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. What are the similarities and differences in food culture in Britain and Russia? Подготовила: Мирзоева Сара Нияз кызы 6 б класс Информация: Мирзоева Сара Нияз кызы 6 б класс Куратор: Бокова Анна Васильевна(учитель иностранного языка)Слайд 2
Foreign language lessons we passed English cuisine, and I'm thinking a neighbor's party, what are the differences and similarities of the Russian and foreign cuisine. So we got the idea to do a project on this topic. Probably do this project, we will create new knowledge of English and of course find out a lot of new and useful information.
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The underlying question What are the similarities and differences in food culture in Britain and Russia? problematic issues 1.Suschestvuyut any differences between the names and meal times at different times of the day in England and Russia? 2. What are the differences between English and Russian cuisine? The plan for the project 1. Formulation of project themes, objectives and tasks. 2. Drafting teacher business card project, teaching and learning materials for the project and placing them on the network. 3. Stages of the project. * Introduction to the project (introductory presentation), the formulation of the problems to be addressed in the draft Formation of groups to conduct research, the roles of group participants * Implementation of the project of teaching jobs * Sharing a panel discussion of the project results * Making the research results in the form of presentations and publications, wiki articles 4. Presentation of the results of the project in class conference. 5. Evaluation of the project participants, the teacher. 6. Summing up.
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Russian Cuisine To my mind, delicious food is one of the greatest pleasures in our life. I've been living in St. Petersburg since my birth and can tell you many interesting things about its restaurants of Italian, French, Chinese, Japanese and Indian cuisine. However, first of all I'd like to share some secrets of typical Russian cuisine with you. Russian cuisine is indeed original. Its distinctive feature is not only in original recipes but also in the fact that it reflects a certain way of life. Russian people usually have meals three times a day. In the morning they have breakfast, in the afternoon — dinner and in the evening it's time for supper. Let us start with breakfast. This meal doesn't usually take much time to prepare, due to the fact that people, as a rule, are in a hurry for work, school or somewhere else. It may include just sandwiches, fried or scrambled eggs, corn flakes or muesli and various kinds of porridges. It can be cream of wheat, oatmeal porridge, rice or buckwheat porridge. It is more common for Russian people to drink black tea with jam or honey but there are ones who prefer coffee in the morning. You may think there is nothing special in this set of dishes. You are right. But it was a description of a typical working day breakfast, when people have little time to prepare something. Now I'd like to call your attention to breakfast of a day off.
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Have you ever tried traditional Russian sirniki ? I'm sure, if you live in Russia, at least once in your life your grandmother or mother prepared them for you. Nothing can be compared with sirniki , made of fresh village cottage cheese and fried on a pan. They are usually served with sour cream and sugar. Perhaps, the only dish which is as delicious as sirniki is blini or pancakes. In Russia they say that the thinner blini are made the tastier they are. Blini are served rolled with a variety of fillings but the most delicious ones are pancakes with jam, honey and sour cream . A traditional Russian dinner consists of three courses. It is the main meal of the day. First of all snacks are served. It can be caviar, herring, salt cucumbers and sauerkraut. All these salt dishes are served in order to excite the appetite. In general Russian cuisine is famous for its pickles. Then comes the first course — soup. There is a great variety of different soups in Russia but the most famous is "borsch". Shchi , rassolnik , shchaveleviy soup and cold soup — okroshka are also cooked in Russia. Of course, it is not the whole list of traditional Russian soups, but these are the most popular ones. After the soup the second course follows. It usually includes meat or fish and garnish. The Russians prefer freshwater fish like carp and pike. As for meat, it may be pork, beef, veal, lamb, turkey or chicken. The most famous meat dishes in Russia are zharkoye (stewed beef with potatoes, onions, carrots and garlic seasoned with salt and pepper), beef Stroganoff (the dish consists of pieces of beef served in a sauce with sour cream) and cutlets (the dish made of minced meat). The main course is usually served with garnish — mashed, baked or fried potatoes, pasta or vegetables. Russian people often eat pelmeni (meat dumplings) for the second course. Pelmeni are often cooked by the whole family.
