Данный материал освещает проблему защиты бездомных животных на английском языке.
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Выполнила: Семилетова Юлия
Ученица 6 «А» класса
Учитель: Семилетова Светлана Викторовна
Walking along the street, we can always see some animals. It can be a cat or a dog. They all are different, but there is one thing, which unites them. These animals have not any home and any master. The problem of such homeless animals is actual today, and people try to find a solution to this problem.
As for my point of, I consider that homeless animals can be very dangerous for people. They can be very aggressive and they can spread the infections.
Some people kill homeless animals. Last year Astrakhan was shocked by the decision of shooting 16 thousand homeless dogs. To my mind the shooting of homeless dogs is a cruel way.
The easiest solution to this problem is to collect the homeless animals and put them to sleep. At the same time there is another solution to this problem, which to my mind is more humane.
It is to collect homeless animals and place them into special shelters, where animals must be cleaned, fed and where they can live until they find a new master, or until they die. But unfortunately, not every government has enough money or does not want to spend money for the construction of shelters for homeless animals.
However, the choice between shooting and the construction of shelters demonstrate the level of our government’s morality.
In conclusion I would like to say, that many people love homeless animals because they have the right to live.
I love homeless animals too. Our task is to take care of such animals, because they cannot take care for themselves.
I asked some questions about homeless animals in my class:
20%―love homeless animals
40%― feel sorry for homeless animals
30%― are afraid of homeless animals
10% ― hate them
10%―always feed homeless animals
20%―sometimes feed them
70%―never feed homeless animals
50%― have cats
40%― have dogs
10%―have no pets
As for me, I have two cats: Murzik and Barsik. I love them very much. I like to watch my pets, how they run, jump and play. It is a great happiness to have a cat, a dog, a rabbit or a bird, to take care of them and never to be alone.
I believe that some day homeless animals will have the rights like all people do.
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