В работе «Краснодарский Сафари-парк «Солнечный остров» исследуется роль зоопарка не только как развлекательного, но и как научного и познавательного центра.
В ходе исследования автор приходит к выводу, что 81% опрошенных горожан информированы о наличии зоопарка в городе Краснодар. Из них 53% посетили Сафари-парк и остались в восторге, в то время, как в ст.Новотитаровской только 65% жителей знают о «Солнечном острове», и лишь 24% из них побывали в этом экзотическом уголке.
Интервьюирование сотрудников «Острова», а также видеоматериалы (записи телевизионных передач и выпусков новостей ВГТРК «Кубань») показали, что работники парка выполняют большую работу по защите редких и вымирающих видов растений и животных, сотрудничают с экологическими организациями, участвуют в программе по обмену животными между отечественными и зарубежными зоопарками, являются организаторами творческих конкурсов для детей и спонсируют поездки победителей в другие российские зоопарки.
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Did you know that in the last 500 years, 844 species – like the passenger pigeon, the dodo, and the golden toad –are known to have died out? Or that the year 2100 some scientists believe that half of the world`s species may be extinct? That could be one species every twenty minutes, or 27.000 a year!
In most cases, human activity is the greatest danger to these species. The paradox is humans may become the main animals’ helpers!
Making wildlife reserves is a well-known way of animals’ population level rising. The other way is less-known but very effective. We mean Safari-Parks.
Safari parks are often associated with tourist attractions but animals are the main point of the Parks.
It`s clear we have not an opportunity to visit wildlife reserves very often. We also have no permanent zoo in Krasnodar. But isn`t it magical to find yourself among exotic species in the centre of our town?!
So the tasks of our research work are:
- to study the information about foreign and native Safari-Parks;
-to find advantages and disadvantages of Krasnodar Safari-Parks;
-to find the ways of improving of Krasnodar Safari-Park`s conditions.
A unique natural monument – the zoo “Safari Park” opened its doors in May, 2006 for the first time in Krasnodar. It was founded by Krasnodar businessman Mario Alievich.
How a mechanic Mario Alievitch became the owner of the Krasnodar Safari-Park?
It`s a long story…
He had no biological or zoological education but a burning desire to know everything about animals.
Let`s make a tour of the zoo.
The territory of “Safari Park” was made on the principle of exhibition, without any bars, with natural plants and materials. Exotic animals feel good in our climate and can reproduce more actively than in the Northern latitude.
Apart from that, it contains a system of artificial ponds.
The interviewee manager of the Park Olesya Maslova explained the staff of the zoo takes up the scientific research on breeding and protecting rare species.
Now there are five vets, two ihtiologists, four trainers and a great number of keepers in “Safari Park”. The zookeeper Eugeniy Tarasenko explained the working day starts at 8 o’clock a.m. but the day may ends at different time. Only kind people can work with animals.
Sometimes the head of the Park and his assistants go abroad for searching new species of animals. For example, several months ago he had to buy a lemur because children wanted to see a lemur like in the cartoon “Ice Age”. Several years ago thee giraffes were brought by plane from the South Africa. They flew ninety hours to step Kuban land!
In 2007 the only Seal`s Theatre in Russia and the fourth in the world performed an exciting show. The seals Dusya and Nusya can do funny tricks.
The assistants of Safari-Park often organize different competitions. For example, photo competition “The Best Picture of the Animal”, literature competitions “The Best Essay about the Animal”. The winners went to Moscow-city to see Moscow zoo and to Veliki Ustug to visit Father Frost.
Moreover, according to a special programme everyone can become a guardian of the animals. For example, Krasnodar café “Arabian sweets” is a guardian of the parrots Ara and the taxi office “Taxo” takes care of the tigers.
As you can see in the Application №1 birds contain 25% of the park`s fauna, the other 75% are animals. According to Application №2 48% of all the animals are birds and beasts of prey, and 52% are plant eaters.