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Firstly , the filling of minced meat is made due to the particular recipe, then they roll out the pastry and after that everybody sits at the big dinner table and makes pelmeni . Sometimes the preparation of this dish takes almost the whole day. Very often people cook pelmeni for a holiday. The Russians eat everything with bread but sometimes pies are served instead of bread. These pies may be stuffed with various fillings: fish, spring onions and eggs, meat, chicken, potatoes and mushrooms. Sweet pies are served for tea. They are usually stuffed with different fresh berries or jam. Every housewife has her own cooking secret. As for the third course, it is usually a drink — compote, kissel or mors . In old Russia there existed another popular drink — Medovukha which is derived from the word "honey" (in Russian it sounds as " mjod "). Sometimes this course includes desserts. It may be ice-cream, baked apples or some fresh fruit. Supper is the longest meal of the day, since it is time when the whole family can gather at one table and discuss some news. Russian people usually have a substantial meal for supper. It may be fried potatoes, potatoes in their skin with herring, fried fish or chicken. But there are also people who prefer light supper such as cottage cheese with sugar or milk and jam, an apple cake called " sharlotka ", or a potato cake, or some vegetables. It will depend just on a person's preference. It is worth saying that Russian cuisine is famous for its natural products. Russian people are fond of gathering, drying and using mushrooms and all kinds of forest berries in their dishes. In my opinion, Russian cuisine is one of the most varied and delicious in the world but tastes differ. As far as I know, people from other countries consider Russian people heavy eaters not only because of the amount of food we eat per day, but also due to its fat content. Anyway, if you are not keen on Russian cuisine, it is up to you to choose any other food.
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FIRST COURSE No other national cuisine is not presented such a variety of types of soups, as in Russian. They can be divided into at least seven large groups: Cold soup with kvass as the main liquid. These include Tori, hash and bovina. Light soups or soup, which are based on water and vegetables. Noodle soups with meat, mushroom and dairy scheme. Soup - the main type of Russian soups. Pickle and thistle - heavy on meat broth soups and salty-sour base. Ear and hookah - the two main varieties of fish soups. And, finally, the soups and cereals and groans, vegetable based.
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Russian tea Russian tea is mentioned in the ancient Russian chronicles from the XII century. Since ancient times our ancestors mastered manufacturing techniques tasty, aromatic and medicinal tea angustifolium fireweed. In those days it was called as Koporskiji named after the village, which produces tea - Koporie (now a village in the Leningrad region), based on the orders of Prince Alexander Nevsky after defeating the Crusaders. Russia's revenues from the export of Russian tea to Europe ahead of the proceeds from the sale of hemp, gold and furs until the late nineteenth century. Hundreds of thousands of tons of Russian tea consumed per year Europe. Especially appreciated the great features of Russian tea English aristocrats and monarchs - the most famous tea lovers. Only two hundred years after the Russian (at the beginning of XVII century) in Europe the Chinese tea, a little later - the Indian. In the twentieth century the Russian production of tea in Russia has been curtailed due to certain historical events. Today, the Russian appeared a wonderful opportunity to join the wisdom of ancestors and return to their everyday life is unjustly forgotten, traditional Russian tea. According to ancient legend, the Russian Tea not only helps to cleanse the body, but also clarifies the mind and strengthens the spirit. Let the healing Russian tea will fill your home with fragrant aroma, and you and your family will bring good health and good mood! Enjoy your tea!
