Russian Far East is the home to the largest natural population of the Amur tiger that consists of 430-500 specimen. For the last 14 years, the Wildlife Conservation Society in cooperation with Russian scientific and conservation organizations embarked on a program of monitoring the Amur tiger. According to the latest data, collected as part of this program, the number of tigers and their prey are reduced. The main causes are poaching and habitat destruction. The increased levels of poaching in the last 10 years may be associated with reduced funding structures responsible for managing wildlife populations and the use of forest resources. II Краевой конкурс экологических проектов по защите и охране животного мира Приморья и Дальнего Востока «Мы в ответе за тех, кого приручили»
(номинация : статья)
«Дикие животные края под охраной человека»
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Муниципальное казенное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №10 п.Раздольное Надеждинского района» Приморского края
II Краевой конкурс экологических проектов по защите и охране животного мира Приморья и Дальнего Востока «Мы в ответе за тех, кого приручили»
(номинация : статья)
«Дикие животные края под охраной человека»
Выполнил : Лабанов Андрей Сергеевич,
9 класс, МКОУ СОШ №10
Руководитель: Хегя Елизавета Викторовна,
учитель английского языка,
The fight against poaching of tigers.
Russian Far East is the home to the largest natural population of the Amur tiger that consists of 430-500 specimen. For the last 14 years, the Wildlife Conservation Society in cooperation with Russian scientific and conservation organizations embarked on a program of monitoring the Amur tiger. According to the latest data, collected as part of this program, the number of tigers and their prey are reduced. The main causes are poaching and habitat destruction. The increased levels of poaching in the last 10 years may be associated with reduced funding structures responsible for managing wildlife populations and the use of forest resources.
The results of monitoring programs emphasize the importance of protected areas, which are key areas of reproduction of the Amur tiger.
The population density of adults and cubs in protected areas is significantly higher than in adjacent non-protected areas. However, despite the special status within the last 5 years the decrease in protected areas is more marked in tiger numbers than in unprotected. The reason for this - lack of protection. Therefore, the priority in the conservation of the tiger and other wild animals in the Far East of Russia is to increase the efficiency of the fight against poaching in protected areas.
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has made significant progress in improving the response to poaching tiger habitat through an integrated program consisting of the following components:
MIST program was designed to keep track of the effort involved in the fight against poaching, and the results. MIST program is based on GIS (Geographic Information System), all the data in it are related and can be displayed on maps. The program MIST can evaluate and compare the effort and the results obtained by different teams in different areas and at different periods of time.
The program MIST with additional support for anti-poaching activities allowed people to obtain in some areas of Asia, the following results in the conservation of the tiger:
MIST program was launched in the Lazo Reserve and reserve "Cedar Pad" December 1, 2010, in the National Park "Call of the Tiger" and the Sikhote-Alin Reserve - August 1, 2011 These protected areas are key parts of the reproduction of Amur tigers in the Russian Far East.
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