Презентация по английскому языку выполнена ученицей 5 класса Ворошиловой Александрой. В презентации рассказывается о городе Санкт- Петербурге, находящемся в Соединённых Штатах Америки.
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Saint-Petersburg in Florida Presentation of Voroshilova A . Theaher Knyazeva A.M .Слайд 2
In United States… Going to America, people took all the best that could take away with itself home. For example – names of hometowns. Therefore in the United States on twenty Oxfords and Manchesters. In the USA is both the Athens, and Lyon, and even two Belgrads.
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Saint-Petersburg in Florida There is to the USA and the city of Saint-Petersburg, at all one! Saint-Petersburg received in America three namesakes: in the State of Missouri, in Pennsylvania and in Florida. The best-known American Saint-Petersburg is in Florida. Saint-Petersburg, Florida, USA
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City’s name The city in Florida received the name thanks to Peter Demens who has called the city in honor of the northern capital of Russia.
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Peter Demens's biography Peter Demens's parents owned huge lands in the Novgorod’s and Tver’s provinces. But in five years old the boy remained an orphan and his brother took over it guardianship. When Peter was ten his sent him to study to Saint-Petersburg. After leaving school full age Peter arrived on imperial military service. Peter Demens
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Peter Demens's biography In twenty years Peter went to enjoy the nature of the manors and to go in for agriculture. “I’m not farmer!”- said Peter and he, having sold manors for three thousand dollars, went to travel and, eventually, it appeared in America. There he also decided to locate. Having bought thirty two hectares the lands in the State of Florida, Peter started to create the new city.
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Legend about the real founder of the city Some sources approve that Peter, may be entitled Saint-Petersburg, but he wasn’t the founder of the city. Peter made a big contribution to development of Saint-Petersburg and on a legend for it the founder and the lawful owner of land – John Williams suggested Peter «to throw a coin» and to play the right to entitle the city. Good luck smiled to Demens.
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About Saint-Petersburg Saint-Petersburg in Florida is founded in 1904. In it there live about 300,000 people. It, as well as the Russian city costs on water. But instead of Neva here - the Gulf of Mexico. Unlike the Russian Saint-Petersburg, in the American city there aren’t movable bridges.
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The city at the sea The city accepts ocean liners but as almost in any city of the USA many have own small yachts. Here manatees are found in a large number – a favourite entertainment of pelicans.
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Pelicans In Florida including in Saint-Petersburg there are a lot of pelicans. These birds at all aren't afraid of people. Can even steal at fishermen just caught small fish. To beat off from a pelican it is useless. Except a huge beak it has still powerful webby paws.
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Saint-Petersburg in Florida The white nights here doesn't happen, but there are wonderful dawn!
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Saint-Petersburg in Florida These lovely rodents almost manual also aren't afraid of people!
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Saint-Petersburg in Florida And instead of a monument to Peter the first there is a monument to Christopher Columbus!
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