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Ingredients : fermented grass angustifolium fireweed and granulated. Natural product with no flavoring, coloring and GMOs. It has a pleasant, slightly tart taste with sweet floral and herbal aroma. Russian tea is produced using a patented unique technology, which allows you to keep all of the vitamins and beneficial properties of tea as a Russian living product. Preparation : 1 teaspoon of Russian tea pour 1 cup of hot water, cover, brew 7 - 10 minutes. Tea is ready. Brew up to 3 times. The second and third brew is tastier and healthier, and the taste of tea with a bouquet revealed brighter. CONTENTS: Russian tea contains up to 20% tannins, bioflavonoids, mucilage, pectin and vitamin "B", "C". In the flowers of Russian tea contains 25 mg of nectar per flower. In addition, Russian tea contains a lot of protein, which is easily absorbed by the body, so you can simply and quickly be full of energy. Unique range of trace elements, 100 gr. green mass of Russian tea contains: · Iron -2.3 mg. · Nickel - 1.3 mg. · Copper - 2.3 mg. · Manganese - 16 mg. · Titanium - 1.3 mg. · Molybdenum - 0.44 mg. · Boron - 6 mg.
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Is present in a significant number of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, lithium, etc. 100g. Russian tea leaves contain from 200 to 400 mg of ascorbic acid (that is several times greater than in lemons). The presence in the plant of iron, copper, manganese, provided a general tool that can improve the process of hematopoiesis, improve protective functions. It does not contain caffeine, purine, oxalate and uric acid, which are the violators of metabolism, for him there is no getting used like a normal cup of tea or coffee. The unique composition defines the variety of medicinal properties of Russian tea. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid and bioflavonoids (vitamin P), is recommended for immunity and resistance to infections, strengthen blood vessels, prevents the accumulation of reactive radicals ( atioksidantnaya activity), binds and removes heavy metals and cleanse the body at various intoxications in t.ch . alcohol, from contamination, healthier and increases efficiency. Beneficial effects on the immune and endocrine systems, is effective for all inflammatory conditions, has a strong sedative, mild soporific effect. Recommended for diseases: Adenoma, prostatitis, chronic, reduced potency, prostate prevention, prevention of cancer, atherosclerosis, headache, insomnia, hypertension, nervous exhaustion, fatigue, fatigue, chronic cystitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, anemia.
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English Cuisine In cooking, the English for a long time also committed to tradition, as in many other things. Day of the English for centuries began with eggs and bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, sausages and black pudding, and often begins today, especially on weekends. True, the hectic schedule of modern life makes them more likely to choose for breakfast cereals and snacks, especially English is Weetabix. But after lunch, you will always be greeted with a cup of tea and toasted toast with orange marmalade. Lunch, or lunch, served in half a second, and then followed the tea or a light lunch at 5:00 and dinner at 7.To this day, are popular snacks and sandwiches - triangular sandwiches have become a staunch British traditions. Considered the most classic triangular cucumber sandwiches on white bread. Of the entrees are common soups and broths, but they are rarely served, they are not an integral part of the daily meal. Spices and herbs are used in the classical kitchen very sparingly, but now chefs are taught British English use lots of herbs and spices.The British eat a lot of meat: beef, veal, lamb, pork. His baked whole blood or cut into steaks and fried in a pan.
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Tea in England - more than tea Observe the traditions of his drinking and Queen, and the British prime. It is a culture - from brewing to use; she has a lot of supporters and well beyond the island. The famous five o'clock tea has long been in need of translation. With a light hand of Queen Love for tea England owes women. First - Bragansskaya Catarina , a Portuguese princess, wife of King Charles II. Big fan of tea, she met with this drink palace aristocracy and made regular tea ceremony at the court. Second - Anna VII, the Duchess of Bedford. She is credited with inventing the "afternoon tea" - the man who in all the languages of the world known as the "five o'clock tea." It is said Anna hardly endured a break between early lunch and late dinner, experiencing "languor in the stomach." And one day the queen asked to bring to the boudoir tea and biscuits. Tea in overtime had way and it soon became a national tradition. A strengthened position Tea Queen Victoria, who immediately after the coronation, asked for a cup of tea and fresh issue of "The Times." By the way, a brilliant essay written by the Queen owns «Tea Moralities», seriously affected the modern tea etiquette. By 1877 there was a first suit for the "five o'clock tea", began to open tea - tea houses and tea gardens. Tea in high society fell by invitation only: a great opportunity for ladies and gentlemen gossip and make acquaintance. At the height of the summer season, the tea ladies attended the lady no more than 15 minutes - served on the other "five o'clock tea ."
