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Слайд 1
Culture and Life of Astrakhan Cossacks Created by Rush Elena The pupil of the 10 th form Checked: Molba E.G. .Слайд 2
English proverb says: “So many people, so many customs”. I can’t help agreeing with it. In our region there are more ten thousand peoples. And each of them has his own traditions and customs. In my work I would like to tell about one of the most popular peoples who lived and live in our town. I’d like to tell about Cossacks. This topic is personally very close to me, because in my family there were Cossacks. My great grandfather belonged to Cossacks and he was one of the authors of the book which tells us about this ethnic group.
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What do we know about Cossacks? Cossacks is a sub ethnic group mainly of the eastern Slavs, living in southern steppes of the East Europe, in particular, Russia and Kazakhstan, and earlier - and Ukraine. The exact origin of Cossacks is not known; there are many theories. By the end of XIV century two large groups of the Don lived in a lower reaches and the Dnepr were formed. The appreciable amount those of the eastern Slavonic immigrants joined from Moscow to the north Moscow and Lithuanian princedoms. Thus to the beginning of XVI century both groups grew into large free armies. The Don Cossacks in the union with Russian Empire began a regular colonization of suburbs of Russia, occupied a lower reaches of the Volga, the Yaik and the Terek and also extensive territories in Siberia, and became a basis of new armies.
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Economic and social arrangement of a life the Astrakhan Cossacks in XIX century In XIX century rapid development of Astrakhan edge begins. Astrakhan turned into the largest fishing industry of Russia. The fishing facilities increased five times. In the middle of XIX century in Astrakhan the first mechanical factory was opened, active development of deposits on Lake Baskunchak began. On the Volga hooted the first steamships. However conditions of life of peasants and the hired workers, the overwhelming majority of the Astrakhan population, were very heavy.
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Economic life of the Astrakhan Cossacks The Cossacks lived in comparison with a great bulk of Russian peasantry, more prosperously. The Astrakhan Cossacks on a standard of living was one of the safest. The Astrakhan Cossacks ate better, their food was more various. They were engaged in fishery, cattle breeding, agriculture, a different sort crafts, trade and seasonal works. The Cossacks were very hardworking, many had greater families and aspired to have a good strong facilities and the deserved high well-being.
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Economic life of the Astrakhan Cossacks A social bakery Cossacks increase village with food.
Слайд 7
Holidays and customs of the Astrakhan Cossacks The settled tradition of Cossacks was solemn, very celebratory meeting of the main memorable events of Christian religion: Christmases of the Christ, Easter, the Lady Day, and Rise of the Lord, the Sacred Trinity and others. As a rule, in such days works which could be postponed for other time stopped all. With special scope the patron saint`s days of villages connected with the name of a rural temple were marked. The remarkable events were the weddings spent usually in summer after the termination of the basic field works, and at fishermen-after of spring spawning. Widows on the got custom married in winter. Weddings of the Astrakhan Cossacks favorably differed from rural weddings in other districts of Russia by smaller number of various reserves and rituals, were more natural and cheerful .
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Holidays and customs of the Astrakhan Cossacks « Holly evening » After the ceremony of wedding .
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Holidays and customs of the Astrakhan Cossacks Astrakhan Cossack. Women cossacks .
Слайд 10
The development of education among Cossacks. In an initial stage of information of the Army competent people among Cossacks, as well as in all Russia, met very seldom. So, in Astrakhan Cossacks in 1762 were 59 people, including the officers, who were able to read and write. Development of military science and economic life demanded all more competent people that well realized the Cossacks management. Real increase of literacy of the Astrakhan Cossacks began with opening the Cossacks board in 1839 and rural schools in 1839. The open board had been calculated on 30 pupils from among children of officers and officials, and later-military and simple Cossacks. In current of 80 years of the existence a board 374 persons, including 269 children of officers and ended officials and 105 children of militaries and the Cossacks. In 1839 10 rural schools were simultaneously opened in which 123 boys in the age of 5 till 16 began to study. The number of pupils in schools changed from 2 up to 19 people.
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The development of education among Cossacks. In 1910 ataman M.A. Gazenkampf ordered to curriculum till 4 years, and in two-class schools till 5 years. The name meant one-class or two-class school, that in it was available one or two class premises equipped for education. Since 1871 the period of education became attached to seasonal agricultural works. So, in fishing villages there were no employment at schools from April, 1 st May, 15 th and from July, 15 th till August, 20 th later, since 90 th years of 19 centuries, employment began with August, 16 th and proceeded prior to the beginning of examinations in March or the beginning of April. All questions of training knew the ataman and board of the Army. There was a custom – at a wire of children on the doctrine to the teacher “ Bread – salt”. Often it was a loaf of black or white bread , a pretzel. Prosperous brought tea and sugar. There was also education of children of not Cossack origin, they got knowledge together with other children, but for a special payment.
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The development of education among Cossacks. The national education in the Army was constantly improved, especially with arrival of the teachers who graduated from the seminaries. At training began to use “the Native word” of a great teacher K.D. Ushinskii . In 1882 reading in Slavonic language, geography of Russia, domestic history, natural sciences, church singing were in curricular. Began to learn drawing up of business letters, receipts, accounts, conditions, etc. In the beginning of XX century a full rate about fractional numbers, the beginnings of geometry began to be taught. The important part of national education was trustees of rural schools which activity covered all the parties of life of school, pupils and teachers. They strictly watched that nobody interfered with business of teachers.
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Spiritual life and religious beliefs of the Astrakhan Cossacks Spiritual core of Cossacks was Orthodoxy which prevailed and in our army. In each village first of all after their formation there was a question on construction of the church. As construction of temples was an expensive business and there were greater difficulties with building materials the church in one of villages all over again was erected, and the population of the nearest was attributed to it`s arrival. Churches were under construction on the money collected by Cossacks, the part of money was allocated with the main thing, and later Army board. To the beginning of XX century all villages of Army and even separate farm had the churches. For a long time the Cossacks, as well as all Russia, differed the big toleration, therefore among Cossacks there were also representatives of other faiths. Therefore there were among Cossacks Moslems, including command structure. Cossacks – Kalmias, as a rule, were christened. However they long adhered to customs of the Buddhist religion. Among Cossacks and Christians there were who officially “dissenters”. They lived in two villages: Nicole`s and Lobefins. It were Old Believers who rejected new introductions in church ceremonies and the attributes, lead by Patriarch Nikon in the second half of the XVII centuries, and also milk which reject all sacraments, ceremonies and attributes of orthodox religion.
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Spiritual life and religious beliefs of the Astrakhan Cossacks
Слайд 15
In spite of the fact that we live in the XX century Cossacks live in our region keeping their customs and traditions. Nowadays this social group organizes many different and important meetings, deeds. They think that they can help our country in its troubles. They even made their own Internet site to inform everyone in our town about their progress. They always say that the God and the glory of their ancestors are with them. I’m really proud of the fact that I belong to this social group because of my great grandfather.
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