Презентация о жизни и творчестве великого писателя и поэта Уильяма Шэкспира.
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William Shakespeare ученица 9 А класса школа № 476 Прокофьева НатальяСлайд 2
William Shakespeare . Date of birth: 1564 Place of Birth: Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England Date of death: April 23, 1616 Place of death: Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England Occupation: English playwright and poet
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William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon ( Warwickshire ) in 1564, baptized April 26, the exact date of birth is unknown . According to the legends of his birth to April 23: This date coincides with the exact day of his death known.Also , April 23 is the day of Saint George , the patron saint of England , and to this day the tradition could specifically timed the birth of the greatest national poet . The name " Shakespeare " may be translated from English as " terrific spear ." His father , John Shakespeare (1530 - 1601), was a wealthy tradesman ( Glover ), often elected to various public offices . He did not attend church services , for which he paid large fines ( perhaps it was a secret Catholic ). Shakespeare's mother , née Mary Arden (1537 - 1608), belonged to one of the oldest Saxon families . In 1582, he married Anne Hathaway , the daughter of a local landowner , the former is 8 years older than he and already pregnant at the time of marriage , and in 1583 they had a daughter , Susan , in 1585 - the twin Hemnet son , who died in childhood (1596), and a daughter , Judith . On further ( for seven years ), the events of his life , there are only guesses .
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Creativity. Shakespeare's literary heritage is divided into two unequal parts : verse ( poems and sonnets ) and drama . Belinsky wrote that " it would be too bold and strange to give Shakespeare decisive advantage over all the poets of mankind , as a true poet , but as a playwright , and now he is left without an opponent , whose name can be used to put it next to his name "
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Dramaturgy. English drama and theater since William Shakespeare. British playwright predecessors and contemporaries William Shakespeare. Theatrical technique in the era of William Shakespeare. The question of periodization. The first period (1590-1594). The second period (1594-1600). The third period (1600-1609). The fourth period (1609-1612).
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Romeo and Juliet. Painting F. Dixie (1884) Falstaff with a big jug of wine and a cup. E. von Gryutsnera picture (1896) Hamlet and Horatio in the cemetery. E. Delacroix painting (1839)
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Cordelia. Picture of William F. Yemensa (1888) Prospero and Ariel. Picture of William Hamilton (1797)
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Poems. In general, the poems of Shakespeare, of course, can not be compared with his brilliant dramas. But taken by themselves, they bear the stamp of exceptional talent, and if it did not sink in the glory of Shakespeare the playwright, they could very well delivered and really brought great fame to the author, we know that the scientist saw Mires in Shakespeare's second-poet Ovid. But apart from that, there are a number of reviews of other contemporaries who speak of a "new Catullus' with the greatest enthusiasm
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The first publication. It is considered that half (18) of Shakespeare's plays was published in some way during the life of the playwright . Flagship publication of Shakespeare's legacy is considered folio in 1623 ( the so-called " First Folio "), published by Edward Blount and William Dzhaggardom in the so-called . " Chesterovskogo Collection "; Uorral printers and qty.This edition includes 36 of Shakespeare's plays - all except the " Pericles " and " two noble kinsmen ." It is this edition is the basis of all activities in Shakespearean . This project was made possible through the efforts of John and Henry Condell Hemindzha ( John Heminge , 1556-1630 and Henry Condell , d.1627), friends and colleagues of Shakespeare.Book precedes the message to readers on behalf Hemindzha and Condell and poetic dedication to Shakespeare - To the memory of my beloved , the Author - by playwright Ben Johnson ( Benjamin Jonson , 1572-1637), while his former literary reviewer , critic and friend contributing to the publication of the First Folio , or as it is called - " The Great Folio » ( The Great Folio of 1623)
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"Shakespeare question" Shakespeare's life is little known - he shares the fate of the vast majority of other British playwrights age, personal life which contemporaries were little interested.There is a point of view, the so-called antistratfordianstvo or nestratfordianstvo, whose supporters have denied the authorship of Shakespeare (SHaksper) of Stratford, and believe that "William Shakespeare" - a pseudonym under which hides a person or group of persons.Doubts about the loyalty of traditional terms have been known since at least since 1848 (and some antistratfordiantsy see hints of it in the earlier literature.) However, there is no unity among nestratfordiantsev as to who exactly was the real author of Shakespeare's works.Number of probable candidates proposed by various researchers, to date, has a few dozen. "Antistratfordianskaya" point of view on the authorship of Shakespeare overwhelmingly rejected by scientists, but it has become extremely popular in the culture.In 2011, screens out the movie "Anonymous", insisting on the fact that the world-famous works not written by William Shakespeare, Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford.The filmmakers insist authorship de Vera. In protest, the organization of Shakespeare «Shakespeare Birthplace Trust» Shakespeare's name crossed out on the road signs in the county of Warwickshire, and the monument playwright in Stratford-upon-Avon closed blade.
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Thanks for watching. Source: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Шекспир,_Уильям Presentations were made by: Prokofieva Natalia 9A
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