monotonous clothes is boring for every day life; Some fashionable clothes may distract students from their studies.
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Our common conclusion: We conducted the school survey to distinguish what good and bad are about our school uniform. And we found surprisingly that wearing a school uniform is COOL!
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