The zookeepers explained in winter they feed animals with iron-rich foods. Just imagine monkeys eat more porridge instead of fruits and vegetables, beasts of prey like tigers and lions eat more meat in winter than in summer.
All things considered we can distinguish the main aims of the park:
The administration of the Park publishes the newspaper “Safari-Park”. You can find one of the papers in the applications. As for the plans,
they are going to make some TV programmes about Safari-Park and it`s fauna. By the way, Safari`s birthday is on the 1st of May and the assistants are organizing a special show.
After analyses of videomaterials, newspapers and interviews we have made a conclusion that
making wildlife reserves is the well-known way of animals’ population level rising. Safari-Park is one of the effective ways of protecting our rare and endangered species. Krasnodar “Safari-Park`s” first priority is protecting world`s flora and fauna. All these efforts need to keep our planet alive.
на научно-исследовательскую работу Яцковой Анны, ученицы 8 «В» класса БОУ СОШ №29 имени Героя Советского Союза Броварца Владимира Тимофеевича ст. Новотитаровской, Динского района.
Яцкова Анна выбрала предметом своего исследования функционирование Краснодарского Сафари-парка «Солнечный остров». Автор работы поднимает актуальные вопросы, касающиеся экологии и волнующие современное общество: защита редких и вымирающих видов животных, интерес к окружающей среде, любовь и гуманное отношение к «братьям нашим меньшим».
В ходе работы был изучен имеющийся зарубежный и отечественный опыт функционирования современных зоопарков и сафари-парков. Наряду с этим учащаяся провела исследовательскую работу для выявления основных задач, достижений, преимуществ и недостатков парка «Солнечный остров».
Анна работает над статьёй для очередного выпуска газеты «Сафари-парк», по просьбе менеджеров парка принимает участие в проведении социологического опроса горожан.
Особое место в системе применённых методов исследования занимают социологический опрос, интервью, анализ газетных статей и видеоматериалов ВГТРК «Кубань».
Е.М. Ревазян, учитель английского языка БОУ СОШ №29
В работе «Краснодарский Сафари-парк «Солнечный остров» исследуется роль зоопарка не только как развлекательного, но и как научного и познавательного центра.
В ходе исследования автор приходит к выводу, что 81% опрошенных горожан информированы о наличии зоопарка в городе Краснодар. Из них 53% посетили Сафари-парк и остались в восторге, в то время, как в ст.Новотитаровской только 65% жителей знают о «Солнечном острове», и лишь 24% из них побывали в этом экзотическом уголке.
Интервьюирование сотрудников «Острова», а также видеоматериалы (записи телевизионных передач и выпусков новостей ВГТРК «Кубань») показали, что работники парка выполняют большую работу по защите редких и вымирающих видов растений и животных, сотрудничают с экологическими организациями, участвуют в программе по обмену животными между отечественными и зарубежными зоопарками, являются организаторами творческих конкурсов для детей и спонсируют поездки победителей в другие российские зоопарки.
Районный конкурс учебно-исследовательских проектов школьников
«Эврика, ЮНИОР»
Секция «Иностранные языки»
“Sunny Island”
Krasnodar Safari-Park
Яцкова Анна Алексеевна,
ученица 8 В класса,
БОУ СОШ № 29
Научный руководитель:
Ревазян Е.М.,
учитель английского языка
БОУ СОШ № 29,
ст. Новотитаровской,
Динского района
Ст. Динская
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………….1
2. Basic Part…………………………………………………………………......2-6
3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………....7
4. List of used Literature and Sources……………………………………………..8
5. Applications………………………………………………………………….......9
Animals share with us the privilege
of having a soul.
(Pythagoras, Greek philosopher)
Did you know that in the last 500 years, 844 species – like the passenger pigeon, the dodo, and the golden toad –are known to have died out? Or that the year 2100 some scientists believe that half of the world`s species may be extinct? That could be one species every twenty minutes, or 27.000 a year!
