Проектно-исследовательская работа о спортсмене РТ Мосине В.А.
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МБОУ Базарно-Матакская гимназия имени Наби Даули
Алькеевского муниципального района Республики Татарстан
Проектно исследовательская работа по теме:
«Olympic victories begin at school»
Выполнила: ученица 9 А класса Шайхутдинова Лилия
Научный руководитель: учитель английского языка
Вагизова Гузель Ильдусовна
Базарные Матаки-2013г
Introduction Sport in our life
Chapter 1 The Republic of Tatarstan is one of sports leaders among regions of the Russian Federation.
Chapter 2 Biography of Mosin Vasily Aleksandrovich
Chapter 3 Awards of Mosin Vasily Aleksandrovich
Introduction Sport in our life
Physical culture and sport role significantly increases in the modern world as factor of improvement of the person and society. Healthy lifestyle as a whole, physical culture and sport in particular, become the social phenomenon, the uniting force and the national idea promoting development of the strong state and healthy society.
The aim of our investigation is to study sport life of our country and our district, to know more about the Deserved master of sports of Russia, professional Russian shooter acting in category bench firing, exercise the double ladder Mosin Vasily Aleksandrovich and to understand about important role of sport in our life.
The tasks of our work are the following:
The subject of our investigation is the important meaning of sport and famous sportsman of Republic Tatarstan.
The object is understanding about importance of sport in our life .
The methodology of the investigation includes such scientific methods as analyses and deduction.
The structure of the work is the following:
Sport is very popular in our country. Thousands of people go in for sports, because sports help people to keep in good health. The most popular sports in our country are field-and-track athletics, football, volleyball, basketball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing and skating. There are lots of stadiums, sports clubs and sports grounds in our country.
In every school pupils spend much time going in for sports. First of all they have their physical training lessons. And after the school is over they may train at different sport clubs and sections. From time to time every school organizes competitions in different kinds of sport.The most popular kinds of sport in our school are volleyball, basketball, football, gymnastic, wrestling.
Chapter 1 The Republic of Tatarstan is one of sports leaders among regions of the Russian Federation.
The Republic of Tatarstan is one of the sports leading regions of the Russian Federation.
Engaging in physical education and sport as many citizens, access, and development of sports infrastructure, forming public values of a healthy lifestyle are the priority in the development of physical culture and sports in the country.
Popular sports in the country is becoming more dynamic, it is being promoted in the education and upbringing of the younger generation.
Will annually be organized: Sports contest of pupils of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Championship of school basketball league among teams of the RT educational institutions, republican stages of the All-Russian sports competitions of school students "Presidential competitions" and the All-Russian sports of school students "Presidential sports", the All-Russian tournament on soccer "A leather ball".
Annually in the republic mass sports competitions - "The Ski track of Russia" and "the Ski track of Tatarstan", "Nation cross-country" and "Cross-country of Tatarstan" are held.
Among inhabitants of areas of the republic summer and winter rural sports are held.In the republic the sports infrastructure actively becomes stronger and extends. 9135 sports constructions are. Practically all areas of the republic arrange modern sports complexes for occupations by different views of sports. Only the total of ice palaces reached 35 and it is the best indicator in the country.
Development of sports and city infrastructure of Kazan – the capital of Tatarstan, the largest scientific and educational and student's center of the country, was served also with that in the republic large international sports projects are realized.
The most significant forthcoming event of sports life - the XXVII World summer university games of 2013 - the world student's and youth sports competitions.
For carrying out University games 2013 65 sports objects, from them 30 - objects of new construction will be involved.
The largest objects constructed specially to competitions:
• The University games village (it is built in 2010, before and after University games it is used as a student's campus) with the International information center
• Football stadium on 45 thousand places
• Palace of Water sports
• Tennis academy
• Palace of single combats "Ak Bars"
• Volleyball center "St. Petersburg"
• Center of boxing and table tennis
• The rowing channel on the lake the Average Boar
The university games gave a powerful impulse for development of student's sports in the republic. Now 17 sports complexes are constructed at leading higher education institutions of the republic that influences quality of physical training of students, sports student's movement.
For high-quality preparation of a sports reserve 160 establishments of additional education of the sphere of physical culture and sport, from which 22 specialized child junior schools of the Olympic reserve function.
For the beginning of 2012 total number engaged in establishments of additional education of a sports and sports orientation made 91 586 people or 24,4% from total of children of school age in the Republic of Tatarstan.
