Описание проекта «Teenage stress», представленного для участия в конкурсе Московского конкурса ученических компьютерных проектов проводимым Московским институтом открытого образования (МИОО)
1.Название проекта – «Teenage stress».
2. Номинация – «социально-значимый проект».
3. Название программы, в которой выполнена работа - презентация Power Point.
4.Название учебного заведения- ГБОУ СОШ №297.
5.Округ- СВАО.
6.Авторы проекта: Рослякова Василиса – 11 «А» класс, Нестерова Арина - 11 «А» класс, Стрижак Мария - 11 «А» класс,
7. Руководители проект : Ваганова Елена Вячеславовна – учитель информатики, Негру Анна Дмитриевна и Адамян Наталья Васильевна – учителя английского языка
8. Контактная информация -(499) 180-41-85, (499) 180-81-85.
Краткое описание применения проекта.
Проект «Teenage stress» - является результатом творческо -исследовательской деятельности по теме: «Подростковый стресс и пути его преодоления» на английском языке в рамках общешкольного конкурса проектов учащихся в ГБОУ СОШ №297
Цель проекта:
Проект демонстрировался на научно- практической конференции в ГБОУ СОШ №297, на «Ярмарке идей на Ботаническом», на уроках английского языка и информатики, проект занял второе место на окружном конкурсе «Наш дом – планета Земля».
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Teenage stress Нестерова Арина 10 «А» Рослякова Василиса 10 «А» Стрижак Мария 10 «А» Руководители : Адамян Н.В., Негру А.Д., Ваганова Е.В. Г Б ОУ СОШ №297Слайд 2
The hypothesis : Teenage stress is becoming more and more frequent nowadays . The aims: To investigate the problem of teenage stress in our school; To find out the ways to reduce stress . Teenage stress ГБОУ СОШ №297
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ГБОУ СОШ №297 HEALTH Physical Mental Social
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Total care of your body and meeting the demands of life each day Physical health Keeping your body fit including knowing and practicing good grooming habits ГБОУ СОШ №297 Eating well-balanced food
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Getting along with others Social health Giving and getting support when it is needed ГБОУ СОШ №297 Working well in a group Making and keeping friends
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Liking who you are and accepting yourself Mental health Facing life problems and dealing with pressures or stresses ГБОУ СОШ №297 Expressing your emotions in a healthy way
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ГБОУ СОШ №297 Facing life problems and dealing with pressures or stresses
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What is stress ? Stress is your body’s normal reaction to the pressures and challenges of life. . ГБОУ СОШ №297
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Signs of stress tense muscles sweaty hands fast heartbeat ГБОУ СОШ №297 sleeplessness
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ГБОУ СОШ №297 loss of appetite overeating Signs of stress
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ГБОУ СОШ №297 frequent headaches stomachaches nervous tics Signs of stress
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ГБОУ СОШ №297 Teenage stress Positive TWO TYPES OF STRESS
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Positive stress Acting in a play Making new friends Playing a sport ГБОУ СОШ №297
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ГБОУ СОШ №297 Teenage stress Positive Negative TWO TYPES OF STRESS
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Sources of stress ГБОУ СОШ №297
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Questions 1. the 9 th form ( 24 students ) YES NO the 10 th form (22 students) YES NO the 11 th form ( 22 students ) YES NO Do you often feel overwhelmed by schoolwork or problems? 16 8 19 3 16 2 Do you often lay awake at night worrying? 2 . 3 21 1 21 6 12 Have you lost interest in things you once enjoyed? Are you spending a lot more time alone then you used to? Do you often feel like you are about to snap? Do you seem to get sick more than you used to? ГБОУ СОШ №297 3. 6. 4. 5. 19 5 5 19 14 10 10 14 15 7 1 21 10 12 10 12 9 9 0 18 12 6 15 3
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Questions 7 . the 9 th form ( 24 students ) YES NO the 10 th form (22 students) YES NO the 11 th form (18 students ) YES NO Do you often wake up in the morning feeling tired? 7 17 14 8 16 2 Do you have trouble concentrating? 8. 8 16 2 20 6 12 Do you feel like you need more time to do all the things you want to do? Are you having a hard time getting along with people? Is your mood affected by little things ? Do you often feel you just want the world to go away? ГБОУ СОШ №297 9 . 12. 10. 11. 5 19 10 14 3 21 2 0 4 6 16 19 3 8 14 12 10 13 5 6 12 4 14 13 5
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Results the 11 th formers the 10 th formers the 9 th formers 89% 86% 67% Do you often feel overwhelmed by schoolwork or problems? ГБОУ СОШ №297
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Results ГБОУ СОШ №297 42% 45%
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Results ГБОУ СОШ №297 Do you seem to get sick more than you used to? 79% 50%
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Results Do you feel like you need more time to do all the things you want to do? 8 3 % 5 4 % 72 % the 9 th formers the 10 th formers the 11 th formers ГБОУ СОШ №297
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The psychologist of our school said that… ГБОУ СОШ №297
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Advice Prepare for stressful e vents . Set goals that you can attain. Be a positive thinker. ГБОУ СОШ №297 Do not be afraid to fail . Lean to plan your time . Ask for help your relatives friends . Find out about relaxation techniques . Do something you enjoy .
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ГБОУ СОШ №297 If you want to live without stress , Stop to think about world progress , Stop to run and listen just to what your heart tells you.
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ГБОУ СОШ №297 You will see that problem is like flee , And the question Be or not to be Will suggest the answer unexpected and quite new.
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ГБОУ СОШ №297 Take of watch and watch TV , Drink a cup of strong sweety tea , Tell all the world around : “ Stop to run and bother me”
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ГБОУ СОШ №297 Whistle Beatles’ “Let it be ” Take guitar and put on your knee , Decide that all is good And imagine you are free.
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Teenage stress Thank you for attention. ГБОУ СОШ №297
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