At the moment, experts say that up to 16.000 species are under threat. In most cases, human activity is the greatest danger to these species. The paradox is humans may become the main animals’ helpers!
Making wildlife reserves is a well-known way of animals’ population level rising. The other way is less-known but very effective. We mean Safari-Parks.
Safari parks are often associated with tourist attractions but animals are the main point of the Parks. It is the animal rehabilitation centre and the place of their reproduction. Moreover, people can not only entertain by visiting Safari-Parks but learn about our nature, animals and their habitats as well.
It`s clear we have not an opportunity to visit wildlife reserves very often. We also have no permanent zoo in Krasnodar. But isn`t it magical to find yourself among exotic species in the centre of our town?!
So it`s a good reason to have a developed and modernized Safari-Park in Krasnodar region? That is why I think that the subject of this research work is actual.
So we can distinguish the tasks of our research work:
- to study the information about foreign and native Safari-Parks;
-to find advantages and disadvantages of Krasnodar Safari-Parks;
-to find the ways of improving of Krasnodar Safari-Park`s conditions.
The research work is based on such methods as interviews, sociological interrogations, analyses of newspaper articles and video materials.
Some sites in the Internet and such encyclopedias as “Animals” and “Erudite” gave us information about Safari-Parks, their problems and achievements.
Basic part
We won`t have a society if we destroy
the environment
Margaret Mead
What do we call “Safari-Park”?
A safari park, sometimes known as a wildlife park, is a zoo-like commercial tourist attraction where visitors can drive in their own vehicles or ride in vehicles provided by the facility to observe freely roaming animals.
A safari park, while larger than a zoo, is usually a very small area compared to game reserves in Africa. For example, African Lion Safari near Cambridge, Ontario, Canada is 750 acres (3.0 km2). For comparison, Lake Nakuru in the Great Rift Valley, Kenya, is 168 square kilometers (65 sq mi), and a typical large game reserve is Tsavo East, also in Kenya, which encompasses 11,747 square kilometers (4,536 sq mi).
Safari parks often have other associated tourist attractions: golf courses, carnival rides, cafes, restaurants, miniature trains, and gift shops.
Let us make a review of some natural parks of the world.
Windsor Safari Park was founded in 1969 by Billy Smart's Circus. It was a popular family attraction built on St. Leonards Hill on the outskirts of the English town of Windsor in Berkshire. One of Windsor Safari Park's key attractions was Sea World, a dolphinarium complex housing dolphins, a killer whale, penguins and sea lions. The dolphins, sea lions and killer whale performed in acrobatic shows several times a day.
The first lion drive-through was opened in 1963 in Tama Zoological Park in Tokyo. In double-glazed buses, visitors made a tour through a one-hectare enclosure with twelve lions.
Between 1967 and 1974, Lion Country Safari opened 6 animal parks, one near each of the following American cities: West Palm Beach, Florida; Los Angeles, California; Dallas, Texas; Atlanta, Georgia; Cincinnati, Ohio; and Richmond, Virginia. The first park, in South Florida, is the only Lion Country Safari still in operation.
Burgers' Zoo at Arnhem, Netherlands, opened a "safari park" in 1968 within a traditional zoo. In 1995, Burgers' Safari modified it to a walking safari with a 250-metre (820 ft) board walk.
Safari-Park in Geledzhik is the first animal rehabilitation centre on the Black Sea coast. Animals living here have difficult destinies; each of them has its own complicated history. The owners don’t buy new animal in order to «widen a collection». They are usually brought here
either from Russian circuses — written off the arena for their age or rejection to work with trainers; also brought by photographers as “wastes”, because they are interested only in little funny babies, and when they grow up — there turns out a problem of keeping them!? Sometimes baby animals, those who lost their mothers, wounded, sick come from hunters.
