Научная работа ученика по теме "Учитель глазами ученика"
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Номинация: Английский язык
Учитель глазами ученика
Автор: Поезжаев Руслан, 9А класс, МБОУ лицей №94
Советский район городской округ город Уфа РБ
Руководитель: Самситдинова Гульнара Эдуардовна
Who is the teacher? Everyone understands it differently. Some people think that a teacher is a person who teaches to live, others thinks that the teacher is a thinker, who is responsible for the fate of the trusted man. He appeals to the human soul not through the music, as a composer, not with paint, as an artist, do it straight. Sometimes we do not notice how the teacher is difficult to cope with us, because we are very different.
Nowadays, scientists, teachers, psychologists often refer to the teachers problem, giving this concept different names, such as teachers "competence", "professional quality. This problem is actual, because the state and society is changing that’s why the requirements to the teachers is changing too. The purpose of this work is to know what the students think about teacher nowadays. Today students pay more attention to such professional qualities of a teacher, as their universal education, learning, knowledge, progressive minds, and the ability to have interesting lessons and to provide interesting tasks. The teachers should be widely educated, kind, sensitive, intelligent, handsome, a good psychologist. In the century of technology, when everyone has TVs, mobile phones, computers, the Internet, and majority of students have this information, the teachers education must be in high level. For this work I did some investigation about "The modern student’s sight of the teachers”. I asked some questions to understand about this problem.
I asked students from 5 grades and 10-11grades in Lyceum № 94 Soviet Region. I involved only 135 students for this work.
Education Ministry of RB
Lyceum № 94
The student’s sight about teacher
Author: Poesgaev Puslan, 9A grade, Lyceum № 94
Soviet Region, UFA City District of R.B.
Supervisor scientists: Tsegel`nik Denis Evgenevish
Supervisor: Samsitdinova G.E.
Why do we need our teachers?
The portrait of an ideal teacher
The facts that students do not like at the teachers
Nowadays, scientists, teachers, psychologists often refer to the teachers problem, giving this concept different names, such as teachers "competence", "professional quality". This problem is actual, because the state and society is changing that’s why the requirements to the teachers is changing too. We can ask what qualities of a teacher (or "competence") must be constant and not dependent of the time, and what qualities is to be "mobile" need for teacher-educators in connection with the requirement of the "new" time. For example, only 10-15 years ago, using computer technology was not included in the number of teacher’s "competencies", but now it is necessary for the modern teacher. Our purpose was to know what the students think about teacher nowadays. For this work I did some investigation about "The modern student’s sight of the teachers”. I asked some questions to solve this problem:
1) What is the good teacher like?
2) What do you think is a bad teacher, and why?
3) What profession do you prefer in order to elect in future and why?
4) Why do we need our teachers?
5) What do you think the ideal teacher is?
6) What don’t you like more in teachers?
I asked students from 5 grades and 10-11grades in Lyceum № 94 Soviet Region. I involved only 135 students for this work.
Why do we need our teachers?
Analyzing the results I made the following conclusions. Today students pay more attention to such professional qualities of a teacher, as their universal education, learning, knowledge, progressive minds, and the ability to have interesting lessons and to provide interesting tasks. It is interesting to know that students of different age groups don’t ignore the teacher’ qualities such as looks and style, students say that the teacher should be "young", "beautiful", "modern dressed", "smiling and charming," " cool ","fashionable”.
I can say that for the students is important and external, aesthetic aspects of the teachers. It is also curious that the parallels of the10 grades’ students 21% offered computer, instead of the teachers mean, while the 5-graders and 11th-graders don’t want to see computer, instead of the teacher. Children in the stage of formation are able and more sensitive to environmental conditions. It is important that the young students and future graduates insist on that the teacher must be a living person with good and kind soul. Therefore, we can say that in the process of communicating with the teacher the process of studying is goes on and it is important for children to be perceived as a person with their advantages and disadvantages. People around him and especially the teachers have a special influence on child development.
When I asked a question «Why do we need our teachers?
The traditional answer was: "to teach children on various sciences, to educate them" - 48% of students answered. Detailed answers were ("hatch children in the world", "teach etiquette", "so we can better measure our capabilities," "teach good sense, of life," "to communicate and good behavior," "to teach the right way", "to keep sweet memories about school") the answers were 17%. But 35% of the students were observed and they reacted in negative forms, sometimes with a touch of aggression, "making fun of them," "cram children knowledge and lecturing", "complain to the director of the lyceum and to the parents," "Who says that we need them? '.
The portrait of an ideal teacher
The question about ideal teacher, the students answered:
The portrait of an ideal teacher is various. An ideal teacher should be understandable (72%), respect students (71%), attentive and ready to help, support in difficult situation (42%), to be fair in the requirements (82%), "to punish those who interfere others at lessons", "be intelligent, educated "(55%), knowing how to available present the material (49%), to be restrained, considerate, do not get into the personal lives of the children, who can find common things with the students (31%), to be the authority and be example for students. Students can share the joy or tell about trouble and want to be sure that they don’t tell to the whole school (21%),be beautiful, kind (18%) have a sense of humor ( 42%), do not tell bad about the people around him, not to be late for lessons. There were such answers as: "This is my first teacher," "In our school there are only two kind teachers," "no ideal teachers" (10%).