In Tatarstan the largest All-Russian and international competitions in which representatives of all regions of Russia, and also athletes of foreign countries participate are regularly held. Last largest sporting events: The races World Cup on the boats F1 – the Grand Prix of the Republic of Tatarstan – 2012, championship of Europe in table tennis among juniors, the international tennis tournament of the ITF "Tatarstan Open" series among women, the international youthful tournament on water polo of "Kazan Cup 2011", a tennis match of a team championship of the world "Davis Cup" between men's national teams of Russia and Brazil, championship of the world in billiard sports among young men and girls "A free pyramid", the boat racing Championship of Russia (not Olympic types of the program), the European qualification tournament on тхэквондо to the XXX summer Olympic Games of 2012 in. London, the International youthful tournament on a water floor of "Kazan Cup 2012", the Student's rowing World Cup on kayaks and a canoe, the World Cup among students on firing, the boat racing World Cup. For organizers of University games test competitions are opportunity to estimate functional readiness in all directions of carrying out Games: since demands acceptance from sports delegations, a meeting and accreditation of athletes and judges, finishing the organization of information maintenance, sale of tickets and ensuring services for the audience.
Sports glory of Tatarstan victories of such known teams, as "Ak Bars" increase, "Rubin", "Unix", "Zenit Kazan", "Synthesis", "KAMAZ master", "Dynamo Kazan", etc.
In London of 2012 Tatarstan by quantity of the won medals settled down in the top lines among subjects of the Russian Federation, having shown excellent results. Nearly a half of athletes from 22 acting from the republic returned with the won medals. On Olympic Games of 2012 in London in Russian national team "moneybox" athletes from Tatarstan brought 3 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals.
Now in the Republic of Tatarstan more than 40 athletes are candidates for participation on XXII Winter Olympic games and the XI Paralympic games of 2014 in Sochi.
Chapter 2 Biography of Mosin Vasily Aleksandrovich
In my project I want to tell about the Deserved master of sports of Russia, professional Russian shooter acting in category bench firing, exercise the double ladder Mosin Vasily Aleksandrovich. He was born on May 9, 1972 in Kazan. Vasily Mosin one of elite Russian shooters. Has the higher education of the Kazan state medical university. Yury Vladimirovich Alekseev under the leadership of whom he reached level of "the master of sports of the international class" was the first trainer. Since 1991 Vasily Mosin is trained by Sergey Konstantinovich Dyomin. The deserved master of sports. Thanks to persistent work and continuous trainings Vasily found the way to big-time sport In 1995 Vasily Mosin was a part of a national team.
In 1998, 2000-2003 Vasily Mosin became the champion of Russia. In 2004 he received a title of the silver medallist of the championship of Russia.
In 1999, 2000, 2006 Mosin won a title of the champion of Europe. And during the period from 2002 to 2004 he received a title of the bronze prize-winner of the European championship in command superiority.
In 2006 he took part in a World Cup in Brazil and the USA. On competitions it showed all the skill and commitment, having taken a place of the winner. In 2008 it became the winner of stages of World Cups in Beijing; the Russian team had it the first gold of these competitions.
In 2008 Vasily Mosin represented Russia on Olympic Games in Beijing. Unfortunately, it couldn't reach the ending of competitions. Mosin took the 14th place with result of 131 points. This defeat seriously upset the athlete as he is the representative of the best shooters of Russia. But Vasily doesn't despond and counts An further victories, including the Olympic.
At present Vasily Mosin lives in the hometown of Kazan. He is married, wife Guzel, bring up daughters Sofia and Camilla, son Ruslan. Plays for sports club "Dynamo". His trainer is Dyomin Sergey Konstantinovich. Has the medal "1000 anniversaries of Kazan".
In free time the countryside prefers to leave. Vasily adores hunting and fishing. As he dreams to learn to play golf, but on this occupation he practically has no free time.
One of Vasily Mosin's most beloved sports disciplines is big tennis. He constantly looks significant tennis tournaments with participation of the Russian athletes. As he doesn't forget to watch Russian national team on hockey, soccer, volleyball.
Vasily Mosin adores classical literature. His favourite writer is Bunin, and the favourite book Ilf and Petrov's work "Gold calf". As he likes to watch comedy movies, to listen to music of such directions as rock, a chanson, the bard songs.