The assistants take care of them, cure and feed them; all animals are kept in cleanness and sufficiency, they are the main point of the Safari-Park!
Safari-Park is not only the animal rehabilitation centre, but entertainment and relax centre for tourists and residents as well. Here you can be brought up by the chairlift on the top of the Markotkhsky Ridge and feel the delight watching views of the city and the Gelendzhik Bay at the height of 640 meters, visit the exhibition complex «From the depth of ages and waters», visit the first artificial cave in Russia.
Most safari parks were established in a short period of ten years, between 1966 and 1975.
A unique natural monument – the zoo “Safari Park” opened its doors in May, 2006 for the first time in Krasnodar. It was founded by Krasnodar businessman Mario Alievich.
How a mechanic Mario Alievitch became the owner of the Krasnodar Safari-Park?
It`s a long story…
When he was a little boy he dreamed to have a speaking colorful parrot Ara. Many years later his wife decided to let his dream come true and presented him the parrot as a birthday present. Then he owned an iguana, a peacock and a Great White Pelican. Later he visited a moving zoo in Krasnodar. It was the first time Mario saw lions, tigers and jaguars. He was in amazement and excitement. After that Mario decided to build a zoo in our town where everybody could feel the same emotions. He had no biological or zoological education but a burning desire to know everything about animals.
Let us make a tour of the zoo.
The territory of “Safari Park” was made on the principle of exhibition the animals on the large space close to nature, without any bars, with natural plants and materials. There is a great collection of animals in the zoo. Exotic animals feel good in our climate because the most part of the year they can live on the open air and can reproduce more actively than in the Northern latitude.
The territory of “Safari Park" is 16 hectares. In spite of the small square (in comparison with other safari parks), the enclosure for animals are roomy enough. For little time of its existence the zoo has achieved great success. There are not only inhabitants from all over the world, but there is a magnificent park with exotic trees, bushes and rare species of plants. Apart from that, it contains a system of artificial ponds (the square of the biggest one is 0,5 hectare).
The rare species of fish are bred here.
The interviewee manager of the Park Olesya Maslova explained he staff of the zoo takes up the scientific research on breeding and protecting rare species. This research focuses on improvement of conditions of keeping and exposition of animals in the zoo. The zoologists develop new methods of breeding animals in captivity, search for approaches of improvement of their mental condition. Recently the collection was refilled with a group of kangaroo Benneta, curly pelicans, and rare species of cranes. New modern enclosures were built for walruses, fur seals, a Black Panther and lemur.
As you can see in the Application №1 birds (swans, owls, horned owls, cranes, parrots and many others) contain 25% of the park`s fauna, the other 75% are animals. According to Application №2 48% of all the animals are birds and beasts of prey, and 52% are plant eaters (giraffes, tapirs, horses among them).
All things considered we can distinguish the main aims of the park:
Now there are five vets, two ihtiologists, four trainers and a great number of keepers in “Safari Park”. The working day starts at 8 o’clock a.m. but the day may ends at different time. The zookeeper Eugeniy Tarasenko explained if the animal is ill, the keeper will take care of it and even may sleep in the zoo. Although the salary is not high the staff likes it`s job. Only kind people can work with animals.
Sometimes the head of “The Sunny Island” and his assistants go abroad for searching new species of animals. For example, several months ago he had to buy a lemur because children asked him to buy a lemur like in the cartoon “Ice Age”.
Several years ago three giraffes were brought by plane from the South Africa. They flew ninety hours to step Kuban land!
In 2007 the only Seal`s Theatre in Russia and the fourth in the world performed an exciting show. Apart from this there is a large warm swimming pool for water animals in the zoo.
Taking everything into account we should point Safari-Park`s achievements:
- organization of meetings and conferences in order to raise professionalism of the assistants;
-elaboration of different programmes in order to safe rare species of animals;
-animal interchanging between the zoos;
-dealing with government and different ecological organizations.
