Искусство: кубизм
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Pablo Picasso is a famous Spanish painter. He was born on 25 October 1881. Picasso was a painter with great imagination. He created Cubism movement, invented unusual technique of art called collage.Слайд 2
Pablo Picasso In 1907 Picasso and his friend Georges B raque tried to create new style of painting, which would contain neutral colors and simple pieces. They called this style “Cubism”.
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Pablo Picasso 'Factory Horta de Ebbo ‘ . Pablo Picasso 'Viaduct at L'Estaque ‘ . Georges Brague
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“Guernica” “Guernica” is the most famous painting by Picasso in cubism. Pablo painted this picture after bombing a small town Guernica.
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Other famous paintings by Picasso 'Still Life with Mandolin and Guitar‘ ‘ Натюрморт с мандолиной и гитарой ’ ‘The Cat’
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Other famous paintings by Picasso 'Weeping Woman‘ ‘ П лачущая женщина ’ ‘Breakfast on table’
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‘Bottle of Pernod ( Table in café)’ ‘ Бутылка Перно , или столик в кафе ’
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‘Les Demoiselles d'Avignon ’ ‘ Авиньонские девицы ’
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Pablo Picasso
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Астрономический календарь. Апрель, 2019
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