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Midsomer te а English tea at least 6-7 times a day for the first breakfast and for lunch, if desired - in between, and during the day, at five o'clock in the evening - is necessary. Each corresponds to a certain time of the day sort of tea. Morning - English Breakfast and Irish Breakfast, in the middle of the day - English Tea № 1. For five o'clock suit English Afternoon, and for the evening - Earl Grey or Darjeeling. Addiction to different classes at different times happened because flavoring characteristics and properties of tea. Strong tonic is better to drink in the morning. "Day" involves a harmonious combination of strength and softness. A soothing fragrance of bergamot good evening. Brits do not drink tea with lemon, calling it a "tea in Russian" or eccentricity of foreigners, but "white tea", that is with milk, drink a lot and often. In the first cup is poured cream or milk (a quarter cup), and then - strong tea. The explanation is simple: two hundred years ago, china was so thin that it feared immediately pour hot tea. Reverse sequence, according to the British, "kills" the taste and aroma of the drink. English whim and found scientific evidence: the fat in milk is in the form of balls in the thinnest shell, and instant boiling water destroys them, improving the properties of the drink. Tea is served in the restaurant every expensive London hotel. True, the table must be booked in advance, and select the appropriate clothing: no tie to such events do not go.
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Prices are marked 15 pounds and up. (However, you can drink a cup of tea and a tea cozy village near London - with less fanfare, but cheaper). Tea is served with all formalities to choose from - some varieties of black tea, coffee, or "fashionable" herbal tea. And jug of milk or cream and a tiny triangular sandwiches (finger sandwiches - finger) with smoked salmon, cucumbers and ham. Cookies, petit fours, scones (sort of our biscuits) and other baked goods spread on a tiered silver tray. "Cookie Monster" is taken as follows: cut along one half of smear jam or honey, and the second held in the other hand and bite off one by one. And in Cornwall extended "five o'clock tea" with local clotted cream - a cross between a butter and cream - undoubtedly a blow to the liver, but very tasty. By the way, the British themselves and do not think to pay 20 pounds for tea at "The Ritz." They have long drink differently. Even teapots disappeared from the kitchens of British housewives. Now, a packet of tea brewed quickly throw in any sort of cup. One package is used by several family members or placed on a silver platter - dry "until another time." Tea all the rules
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The meat was served certainly gravy (gravy), Yorkshire pudding, baked and boiled vegetables (usually potatoes, carrots and cabbage) and pickles. Now, this dish is served in the main on Sunday and called sunday lunch.In the English national cuisine, there are many traditional dishes. Not to mention the sweet and savory puddings, served with meat or dessert, potato casserole with beef, sheep meat and fish (shepherds, cottage and fisherman's pies) and toast. Many of the traditional dishes are served only on holidays. Among them are popular Christmas pudding for Christmas, cross buns for Easter, potatoes with sausage (bangers and mash) for Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes to the day). Traditional holiday dishes are also stuffed turkey with vegetables, birthday cake, etc.
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Tea break - tea-break - an integral part of the etiquette . Tea break - tea-break - an integral part of the etiquette. His absence at the business meeting - the utmost disrespect to the interlocutors. To hold tea-break in the negotiations (about every 50 minutes), stocking several varieties of tea. Offer one kind of rude. For a set of different teas need wooden box: servants holding her left hand and the right lifts the lid, showing the contents of each guest in turn. If a guest has shown some hesitation, he talks about the different varieties. Teapot should be dry and well-heated. Number of welding is calculated either based on the number of cups (a teaspoon per cup), or a rate of 30-35 g of dry tea in 1 liter of boiling water. To brew tea properly, you must wait three to five minutes. At this time, bring ... another kettle - with boiling water. Provide the ability to dilute the strong tea - a sign of respect. Milk is served before welding configure themselves, and usually to the "morning" teas. Should not offer it to "Darjeeling", Chinese black or green tea. And, of course, the milk may not be combined with either lemon or bergamot. Indispensable "member" tea feast - refined sugar. They required bowl and tongs. According to the rules, mix the sugar, a spoonful taken out and put on a plate is not as close to the tray. In one hand, hold the cup, saucer and other support at a distance of about 10 cm Sliced lemon served on a separate plate. Combine it with bergamot is not recommended. Bring snacks in front of the guests. If several tea breaks - Snacks change. God forbid, guests will think that it is the remnants of the previous table. As soon as the tea party members will take advantage of the necessary items, rearrange the remaining supplies to the support desk, freeing up space on the main desk - such as record-keeping. They say it is usually introduced the Duchess of Northumberland, Victoria teacher, teach future queen to address public issues over a cup of tea .