The assistants of “The Sunny Island” often organize different competitions. For example, photo competition “The Best Picture of the Animal”, literature competitions “The Best Essay about the Animal” and “Zoo`s friends”. The winners went to Moscow-city to see Moscow zoo and to Veliki Ustug to visit Father Frost. Even teachers of biology and geography organize their lessons in Safari-Park.
Moreover, according to a special programme everyone can become a guardian of the animals. If you wish you may bring sawdust, hay, meat or any other food for them. Nevertheless you shouldn`t feed them on your own. Even cafes or taxi offices may become guardians. For example, Krasnodar café “Arabian sweets” is a guardian of Ara Lacepede and the taxi office “Taxo” takes care of the Panther Tigris Sumatre.
The administration of the Park publishes the newspaper “Safari-Park”. The paper contains interesting information about animals and zoos, riddles and crosswords. As for the plans, they are going to make some TV programmes about Safari-Park and we help them making sociological interrogations and writing the article for their newspaper. They also are planning to cover all the territory of the park with a special tent. By the way, Safari`s birthday is on the 1st of May and the assistants are organizing a special shows, for example, the Seals` Show.
Now we have some hot news! According to the Safari`s agent Vladislav Klimov the wintering was wonderful.
The townsmen brought to the zoo a great number of abandoned animals and hurt birds they found in the streets. There was enough nutritious food for animals. The zookeepers explained in
winter they feed animals with iron-rich and albumen-rich foods. Just imagine monkeys eat more porridge instead of fruits and vegetables, beasts of prey like panther eats 4.5 kilograms of meat in winter every day, but in summer it eats only 3 kilograms. Tiger eats 6 kilograms instead of 5 every day and the lion`s winter day ration contains 6.5 kilos of meat whereas in summer it`s 5.5 kilos.
In Application №3 we can see the differences in some animals` day ration in summer and winter.
All in all let us distinguish some interesting facts about animals:
The oldest tiger of Russia lives in the park.
The rare species of white lions live in the zoo. There are no white lions in Russian zoos.
The smallest monkey of the world lives in the park.
Each giraffe eats 3 tones of hey in winter.
The Seals and Walrus Theatre show their performances four times per day.
The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself
Franclin D. Roosevelt
Preservation of plants and animals is important, not only because many of these species are beautiful, or can provide economic benefits for us in the future, but because they already provide us many valuable services. These organisms clean air, regulate our weather and water conditions, provide control for crop pests and diseases, and offer a vast genetic "library" from which we can withdraw many useful items.
Extinction of a species could potentially mean the loss of a cure for cancer, a new antibiotic drug, or a disease-resistant strain of wheat.
Loss of habitat or the "native home" of a plant or animal is usually the most important cause of endangerment. Nearly all plants and animals require food, water, and shelter to survive, just as humans do. Humans are highly adaptable, however, and can produce or gather a wide variety of foods, store water, and create their own shelter from raw material or carry it on their backs in the form of clothing or tents. Other organisms cannot.
What is the solution? Making wildlife reserves is the well-known way of animals’ population level rising. Safari-Park is one of the effective ways of protecting our rare, threatened, and endangered species. Krasnodar “Safari-Park`s” first priority is protecting world`s flora and fauna.
Protecting these species also contributes to a thriving, healthy planet for people’s health.
All these efforts need to continue and be expanded to keep our natural heritage alive.
List of Used Literature and Sources
1. Safaripark 23@ mail.ru
2. http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/othrdata/rareone/rareone.htm (Version 16JUL97). Bry, Ed, ed. 1986. The rare ones. North Dakota Outdoors 49(2):2-33. Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Home Page.
4. Сафари-Парк, Рекламно-познавательная газета Краснодарского зоопарка, №2,2011
5. Видеоматериалы ВГТРК «Кубань»
Application №1
Application №3
Animals` Winter and Summer
Ration in Comparison
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