Career of the shooter
In shooting sports was engaged since the childhood, preferring bullet firing, however in 13 years he went to bench firing. Yury Alekseev was the first trainer. Champion Evropy in a double ladder 2000 and 2006, the silver prize-winner of the European championship of 2005. Winner of stages of the World Cup 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2010. The participant of Olympic Games 2004, 2008 and 2012, on Olympic Games in London won a bronze medal, having won firefight of the bronze prize-winner of the Olympic Games of 2000 of Kuwaiti Fekhaid Al-Dikhani. Mosin's medal became the only, won Russian arrows on Games in London and the first in discipline a double ladder on Olympic Games. The deserved master of sports of Russia. Considers that firing develops the personality, and for successful career of the shooter by the most important considers diligence.
Education and work
He graduated from the Kazan state medical institute majoring in "Microsurgery in the field of traumatology and orthopedics". Mousin worked as the surgeon, but he left work of the doctor in favor of firing. Militia captain.
Hobby and habits
• Besides firing, from sports is fond soccer, table tennis, karate and swimming.
• As the hobbies considers hunting and fishing.
• Prefers to read special literature.
• Musical preferences — "Ocean Elzi", "Chaif", "DDT", "Spleen", "Muse", "Deep Purple".
• Favourite movies — "Seventeen instants of spring", Leonid Gaydaya's comedies
• Favourite dishes — paste, meat dishes and fresh fish.
• The most favourite country calls Italy.
• In people especially appreciates intelligence.
Chapter 3 Awards of Mosin Vasily Aleksandrovich
• Medal of the award "For Merits before the Fatherland" of the II degree (on August 13, 2012) — for a big contribution to physical culture and sport development, high sporting achievements on Games XXX of the Olympic Games of 2012 in the city of London (Great Britain) .
• The Kazan athlete Vasily Mosin won "silver" of the European championship on the bench firing, passing in Croatian the Osijek. Mosin as a part of Russian national team became the owner of "silver" in a team competition. For Vasily Mosin present Olympic Games already the third. The Olympic experience is and at Sofia Great, it now - the silver prize-winner in fencing on sabers. Also there are good news to fans in command sports.
Shot which solves everything. Ending of competitions on bench firing. In the six of the best two Olympians from Russia. Vitaly Fokeev reached the final with the fourth result, Vasily Mosin - with the second. From the leader, the acting champion from Britain Rasel Wilson, Mosin is separated by 3 accurate shots. They also didn't suffice the Russian in the ending. Vasily Mosin won bronze. This medal became the first award of the Russian shooters on the Olympic Games in London.
Russians Vasily Mosin, Vitaly Fokeev and Mikhail Leybo rather successfully acted in the first part of competitions in a man's double ladder - Mosin after qualification took the 4th place with 142 struck targets, Fokeev-the 6th with 140 points, and both reached the final. With Mikhail Leybo's 134 points Russian national team conceded in the sum only to Italian national team, having won thereby "silver" in a team competition.
Tatarstaner Vasily Mosin won "bronze" of a cup-final of the world on bench firing. In Minsk the Kazan athlete could be rehabilitated a little for unsuccessful performance on the Olympic Games in Beijing.
In discipline a double ladder Vasily Mosin took the second place after qualification, with result 143 points of all on a point lagging behind the Swedish shooter Hakan Dalbi. However in the ending Mosin struck only 45 targets from 50, having allowed to catch up with itself to the Chinese shooter Binyan Hou.
In 2008 Vasily Mosin won a gold medal on the World Cup on bench firing in Beijing. Result of the Tatarstaner in exercise a double ladder - 191.
All of us very much are proud of Olympic champions of our republic. Mosin V.A. - one of such champions. The person from medicine came to sports and it seems to me not for nothing. Its achievements show good results. Only desire it would be possible to be engaged in sports at any time and to reach good results. And for this purpose in ours district all conditions are created. In the area the sports school, the sports complex"Alina" named after the Russian sportswoman (rhythmic gymnastics), the Deserved master of sports of Russia, public figure Alina Maratovna Kabayeva , the house of children's creativity and section at all schools of the area works. In our area various competitions among pupils of regional and republican level are very often held. Pupils of schools and rural youth take part in it. Our young men like to take part in national fight, tournaments on boxing, the championships on volleyball and soccer, competitions on skis. really the Olympic Games begin with school.
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