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BTW In the book "How to be British" Hungarian journalist George Mikes advised: "You should never give a cup of tea in the following circumstances: when it is hot outside, and if it's cold outside, and if you are tired, if someone thinks you are tired; if you do not feel, and if you - gay, and before leaving the house, and if you are not at home, and if you just come home, and if you want a cup of tea, but if you do not feel like a cup of tea, but you could, if you have long did not drink tea, but if you just intercepted a cup. " Once to drink a cup of tea in England, it was only possible in our stores, and not all of them. The first thought of before, Thomas Twining, founder of the famous chaetorgovoy firm. In 1706, he opened the "coffee Tom", where for the first time with coffee served tea. A special tea came later. By tradition, introduced Anna VII, to five o'clock tea was served: bread, butter, fresh small cucumbers and tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, toast with cinnamon, almond biscuits, barley cakes, jam, biscuits, hot muffins, crumpets, jelly, sweet and scented tarts. Snacks chosen small so that you can do during a tea party without instruments.
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Features English cuisine In modern Britain meal is usually three times a day: Breakfast: 7.00 - 9.00 Lunch: 12.00 - 13.30 Evening meal, the main meal of the day (which is in England, however, is often called lunch than dinner): 18.30 - 20.00 However, some Englishmen still follow the traditional schedule of meals: Breakfast: 7.00 - 9.00 Lunch (main meal): 12.00 -13.30 Tea: 17.30 - 18.30
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On Sundays, the main meal is usually in the afternoon, not at night, and consists of roast meat, Yorkshire pudding and two or three kinds of vegetables. Any landscaping English family allows picnics right beside the house. That is why all the British families gather around their houses and try their food. Breakfast Most people tend to think that the traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms, baked beans, all washed down with a cup of coffee. And so it is. Although few Englishmen now eat in the morning these products, you will find them in the restaurant's menu at any English or hotel. Unlike traditional, modern Englishman rather typical breakfast consists of a plate of cereal, a piece of toast, orange juice and coffee. Lunch Most students and adults respectively take to school and work lunches, prefab houses. Lunch consists of a sandwich, a bag of potato chips, some fruit and a drink. All this is placed in a plastic container. However, this does not necessarily children, for example, can eat at school. Lunch Evening meal often called "lunch" and "tea" and "dinner." Traditional English dinner - meat and two kinds of vegetables that poured sauce. It is made from the juice of released when frying meat or buy ready-made. The most common vegetable is potatoes. Typical lunch modern English is quite different from the traditional, which is now rarely eaten. Recent polls have shown that the British eat much curry, in addition, many English people often eat rice for lunch and pasta. Sunday lunch Traditional English dinner on Sundays consists of grilled meat (cooked in the oven for about 2 hours), two different kinds of vegetables and Yorkshire pudding. Meat often use beef, lamb and pork, chicken is also quite popular. Landscaping and gardening British cafe and even have a very appetizing. Beef is eaten with hot horseradish sauce, pork - with a sweet apple sauce and lamb - with green mint sauce. Meat also precipitated watered juice .
