Целью проектной работы являлось отражение красоты и неповторимости города Астрахани, поиск информации и сравнение старого и нового города, его достопримечательностей и особенностей. Учащиеся 9 "а" класса не только собрали интересный материал, но и изложили его на английском языке в доступной и красочной форме, сопровождая своё повествование данной презентацией.
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Each city has its own history. Astrakhan is one of the oldest cities in the Lower Volga. It is situated near the Caspian Sea. It is not a very big city, but it is a rather large town. It is a heart of the Astrakhan region, which is known as the capital of fish area, is famous for its hot temperature and plenty of vegetables.
As it is known the first information of the town refers to the second half of the 13-th century. The old Astrakhan was situated on the right bank of the river Volga. By the 14-th century the town had developed greatly and become an important centre of trade and handicrafts. It was possible due to the fact that the town was in the crossing of the caravan roads.
Our town has a long history. It was build in 1558 by the order of the Tsar Ivan the Terrible as a fortress near the Caspian Sea. Old right bank Astrakhan was the guard of the south-east boarder of Russia but it had no natural protection and defence buildings. So, in 1558 Astrakhan voivode Cheremisinov decided to remove the town to the left bank of the Volga, and in the 16-th century the constraction of the Astrakhan Kremlin began.
By the 17-th century Astrakhan had become a political and military centre in the South-East of Russia. At that time such branches of industry and agriculture as salt and fish industry, market gardening, cattle breeding, melon cultivation were developing.
In the north of Astrakhan region at the foot of the ancient mountain Bogdo there lies the world famous salt lake Baskunchak. The Bogdo – Baskunchak Reverse is situated here.
The Lower Volga is sometimes called the region of thousand islands. It may also be called a large fish deposit: 76 species and 47 subspecies of fish abound in the Volga and in the Caspian Sea.
There are 260 species of birds in the Lower Volga. About 850 different plants grow on Astrakhan land, among them the Caspian Rose – Lotus. It is a very beautiful flower, which lives a three-day life. In August a lot of people go to the world famous Astrakhan Reserve to see this wonderful flower.
Astrakhan region is situated in the delta of the Volga, the great Russian river. In the south part of the delta is located the Astrakhan State Reserve which is known as a native place of the flower Lotus. That’s why fish and Lotus is the emblem of our city.
At present Astrakhan is a large city in the Lower Volga. It became the biggest centre of Fish industry – the main enterprise of which is Fish Cannery Refrigeration combine.
Astrakhan is also a big port with a lot of ship-repair plants.
We can’t help mentioning such industrial enterprises as: Knitted Goods Factory, the Cellulose Cardboard Combine, Glass Fiber Plant.
But the greatest of all them is certainly “Astrakhan GASPROM” which has become a very big and rich complex producing gas, oil, petrol.
There are a lot of beautiful sights in Astrakhan. In the centre of the town there are two squares – Lenin Square and Oktyabrskaya Square.
In Astrakhan there are three theatres: Kirov Drama Theatre, Children’s Theatre and the Puppet Theatre.
There are many cinemas in our town. There is a Palace of Sports and a Central Stadium in Astrakhan.
There are many secondary schools, colleges, higher schools and universities in our town.
There are many historical places in our town. The most famous are the Kremlin and many churches.
The Museum of Local Lore is one of the most comprehensive showplaces which covers all spheres of life of our region and give much valuable information on anthropology, archeology and ethnology.
We are proud of our cinema – theatre “October” with its foyer full of exotic trees. Palm trees and semitropical plants can be found in its modern building.
There are many new shopping- mall in Astrakhan such as: “Magnit”, “Iceberg”, “Lenta’ and the newest shopping-mall “Yarmarka”.
One can say that Astrakhan is a nice combination of old and new. The old buildings and streets of the town are perfectly combined with the newly-built districts of modern houses.
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