Презентация о некоторых животных России, находящихся на грани вымирания. В работе рассказывается о некоторых из них.
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Слайд 1
Russian animals in dangerСлайд 2
The animals world of our planet is a very large. The number of animals are reduced, some completely disappeared. People kill animals for the use of new lands. The number of animals is reduced, because of the murder of animals.
Слайд 3
This fish lives in lakes and rivers. Sturgeon is a large fish, the biggest fish in the lake Baikal.,,Omul brought fishermen daily bread, sturgeon brought wealth’’ Байкальский осетр Acipenser baeri baicalensis
Слайд 4
Сапсан Falco peregrinus Falko pelegrinus lives in tundra and forest zone. It is the fastest bird. A vocalization is a loud, sharp and explosive cry. This bird included in a Red book of Russia.
Слайд 5
It lives in the polar regions. The maximum length 20 metres(females), 18 metres (males). It can live 40 years. Гренландский кит Balaena mysticetus
Слайд 6
Мандаринка Aix galericulata Aix galericulata is a little duck. It feeds on seeds, acorns and water plants. Hunters shoot Aix galericulata.
Слайд 7
MUST and MUSTN’T People must : Protect animals, plants and birds ; Clean lakes, rivers and seas. People mustn’t kill animals.
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Русские животные в опасности
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