The facts that students do not like at the teachers
When I asked about the fact that students do not like at the teachers students' responses were following:
Very old offense is unfair assessment of the students (65%): "Two for nothing", "two for what we don’t understand the material," "teacher reduces the marks." Also students angry when the teachers are rude (40%),in bad mood, tearing at schoolchildren ("nervous people should not be allowed to work at schools"), "when the teacher in the classroom finishing their makeup they angry with students," "speak very quickly and is angry with what we don’t understand "(10%)," select favorites"(17%), when they hold children at breaks(19%), many homeworks at home ("a student is also a person, not a robot for making lessons ") (32%), interfere the private lives ("spy on us and then complain to parents that we choose the wrong friends") (31%), "gossip," hang "labels on those whom they don’t like, but favorites are getting away(22%), they don’t believe when you tell the truth (15%), when the teacher is talking she or he makes students to look at her or him eyes (7%).
Teachers’ good and bad qualities
I can say there are a number of qualities that should a teacher has and a number of qualities that are negative for the teacher.
These are the teachers’ qualities who successfully solve their tasks.
1. The teacher understands and respects students’ able to listen and hear, "to touch" to each students’ heart.
2. The true specialists have interesting lessons, know subject very well and teaches.
3. They love children, kind, friendly and humane.
4. Sociable, a good friend, openhearted and sincere.
5. Inventive, creative, smart, quick-witted.
6. They can use psychological knowledge and techniques to deal with difficult situations.
7. Control themselves and to be calm.
8. Tactful.
9. Developed, intelligent, can talk.
10. They have sense of humor, kindly with irony, a little flirting. (!)
And these are the teachers’ quality with which it is better don’t work at school: 1.Agressive, rude, use physical force, tactless, uses their powers over the students.
2. Indifferent, irresponsible, hate students and work
3. Unjust, have favorites, do not assess knowledge but behavior.
4. Immoral, selfish, greedy, take bribes, extort.
5. They don’t listen, don’t understand students and don’t respect the students’ opinion, impatient.
6. They aren’t able to interest with their subject; solve the methodological and pedagogical problems.
7. They don’t know their subject, have limited mental.
8. They aren’t confident, inactive, closed, can not fend for themselves.
9. Don’t work creatively.
10. Formalist.
To overcome the stereotypes of their own thinking, the teacher needs to know the specific dangers and harms of the profession. American sociologist William Waller in his book "What does teaching do with the teacher?" (1932) has described some of these harmfulness. Many teachers in and outside of the school can find annoyingly-didactic, taught manner. Habits to do things simple make them accessible to children, make them inflexible, linear thinking, develop a tendency to see the world in simple way in black and white, but a habit to be reserved make difficulties to express their emotion.
At last we can make some hypothetical conclusions. The teachers should be widely educated, kind, sensitive, intelligent, handsome, a good psychologist. In the century of technology, when everyone has TVs, mobile phones, computers, the Internet, and majority of students have this information, the teachers education must be in high level. The image of an ideal teacher - is the image of a universal man. Even in our time, especially in the future, the main task of the teacher not just to teach, learn and teach, that is, but show the most convenient way to get the information, analyze it and use it. The ideal image of the future teachers in modern students’ sights is formed nowadays. Students in our century are the future parents, who will form an idea of the teacher in their next generation. The society, as it is constantly late. What's the solution? It may be necessary to begin to change the stereotype in society today? How? First, there must be a qualitative change in the teachers’ education. Emphasis in the education of future teachers need to shift to the psychological and pedagogical disciplines may need to implement these disciplines that will contribute to the development of the future teachers it is their creative base.
The list of the literature
1) Учитель глазами современного школьника Печеркина Н.М.
(Педагогическая наук и практика: проблемы и перспективы. Сб.науч.статей. Выпуск первый.- Москва: ИОО МОН РФ, 2004. - 186 с. - С.144-151)
2) Рубинштейн М.М. Проблема учителя. – М., 1927
3) Гордон Т. Курс Эффективного преподавателя. Как раскрыть в школьниках самое лучшее.
4) С.В. Кривцова. Учитель и проблемы дисциплины Серия "Психолог в школе" «Генезис», 2004.
5) strana-sovetov.com›Дети от 6 до 14 лет›Отношения учителя и ученика
участника конкурса научных проектов школьников
в рамках Малой академии наук школьников городского округа
город Уфа Республики Башкортостан
1. Муниципальное образование: Советского района городского округа город Уфа Республики Башкортостан
2. Фамилия, имя, отчество участника: Поезжаев Руслан Викторович
3. Общеобразовательное учреждение ( по Уставу): Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение лицей №94 Советского района городского округа город Уфа Республики Башкортостан
4. Класс: 9А
5. Домашний адрес: 450022, г.Уфа, ул. Губайдуллина 25/1-38
Телефон: 89177756658
6. Номинация: английский язык
7. Название работы: Учитель глазами ученика
8. Место на муниципальном этапе:
9. Фамилия, имя, отчество руководителя: Самситдинова Гульнара Эдуардовна
10. Должность: учитель английского языка
11. Место работы: Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение лицей №94 Советского района ГО г.Уфа РБ
12. Ученое звание и степень:
13. Телефон: 89273435586 электронная почта: sam-gulnara@yandex.ru
Руководитель ОУО Асеева Н.В.
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