Данная презентация на тему "Save our planet" была выполнена ученицей 8 класса после изучения темы "We live on the same planet!". Данная тема очень актуальна в наше время и в нашей стране.
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Student МБОУ « Училинская ООШ» Арского муниципального района Республики Татарстан Тема: Save Our Planet! Выполнила ученица 8 класса Курбангалиева Илюса 2013Слайд 2
Ecological Problems Ecology is a science about nature surrounding us. The main ecological problem are: Water pollution Air pollution Soil pollution
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Water pollution We dump domestic and industrial waste in the country and pour toxic waste into our rivers, seas and oceans. The water in the oceans, seas, and rivers has become polluted in many places. If people drink this water, they can get ill or even die. People use oceans and seas as big dumps and pour industrial and domestic waste into them. And so fish become toxic. It is very dangerous for people to eat such fish. Water birds leave places with toxic water. A lot of trees on the coast die.
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Petroleum Chemical waste Industry Pesticides Infectious organisms Sources
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Air pollution Nowadays people feel that it is more difficult to breathe: in big cities the air has become badly polluted. Cars and factories, plants and power stations pollute the air and make it dangerous to breathe. Old people and little children feel bad and get ill because of the polluted air.
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Sources Fires Transport Industrial enterprises Dusty storms Smoke from plants
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Soil pollution The soil – the special natural education, possessing a number of properties. Very wide scales were accepted by earth pollution. As the sites covered with the remains of construction details often meet: panels, blocks, the bricks, filled up with ashes, slags . In areas of oil depots of the earth it is covered with a layer of fuel oil, oil, lubricants. Occupies garbage not only in the city, but also in rural areas more and more.
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Sources Household garbage Industrial enterprises Agriculture Transport
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Only when all the rivers have run dry And all the fish in the sea have died Only when all the rainforests have been burnt down And there is no food for the animals Only when all the blue skies have been filled with smoke And the cities of the world have choked Will the white man understand That it’s too late to save the Earth. ( Native American poem )
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If you want the life be cool, Like a full of colour picture, Don’t forget one golden rule: Care of nature Care of environment Save animals Don’t drop litter Save trees Save fish Don’t pollute water, air….
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WWF and Greenpeace-are some of such organizations.
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Look how beautiful can be our planet!!!
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Save our planet
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