Данная презентация создана учащимся 11 класса в рамках изучения темы "Боевые виды искусств". В работе представлен тайский бокс или муай тай: история возникновения, основные приемы, форма. Этот вид боевых искусств является популярным среди молодежи в настоящее время. Презентация состоит из 9 слайдов с яркими иллюстрациями хорошего качества.
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Martial art of ThailandСлайд 2
Thai boxing or muay thai - kind of martial art from Thailand. The term « muay » is from Sanskrit mavai and thaw, in translation meaning «a duel free» or «free fight».
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In modern muay thai it is possible to fight by fists, feet, elbows and knees - because of it muay thai is named «fight of eight finitenesses ».
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In the homeland muay thai became popular in XVI century, but this kind of sports has got world popularity only in second half of XX centuries after Thai fighters have gained a number of impressing victories over representatives of other single combats. Today muay thai still possesses huge popularity in Thailand where there is even a holiday - « day of national boxing muay thai ». Outside Thailand popularity of Thai boxing continues to grow, in many respects owing to development of the mixed fighting arts intensively applying muay thai for fight in a rack. In spite of the fact that muay thai is not an Olympic kind of sports. C ompetitions of regional, national and international scales are spent.
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Firstly fighters used strips from horse skins. It was done, first, for protection of the boxer, and, secondly, for stronger impact. Later they began to use hempen cords or usual cotton tapes. Despite of introduction of boxing gloves, the tradition to bandage hands was kept to this day, however, contrary to the stereotype widespread by Hollywood, historical proofs bandage in beaten glass it is not revealed. It is necessary to note, that impact by properly bandaged cord of a hand led to numerous cuts and blood at the opponent and without splinters of glass.
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The greatest changes have concerned rules. If during ancient times won left a platform either dead, or severely beaten - to surrender muay thai it was not accepted, and acted so fighters disgraced themselves - that per 1929 has been entered concept of a victory over balls. Also time frameworks of fight became limited by five three-minute rounds, and readout of time now began to be conducted on hours. Besides, the earthen platform was replaced with a ring of 6х6 meters, division into seven weight categories has been entered and captures and throws of peak type, as in a judo have been forbidden. Also interdictions on impacts by a head, suffocations, impacts in a groin and attack of the fallen opponent have been imposed.
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As well as in any other contact kind of sports, in thai boxing there is a risk of getting injures. A neck, bruises and other injuries of soft fabrics are the basic damage . Injures on a head are the second most widespread source of damages, both for fans, and for professionals. Also it has been revealed, that the majority of injures happens as a result of fightings . As a whole, a level of a injuries in muai thai is comparable to a level in other kinds of single combats, such as karate.
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Презентация по английскому языку по теме « Muay thai » ученика 11 класса МБОУ СОШ №8 Бондаренко Романа учитель: Тонкова А.В.
Слайд 9
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