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English muffins for tea This English muffin is particularly good with afternoon tea or punch. Requires good preparation The rectangular shape of length 30 cm: 200g soft butter 150 g of sugar 4 eggs 1 pinch of salt grated zest of 1 lemon 300 g of flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tbsp. Spoon brown rum 100 g candied fruit ( eg cherries, melon, candied fruit) 100 g raisins 100g chopped almonds To lubricate the form: butter
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Baking For the topping: powdered sugar Preparation time: 25 minutes Baking time: 75 minutes In one portion (from 12) about 1600 kcal kDzh /380 Cream butter and sugar in a bowl and put the beat with a mixer. Then, still whisking, add the eggs, salt and lemon zest. Mix flour with baking powder. In the egg-oil mixture, add the flour at a time, rum, candied fruits, raisins, and almonds. Mix well. Heat oven to 175 ° C. Form of grease with butter and place the dough in it. Bake in middle of oven for about 70-80 minutes. Cake is ready, if it stuck to match the dough will not stick. When the surface of the cake is covered with a golden brown crust, remove it from the oven, cool slightly, then upset the form on the kitchen grill, remove the cake and let it cool completely. Better to cut it until the next day, and before serving sprinkle with powdered sugar. A tender and juicy cake soaked candied fruit juice can be stored fresh, wrap it in aluminum foil, for at least 2 weeks.
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Baking What you need: 270 g of flour, 200 ml milk, 70 g butter, 70 g sugar, 50 g raisins, 17 g powder for baking, a pinch of salt, oil for greasing the pan, 1 egg What to do: Mix butter and sugar in the hands of a homogeneous mass. Add flour, baking powder, salt and raisins. Mix well. In the mixture to make a small hole in it and slowly (!) Add 175 ml of milk, slowly stirring to form a soft dough. Dough out onto a floured flat surface. Gently roll the mass layer about 2.5 cm thick. Special shape cut scones. Remains of dough again to use. Heat oven to 180 ° C. Greased baking sheet and place it cut scones, brushing them with a mixture of milk and eggs. Baking in the oven. Bake until golden brown, about 13 minutes. There is also the traditional way to check whether the scones. It is necessary to bring the scones to her ear and knock on it with your finger. If the sound is muffled, like a hollow shell, then you have succeeded!
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Baking Description: Baking Cooking time: 2 hours Ingredients: Dough: 1 cup milk, 2 tbsp. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 3/4 pack of margarine 1/2 bag of dry yeast "Safe moment" 2 eggs 3.5 cups of flour (14 heaped tablespoons). For cutting the test a little sunflower oil. Filling: potatoes, fried onion
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The similarities and differences in food culture in Britain and Russia In England, they eat a lot of vegetables, meat and fish. Meats are often prepared not dozharivaya . Gourmets are well aware of the typical English dishes such as traditional steak with blood, rump steak and rostrib . Favorite dish of the English " Fischen chips." This is - the fish in batter. Is not useful, but very hearty and tasty dish. From the variety of seafood Brits prefer mainly flounder and salmon. In restaurants, fish and vegetables fried in front of the visitors. Dish or purchase on site or bought a house. Stalls " Fischen chips" - traditionally a male family business. The owner, a father, a cook at the same time and the seller, often works with older sons. Milkman or the milkman, is also not an archaism of the old English fairy tales. Such a profession exists in England to this day. And it's not that the supermarkets choose dairy products is huge. Milkman, pushing the cart before six in the morning, singing in this song - it's kind of a tradition, and the tradition of the British honor above all else. In fact, many do not compare the culture and customs of England and Russia, it is still too many differences, from the linguistic features and finishing mentality ... One thing is certain, the Russian easily adapt to life in the UK, with its centuries of tradition, rather than an Englishman to take all laws and customs of life in Russia.
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Between the Russians and the British do not have anything in common, it may seem at first glance. But this view is mistaken. Russian and English are largely the same people. Though there is one huge difference. British live wisely, and Russian - heart. Russians initially difficult to understand and accept many of the customs of England. Some of them seem to be confusing, and even curious.
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Thank you very much!!!
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